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7 questions from our users

for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

Why am I seeing two different packages for advantage ii for large cats, what is the difference?

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for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

What are the risks of giving to dosages in two days?

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Cat owner
Cat ownerasked
for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

My cat never goes outside, but once in a while fleas seem to get in the house. They seem to like to bite me. I hardly notice my cat being bothered. Usually one treatment with Advantage eliminates them for months or years. About two months ago, I was getting bitten, treated the cat, and it stopped. A month later (about 2 weeks ago) I got bites again, so I treated her again and it stopped. It is 11 days since then and now I have another bite! These aren't mosquito bites, I know a flea bite when I get it, because they are so horribly itchy and I have a really bad reaction to them. Can I treat her again after 11 days? I can't even see or find any fleas, but I get bitten, and it is always just along the edge of a piece of clothing (like right where my sock stops) which is the usual motus operandi for fleas, so I'm sure that is what is biting me. Again - can I treat her again - flea life cycles are 11 days, and it seems like the Advantage is not killing the eggs like it should. Any suggestions?

2 answers
Cath 161
Cath 161
for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

My cat is 10 kgs (22 lbs - and on a diet yes). Can I use the advantage for cats 4-10 kg on him since the one for large 4 kg + didn't work?

1 answer

I think you should ask a vet this question! Or even a vet nurse.
In any case to be on the safe side you should always under dose. Safer than over-dose.
Flea combs are also another option!
And google natural flea options - there are heaps!

Emma R
Emma Rasked
for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

I have a long hair cat and find itbsifficult to make contact with her skin during applications.
If applied on the fur close to the skin is this good enough ??

1 answer

Get a flea collar, the expensive one

for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

My cat is over 5kg and has had a treatment but it was one for under 4kg it has worked on my other cat who is under 4kg can I apply another treatment on my other cat that's over 4kg?

1 answer
for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

I gave my cats Advantage II for large cats which is the correct dosage for them. Two weeks later I'm seeing fleas. I know they were in the carpet but have worked hard to get rid of them. I have the small cat dosage too. OK to repeat it with the small dose?

1 answer
Houdini mum
Houdini mum

Suggest you contact your vet. Also suggest you Google how to keep carpet clean from fleas..

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Advantage for Cats Purple (Large Cats)

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