
14 questions from our users

Les W.

Les W.asked

do executive stress tab 2 a day cause diareah problems

No answers
Jean Walker

Jean Walkerasked

How many grams in each tablet of Blackmores executive b.Is it ok for 84yr old? [email removed]

2 answers
Jean Walker
Jean Walker

I want YOUR answer?

Jean Walker
Jean Walker

I want YOU to answer

Murray D

Murray Dasked

Hi! Does Executive B Stress formula help with fatigue? Also, is it good for skin?
Regards: Murray Dennett.

1 answer

Personally for me no Vitamins have helped with skin or energy on their own except for Herbalife and even then it was short lived so 4 months ago I started changing my lifestyle one thing at a time eg: early to bed and early to rise, whole foods (Wheat free bread and foods), meat, fruit & veggies, eggs, porridge every day for breakfast, butter, whole milk and cook in lard & seed, nuts, water, green teas, simply just everything that Nana grew up on off the land and from animals and cutting out wheat products (which is in a lot of food), sugar, processed foods, caffeine, additives & colour and 10 to half hour exercise each day and my energy after 3 months is more and skin is glowing. It starts with the basics that we all should be doing. Im never hungry and have lost a dress size. I top up with vitamin B for carpel tunnel and nerve damage and any supplement I feel my body is lacking. Try it and see how you feel.

Hong Doan

Hong Doanasked

is the executive B stress formula vegan??

1 answer

I suggest taking a better B Vitamin if you are Vegan from a Health store as your diet requires this as you are robbing your body of the essential vitamins it needs. I do believe that there are better B Vitamins out there. I take this product as I eat red meat 2 to 3 times a week and if I was vegan I would purchase a better B Vitamin. A health professional can advise you if a product is Vegan safe.



Hi, I just ordered this product from a Thai retailer in Thailand and I wondered if the ingredients are exactly the same as the same product on the market in Australia? Also, are any ingredients yeast derived? Thanks

No answers
Ellen K.

Ellen K.asked

what is the coating on these tablets, Iron ?

1 answer

I believe it is just a food colour coating as they describe it as a colour not an ingredient. If you are concerned about the ingredients the list is there what they contain. They do contain gluten. I always take 1 pill to begin with of anything and wait for 24 hours to see if there is an allergic reaction unless there is a specific ingredient that you are allergic to then do not take them.

De Nui K.

De Nui K.asked

If the color changes, can it still be taken?

2 answers

I used to be on Herbalife nutrition tablets and they were given to me with a 2 year expired shelf life (unopened bottles). The colour had changed on a few and I still took them but I wouldn’t if the bottle was opened and lid off the jar or unsecured and they had been sitting there for more than 6 months or so and especially if the tablets look different. It’s not worth the risk over the sake of a few dollars. They also loose their nutrition value if left unopened sitting, so they may not be effective. At the moment I am taking expired tablets but they had secured lids and stored in a dark place and I am fine but they may not have their nutrition value. Some are old and expiration more than 2 years but I’m not at all sick. Hope that helps.


Google “is it safe to take expired health tablets” it has some good information.

Mia E

Mia Easked

is it safe to eat for patients with wafarin therapy?

1 answer

I would suggest you discuss that with your Doctor, as i can't help you with that Q, All the best.



Does it help to stop hair fall?

No answers


Can students take executive stress formula during exams, will it impact their ability to concentrate ?

1 answer

Meditation would be better :)

Kelly L

Kelly Lasked

Can vegetarian take Blackmore Executive B?

1 answer

Hi Kelly, I had a look on Blackmores web site and yes it is suitable for Vegans. Someone else asked the same Q. :)



Is it fine to chew or crush those tablets ?

2 answers

I am not sure why you would need to do that, for me i find they are very easy to take whole it may be in the coating of the tablet.


I'm having difficulties to swallow the tablet.



I am experiencing anxiety at the moment and have read lots of positive reviews on the executive B stress vitamin.
Can i just start taking them, and is it ok to continue with magnesium too?
I also have had gastric sleeve surgery over 2yrs ago, will this affect the dosing I should take?

Thank you

1 answer

Hi Danielle, I find the Blackmores Executive B stress formula takes the edge off my anxiety. It is not just one thing that helps, for me it is a good diet with lots of greens with vegetables and fruit, less sugar, exercise, walking for me, meditation and trying to face my fears in small doses at a time. I have heard Magnesium is good and i feel you could take it as well. I am not qualified to answer your questions, i could suggest you try the Blackmores web site and they have a free Naturopath you can send your questions to and they reply in about 3 days. Good Luck now i have to practice what i preach :)

Carl F

Carl Fasked

Is it ok to take both tablets at the same time instead of one with breaky and one with lunch?

1 answer

I would suggest you contact the online Naturopath at Blackmores and they will answer that for you. I personally only ever take half of suggested dosage on vitamins as i find that is enough for me.

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