
15 questions from our users



I’m planning a to have a baby next year, I’m not pregnant yet but! Is it good to go for this? Does it effects periods?

1 answer
Hypoxi Australia
HYPOXI Support TeamHypoxi Australia

Hello Sarah, Thank you for your enquiry and how exciting you are planning a family! HYPOXI does not affect your periods or you changes of getting pregnant. We have a lot of clients who start using HYPOXI and then need to suspend due to pregnancy. They then start there sessions a couple of months after having bubs to get their pre baby body back. You cannot do HYPOXI whilst pregnant but you can certainly do sessions before and after baby. I hope this answers your questions. HYPOXI Support team

Kimi L.

Kimi L.asked

Will it work on lower legs

2 answers
Heidi .R
Heidi .R

For me I have a lot of cellulite on front and back of legs to my knees! It’s made a difference !

Hypoxi Australia
HYPOXI Support TeamHypoxi Australia

Hello Kimi, HYPOXI will work from your belly button to your knees. A lot of clients say they lose fluid and fat from around their knees which can be a problem area for some people. If you would like to try HYPOXI then you can go to our website www.hypoxi.com.au and select 'claim your free session' and then choose which studio you would like to go to. Have a great day. HYPOXI Support team



Is it normal to feel sore especially around the waist area after first session of HYPOXI

No answers
Ashley G

Ashley Gasked

Hello, have done 12 sessions of Hypoxi and have lost 52cm, but only 0.04kg. Can anyone explain why this would happen? I'm very happy with the results, however just curious

1 answer

You've probably gained muscles



Will it work on abdominal fat?

1 answer

Yes, definitely! That is exactly where it DOES concentrate! The main thing to do is to keep to the Hypoxi diet regime of not eating for 2 hours after the finish of your session and (especially the 6 hours after your session) to only eat high protein foods (it’s impossible to eat “only protein - unless you buy the “no carbs, 25-50g protein drinks” ... Which I love having and is a great easy “cheat” to consuming high protein - although balanced meals are essential throughout your day as well!).

The Hypoxi machines are easy work in themselves (low impact), though I found the more I pushed and the more gym sessions I did over the week that my weight - especially tummy to knees - dropped beautifully! All in all, over 6 months of about 2 Hypoxi sessions a week and about 2-3 extra gym sessions/classes each week I lost 15kg and 64cm! I now have (pretty much) a flat tummy and fit all my clothes from before, so it definitely worked for me!

Yrmie N

Yrmie Nasked

How many cm around the waist would you lose in 12 sessions doing the suit and the bike?

No answers


Where can I get free trial? Also suffer from lymphdema and leg veins, will this exacerbate problems? Cheers Mary

1 answer
Hypoxi Australia
Lucy MooreHypoxi Australia

Hey Mary
Please go to our website, and you can select the studio closest to you.
We have current clients with these issues and it has not been an issue. What we would recommend is go to your closest HYPOXI for a free trial and they can discuss this with you further.



so is Hypoxi basically a scam? users who have tried please help. I want to try it but not if its waste of money. I am already doing diet and exercise as I am diabetic. But need to loose weight faster and was thinking of Hypoxi but reading most of the reviews here... it sounds like another fake ad...!

1 answer

Hi, l find it works but you have too do a few sessions on both machines to see the results as well as stick to the suggested eating plan.



I'm obese and want to loose weight. Wondering is Hypoxi a right option for me?

1 answer
Hypoxi Australia
Lucy MooreHypoxi Australia

Hi there
We have clients of all different shapes and sizes coming into HYPOXI. What you will need to do, is book a free trial with your closest studio found here: https://www.hypoxi.com.au/studios/ and then they will be able to assess you and your goals and advise if HYPOXI is right for you!



Can this be directed to thigh are only?

2 answers
Hypoxi Australia
Lucy MooreHypoxi Australia

Hi Shelle
From the areas in the lower tummy, hips, bottom and thighs you are unable to choose where the fat comes from. However, where you mostly store fat is where the most will come off so if your thighs carry the most fat out of these areas then you will generally lose the most from there!
You can sign up for a free trial if you want to discover what it is all about :-) Just jump online!


How do I sign up for a free trial? that would be great



Once you have reached your ideal weight & size is hypoxi is it suggested that you continue on a "maintenance" program, or can you maintain your success with continuing with your normal exercise regime & eating healthy

1 answer
Hypoxi Australia
Lucy MooreHypoxi Australia

Hey Wilma
Thanks so much for your question!
Its up to you, we would prefer you do exercise of your choice than no exercise at all! The only thing I would be mindful of, is that HYPOXI is a targeted fat loss method, therefore reduction is seen on the hips, bottom, tummy and thighs - these are the areas of stubborn fat that HYPOXI help you lose. When you get to your ideal weight/size normal exercise can not guarantee that the weight will remain off in the areas you lost through HYPOXI. When continuing HYPOXI, you continue to work these areas and therefore maintain the weight lost.
If you have any additional questions, I am happy to help!



How can you loose fat with hypoxi? I know a dermatologist who is well know and he told me that you can never loose the number of fat cells unless through liposuction. Exercise can shrink the fat cell but have to maintain it so that it does not grow back. Eating healthy is helpfull with exercise. But is hypoxi just shrinking the fat cell by getting rid of the fluid surrounding these cells making you slimmer and resulting to less weight due to removed fluid?

3 answers

I don't think its fat lost but more like fluid loss. Cut out bread, sugar, wheat and starchy foods, reduce your carbs to 20gms or less and you will lose more fluid and on average 3 kilos at least of fluid,in first week eating this way, more than hypoxi and less expensive. There is no scientific proof that hypoxi reduces fat or that you can spot reduce with it. But if it makes someone feel great then good for them.


Oh and its a bit weird that most of the positive comments have been made by people with only one review, a little bit sus to me.


I can only tell you of my experience and that it has helped with my trouble areas. I weight train 4 times a week but still had issues with my inner thighs. When wearing shorts they'd ride up due to what l call "fat pockets" in that area. Hypoxy has really shrunk that. It's not yet gone completely but it is greatly improved and l'm very happy. I have also lose from my waist and stomach without changing my calorie intake but it takes quite a few sessions on both machines so it isn't cheap.

Crystal LP

Crystal LPasked

Hi, I've heard about Hypoxi for over a year and now I want to try it.

I'm quite petite and my BMI is ok. However there is some parts of my body I need to shape it up, like my waist, belly and my leg. I used to have a perfect waistline of 59cm but not anymore! The normal cardio session doesn't suit with my busy schedule and it also makes my calf look big and bulky. *dislike*

Will Hypoxi work for my specific area only? I don't like to be on diet or strictly nutrition intake coz I'm definitely not overweight at all.

Thank you!

2 answers
Hypoxi Australia
Lucy MooreHypoxi Australia

Hi there Crystal
Thanks for your enquiry! HYPOXI most certainly can help.
HYPOXI is a targeted fat loss and cellulite reduction method so its technology (along with movement) works to remove the stubborn fat that you simply cant get rid of through diet and exercise alone. The places it targets is tummy, hips, bottom and thighs. We have many clients in your position where they don't want to do the hard slog at cardio anymore and aren't necessarily overweight but have pockets of stubborn fat they cant move which means they suffer low confidence. Its HYPOXI's technology that helps this for many shapes and sizes.
In terms of your diet, we recommend a healthy diet as this is of course about feeling your best too! HYPOXI advises not to eat 2 hours after your HYPOXI session (this will otherwise reduce results) and not to consume carbohydrates/coffee/alcohol for up to 4 hours after a session.
I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please let me know!


I would not waste your money. Go to the gym 3 times a week - at a fraction of the cost. I did 3 months with Hypoxi - massively expensive and lost 2 cm and I think that was being very generous - the tape measure was tighter than when measured at the beginning. Did 3 months in the gym 3 times a week - power walking, cross training and lost 4% body fat, 12 cms. Cost me $25.00 per week OPPOSED to nearly $250 per week with HYPOXI.



I had 12 sessions and lost 29 cm. However, within a few weeks all that came back on. Has anyone succeeded in keeping the cm off? Or is it a product that you need to keep using? Thanks

2 answers

You can successfully keep the fat off if you maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise - remember it isn't not doing Hypoxi that makes you put fat on its food!


Thanks. But my diet stayed the same.



Can I try, before I buy it, like a couple of mins, or something?

2 answers
Buyer Beware2
Buyer Beware2

It is something u have to do over a long period of time to see any results so will cost thousands . U can't beat clean eating and drinking lots of water


You can do a FREE trial for Hypoxi, and some studios offer a 3 x session introductory price to try it for a week before you buy, some people notice a change after 1-3 sessions but you need to do at least 6 to really start seeing the changes :)

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