
26 questions from our users

Brian S.

Brian S.asked

is this product garden friendly?

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hello Brian,
The Bosisto's Sensitive Laundry Powder is grey water and septic safe. Thanks, Bosisto's



Can I wash my dog with your sensitive laundry liquid with eucalyptus oil

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Jason
Unfortunately we can't recommend that, because we haven't tested this for use on animals. We would hate for your dog to have a reaction to any of the ingredients. You could also ask your vet for advice, we are happy to provide an ingredient list if you email [email protected].
Kind Regards, Bosisto's.

Bev .c

Bev .casked

Hi is Bosisto's laundry liquid sensitive grey water safe as we have a bio cycle for our septic system

2 answers

Dear Bev,
There is nothing on the label that says that Bosistos is grey water safe. I am not sure if it is grey water safe, so if I was you, I would not use it for a septic system. I would try other brands of septic system safe washing liquid or washing powder, or make my own washing liquid.

Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Bev
I am informed that our laundry powder IS safe for grey water/ septic systems. We don't highlight this on our box because our marketing focus is sensitive skin rather than eco. But this information will be going up on the new version of our website that's currently being created. Many thanks, Bosisto's

Sheila Moor

Sheila Moorasked

Where can I buy your powder for eczema sufferers? I live in France

2 answers

Hi Sheila, It may be sold to France online. Otherwise, you could make your own washing liquid. I have heard that washing soda or white vinegar can work quite well. I tried the white vinegar, but it is not quite at good at cleaning grime out of garments as washing liquid. All the best with your washing.

Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Sheila
Unfortunately Bosisto's doesn't have distribution in France. Sorry! You could try online, but we're not aware of a retailer that sells there. Kind Regards, Bosisto's



Is this Laundry Powder safe for Septic Systems?

3 answers
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Ozcan
Yes, it's suitable for use in septic systems.
Kind Regards, Bosisto's.

Jenny P.
Jenny P.

I've recently undergone a whole life style change to improve my health. One of the changes is reducing the products with dangerous chemicals. I was wondering what the ingredients are for this laundry detergent? Thanks Jenny

Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Jenny
We're happy to send you out an ingredients list if you can drop us an email at [email protected]. Many thanks, Bosisto's



I really like so much about your washing powder. However, Im looking for alternatives now due to the plastic bag that you package the powder in. Im trying to eliminate single use plastic where ever I can. Ive been successful in the kitchen, and the laundry - with the exception of the ziplock bag inside the box. Would you consider eliminating this bag? A lot of other brands just have the powder in the box, could it be possible that you do the same?
Thank you

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi MaggieClare
Thankyou for reaching out and we appreciate the opportunity to explain why we include the plastic bag!
We need to use an inner plastic liner because of the eucalyptus oil in our formula. We use real, 100% natural essential oil which is sensitive to exposure to the air. Without the protective liner it loses its aroma and potency.
We're hoping to move away from the plastic bag but our R&D team have not yet found an alternative material that works and won't price us out of the market in terms of production costs. Rest assured we are still working on it! It's very important to us to strive for sustainability and we've also been signatories of the Australian Packaging Convenant since 2006.
In the meantime you can recycle this bag at soft plastic recycling bins found at most supermarkets.
Hope this explaination helps and let us know if you have any further questions!
Kindest Regards,

Lachlan L.

Lachlan L.asked

Hello - I only buy your product as a second choice when my preferred one isn't available. The sole reasons it's second choice is the plastic spoon and plastic bag that it's packed in. Any chance of not using those in the future?

No answers


Stain removal of acrylic yarn

No answers


Where can I buy it in south South Australia

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi ladyscottau
You can usually find this at most Coles and Woolworths, but often need to look hard as we only have one facing in most stores. If you're still having trouble give us a call and we can try and find a specific store in your area. Freecall 1800 655 841 during business hours.
Kind Regards, Bosisto's.



why no ingredients listed I know you say you don't have to but I feel customers need to know. also is this able to be used as grey water post laundry


1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi ellep
We're more than happy to email you a list of ingredients, no problem. Contact [email protected] to request. We're currently developing a new website and our full ingredients list for our laundry and cleaning products will be published on that, too.
And yes, the formula is suitable for grey water use.
Kind Regards, Bosisto's.

hellen rogers

hellen rogersasked

I have lichen scerllosis and contact dementitus from a possible product either bossitos sensitive or aware washing powder, also an allergy to lime stone is there a risk

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Helen
Bosisto's Senstive Laundry powder would not cause or exacerbate either condition you mention. It is independently dermatologically tested and proven non irritating to sensitive skin. The product also does not contain lime stone. If you have any other specific questions our R&D team would be happy to answer if you'd like to email or call us? Freecall 1800 655 841 or email [email protected].
Kind Regards, Bosisto's.



Hi I'm on the hunt looking for a new powder to use to replace my last batch of old stock biozet. Is this product frangrance free? Does it clump at all and leave any small reaidue on clothes

4 answers
Andrew Hadfield
Andrew Hadfield

Hi Rudolph,
This powder has always just left my clothes with a fresh smell, maybe a faint hint of eucoliptus, but not noticeable.
And no clumping or residue (although this would/could be caused by overloading your medicine).
Def recommend it.


Thankyou I'll definitely give this a go. I tried omo sensitive which had no fragrance but leaves bit of residue.


Hi Rudolph, when dispensing bosisto sensitive laundry powder there is a refreshing smell of eucalyptus but when washing completed a very slight aroma and I mean very slight aroma on items washed. There is definitely no clogging of powder in dispenser and no residue on clothing (which has always been a problem with all other laundry product I have used). I have found that on heavy stain I have had to use a small amount of bosisto laundry powder to help the removal of the stains. I have found bosisto a little expensive when not on special but the benefits for out way the extra cost. AND it is Australian owned!!!!



Does bostitos sensitive laundry powder contain formaldehyde or any formaldehyde releasers

7 answers
Happy Chap
Happy Chap

Very unlikely. Can't upload pictures here by the look....would have uploaded a picture of the box cover.
It says "Free your home from harmful chemicals with Bostistos range of cleaning products."
"No fillers, zeolites or sodium lauryl sulphate, bleaches, dyes or synthetic fragrance"


I have a box too but cant find out the ingredients anywhere researched but they just wont say what the ingredients are which bothers me I have allergies to formaldehyde methylisothiazolinone and some essential oils I get very bad dermatitis on hands and arms.eco store lists all ingredients and because of that I cant use there products because they have limonene in them which I am allergic to .


So why would a product not list ingredients unless there was something harmful in it . Bostitos actually says they dont have to list ingredients someone else on this forum has also asked the question about ingredients and that was the answer they were given WE DO NOT HAVE TO STATE INGREDIENTS .

Jeanette M.

Jeanette M.asked

can bosistos sensitive laundry liquid be purchased in the uk?

1 answer
Happy Chap
Happy Chap

Just looked online. They seem to sell the eucalyptus oil but not the laundry powder. Perhaps buy online and ship to UK?



Can't find the bositos eucalyptus laundry powder in the local woolworths supermarket. Only the bositos clothes washing liquid which doesn't do as good of a job.
Is anyone aware where else can I buy the bositos laundry powder please?

3 answers

Bosistos sell it from their website. I have been able to get it from the larger Woolies but the smaller stores don't seem to have it. Could try Facebooking Woolies, I've found them quite helpful and responsive.

Happy Chap
Happy Chap

Dear Brian,
Good on you for persevering!!

Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Brian
Yes, thankyou! You should be able to find Bosisto's Laundry Powder in Woolworths, they're still a stockist of the product although it's often up high, or down low and only a single facing. Shoot us an email at [email protected] with your suburb details and we'll check your local store to make certain. Att: to Daniel. Kind Regards, Bosisto's.

Coffee is good

Coffee is goodasked

How dose this go removing odour musty sweat?

I currently use surf and add vinegar to the wash to remove odour because surf is strong fragrance I feel if I don't use vinegar to remove odour the fragrance will just mask them odours rather then remove them.

4 answers
Happy Chap
Happy Chap

Dear Toni,
I am not certain. I can say that the natural eucalyptus oil in the powder gives the washing a fresh smell. Not scented.

In relation to stains, I think I have just used a stain remover like Sard wonder soap.

Hope that helps.

Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Toni
Thankyou for your question! Well for starters Bosisto's Sensitive Laundry powder doesn't contain fragrances only natural eucalyptus oil, as the chap above has noted! So it won't mask odours with synthetic perfumes. Eucalyptus oil has natural odour-busting powers, and it's wonderful for keeping your whole laundry fresh.

Interestingly, Surf came up one of the worst brands in our internal studies for "fillers" which are those little granules that don't dissolve in the wash. Fillers can get trapped in the fibres of your clothes and retain body odour, so it's possible it's actually making matters worse. Bosisto's is 100% soluble.

For under shirt arms, try some Eucalyptus Spray (available at Coles or Woolies in medicinal aisle) prior to washing, or Sard soap as suggested. We also have a fantastic Pre-Wash but that's only available at our online store.

There's no reason you can't also continue to add vinegar to your wash - it's also a natural fabric softener so you can eliminate that. For body odour, you need less fragrances and chemicals to interact, not more.

Finally, some people also find adding a capful or two of 100% pure eucalyptus oil to the wash useful for the final rinse cycle to leave washing extra fresh. It's great for musty odours in your machine too.

Hope all this info is helpful.
Kind Regards, Bosisto's


Also : you could try a tiny bit of borax powder or perhaps you could try the germ resistor liquid such as dettol laundry sanitiser or canestan
Both work reasonablly though, personally prefer the dettol liquid.
This bositos eucalyptus laundry powder is pretty good as well at tackling such problems



Hi, is this safe to use on my pets bedding? Also, will it help calm his sensitive skin or will it irritate it more?

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi LizD
Much as we'd like to assist with this question, we're not animal experts! Our laundry powder has been dermatologically tested and found non-irritating to sensitive skin in human volunteers, but no testing has been done in regards to animals. Imagine it would be perfectly fine, and it certainly shouldn't irritate any further, but it's always best to check with your vet to see what they recommend. Kindest Regards, Bosisto's.



So is this non bio suitable for reusable nappies? Do you sell internationally?

1 answer
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Cikl - yes, Bosisto's Laundry Powder is excellent for washing cloth/ reusable nappies. It's 100% biodegradable, contains no softeners, bleach or artificial fragrances. Australian made & owned and no animal testing.
Unfortunately we do not currently sell this product outside of Australia.
Hope this helps! Kind Regards, Bosisto's.



Hi. My husband and I moved to an apartment block and unfortunately we have to use the common washing machine. I am really worried about other people's germs. Haha. So I am thinking of switching my laundry powder to one that has antibacterial properties. Will your laundry powder help me with this concern?

2 answers

Hi Annie,
Bosisto's Laundry Powder does contain eucalyptus oil, which has proven antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. I also add a few drops of neat eucalyptus oil to my rinse cycle.
You could wipe the machine tub down with disinfectant/bleach before use, which would help. You'd need to give it a good rinse with hot water after, so the residue doesn't bleach your clothes.
I would hope that other people would be considerate and soak any really contaminated items in hot water and napisan before washing (cloth nappies etc).
Wash your loads in higher temperatures (40 degrees C), if you're able to. That will help kill off bacteria.
Hang your washing out in the sun to dry, if you can, as UV sunlight also helps to kill off bacteria.
I have never had any trouble using this washing powder. It doesn't leave residue and I've never had trouble with my machine getting dirty or mouldy.
Here's an article which may help your decision.

If it were me, I'd be happy to use this powder in a shared machine. I hope I've given you enough info to make an informed decision. All the best with your washing!

Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Annie,
Joy has answered the question marvellously above! We swear we haven't paid her!
Yes, Bosisto's Laundry Powder should do the trick with helping keep your clothes bacteria-free. If you'd like an extra dose of insurance, you could buy a 200mL bottle of our Bosisto's Eucalyptus Oil next time you're in the chemist, or the medicinal section of the supermarket and add 2 capfuls in as well (it doesn't matter when you add it). That's the pure stuff and will surely blitz any germs remaining. Every now and then, run an empty cycle on hot and add a cup of vinegar and 3-4 capfuls of the eucalyptus oil, to get rid of any accumulated gunk.
Good luck .... wishing you lovely fresh laundry!
Kind Regards,

Peter Fort

Peter Fortasked

Hi my name is peter reading all you articles i found i could buy it at wollworths thats good for me. after doing many loads of washing i was impressed, however i am concerned at the level of eucalipus it may have and whats in it, looking at the box i found nothing that would give me answers, are you able to provide me with this information? thanks

3 answers
Customer ServiceBosisto's

Hi Peter - so glad you liked our Bosisto's EucoFresh Laundry Powder! By Australian law washing powders are not required to list ingredients on the box (and you'll see none do) however like others in the eco category we list on the pack what isn't in there (ie. fillers, artificial fragrances etc.). Which ingredient in particular was a concern to you? The level of eucalyptus oil? If you can expand on your reasons for the query I'd be more than happy to check individual ingredients or safety data and get back to you. Kind Regards, Bosisto's.

Peter Fort
Peter Fort

thanks for reply -its the level of eucalyptus oil?


Hello Bosistos, I cannot see that you answered Peter?

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