1 ListenandunderstandFirstofall,weshouldlistentohe Continue readingHow do I comfort my girlfriend when she gets angry while doing math-
What should I do if I marry a woman I don’t like-
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How do you comfort your girlfriend when she is angry-_3
Howtocomfortyourgirlfriendwhensheisangry1 Understa Continue readingHow do you comfort your girlfriend when she is angry-_3
If your posture is wrong, any gift you give will be in vain.
Thereisnogirlinthisworldwhodoesn’tlikeopeningexpr Continue readingIf your posture is wrong, any gift you give will be in vain.
Heart anchor, a way to quickly get closer to the girl you like-
Chasingagirl,buttherelationshiphasnotmadeanyprogr Continue readingHeart anchor, a way to quickly get closer to the girl you like-