
5 questions from our users



My baby has recently turned 6 months and I switched from stage 1 to stage 2 right away. She is VERY slowly starting solids but not taking to it very well. Since switching formulas she has had runny poops and several times a day. Also more gas than usual.
Previous to the switch she was a very regular pooper once or twice a day at about the same time every morning.
I am thinking to switch back to stage 1, is this the right option?

1 answer
Nutricia Careline T.Aptamil

Hi Ally, you can switch back to the stage 1 as it will still contain enough nutrition for 6 month old. Please call us at the Careline AU 1800 438 500 or NZ 0800 438 500 and one of our dietitians or nutritionist will be able to assist you further. Warm regards, Caroline - Careline Nutritionist

maryum n.

maryum n.asked

Hi my child is over 1 year old and I start Aptamil 3 for her but she get diarrhea and dr said stop that and continue with Aptamil 2. It’s more than 2 weeks her diarrhea is not getting better. I’m so confused what to do and what shall I give to her. Please help me

1 answer
Stuart S.Aptamil

Hi Mary, the stage 3 Aptamil Gold + has higher levels of prebiotics ( for bowel health ) and also has a higher proportion of casein to whey ( amongst other differences). Some babies are particularly sensitive to this and some have digestive changes which should settle after a week or two. Please call us on our Careline 1800 438 500 if your baby is still unsettled so we can help. Kind regards, Hilary Reg.Nutritionist



My baby don’t like the taste of Nan comfort, Is this one help my baby to like the taste also put on weights!because he didn’t put on much more weight because of poor drinking milk, my baby is very fussy eater, if it’s work then I will try this?

No answers

Deikata D

Deikata Dasked

hi there, looking for formula for 4 months old ? i would like to top him up at night....but my only concern is the expiry....do I need to use it within 4 weeks after opening? and why? thank u

1 answer
Nutricia Careline T.Aptamil

Hi Deikata, Once a tin has been opened, it needs to be used within 4 weeks. Formula is a milk product and can and will go off. After 4 weeks the vitamins and minerals also degrade and no longer meet the levels stated on the tin’s nutritional information panel.
Even though you may be careful about opening the tin every time you use it, each time the lid is opened the formula is exposed to potential contamination. As formula is food source for babies as well as bacteria, keeping a tin past four weeks will put your baby at risk of a tummy upset.
It is a good idea to put the date you opened the tin on the plastic re-closure lid. This way you can keep track on how long a tin has been open.
Storing an open tin in the fridge or freezer is not recommend either as moisture will get into the powder and cause clumping.
I hope this has clarified thing for you, but if you require further information, please ring on our toll-free number 1800 438 500 and one of our product specialists will be able to assist you.
Thanks - Nutricia Careline



Is it normal for my baby to get extreme gas and the runs when going from stage 1 to 2? My son had no issues on stage 1, switched him to stage 2 and he was unsettled, had the runs badly to the point even the strongest cream couldn't help his poor little bottom. So we switched him back to stage 1! Why would this happen?

4 answers
Karicare user
Karicare user

Hi Shanae,
I too switched from stage 1 to 2 for my son, but I cannot remember any serious issues except for farting ( gas) a bit and passing a quite a lot excretion (poo) every other day or the second without a struggle. He was quite settled on change. However, I remember I continued stage 1 for a little longer until his tummy gets matured. Look, compare the ingredients of stage 1 and 2 and see what made him to be so unsettled, so then you will get an idea of what impacted for his change. May be he needs a little time to get used to new formula. It is wise that you have switched back to stage 1 until his poor little tummy get adjusted. I would suggest you consult your family doctor or talk to maternity health nurse and seek their advice too since it is a recurrent issue before you step into your next decision. You can talk to your maternity heath nurse over the phone coz I have done numerous times. Hope this helps and wish you everything will go on well. xxxx


Hi, I ended up changing to NAN 2. I did however notice that his poos were a little bit harder on the NAN and I guess he wasn't used to that as his poos were always runny on the Karicare, so I just add an extra 10ml of water into each bottle and that seems to work. Every baby is different. You might have to keep changing formula's until you find the right one. Good luck.


Thanks, he is 12 months old, 9 months corrected as he was 3 months prem. He has been on stage one since he was 4 months old after he stopped tolerating breast milk. We haven't had any issues with stage one and stayed on it so long because he needed the extras while he wasn't eating much. But now he is eating more our health nurse said to try stage 2, she said to expect some constipation with the change but we got the opposite!. Doctor said staying on stage 1 won't hurt as we are starting weaning process so maybe it's just best to stay on stage 1 until he weans.

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