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6 questions from our users

Cheryl F.
Cheryl F.asked

My 16 month old grandson has been on karicare soy formula since he was 3 months old due to severe cow's milk allergy, I live in a somewhat semi rural area but have access to both Cole's and Woolworths stores, my problem is that for the past 4 weeks all karicare formulas have disappeared from the shelves here, there are little notes saying temporarily unavailable, is there an issue with the product, because I have no choice but to give this child this product, not being able to buy it is a grave concern for me

2 answers
Kimberly A
Kimberly A

You can try email or contact coles and Woolworths. Sometimes they can look into product stock and assist you.

Nutricia Careline T.Karicare

Hi Cheryl, you can buy the Karicare Soy online at Please contact us at the Careline on 1800 438 500 if you require further assistance. Warm regards, Caroline - Careline Nutritionist

Prince John D
Prince John Dasked

We have had our son on soy formula since 6 weeks old, my question is he is now 2 years and 2 months and does not like regular soy milk which is calcium fortified, we feed him solids but are still feeding him soy formula at 2 years and 2 months so how long can you feed him soy formula?

1 answer

A long as you like. Our son is allergic to dairy so we have no option but to cut it from his diet


My baby is 3 weeks old and just recently switched to Karicare soy formula. Used to take Aptamil plus.
Since taking Karicare, my baby seems to get hungry more often, like every 1.5 - 2 hours, while when he was taking aptamil, it could last him at least 2.5-3 hours. And his stool becomes more paste-like, compared to before.
Is it normal symptoms for taking soy formula?

1 answer
Nutricia Careline T.Karicare

Hi Lil, please contact us on 1800438500 or via (livechat/email). One of our midwives/dietitians would be more than happy to help. Kind regards - Nutricia Careline


Hi My Baby just turned 3 years old and up to now she 's still drinking karicare soymilk.She had lots of allergies to full cream milk,wheat and chicken so she hasnt eat much food and always drinking soymilk.I have just checked the guidelines(proper portioning) at the back that the age was up to 24 mos.Would it still be ok with her to drink it?

3 answers

Have you thought about trying soy milk products instead of the formula? Perhaps consult a gp or pediatric dietitian good luck


I recommend you speak to a paediatrician about your baby's diet - I believe babies are meant to rely less on formula and more on food as they get older - a paediatrician will be able to tell you exactly what your baby should be eating and how much formula, if any :) all the best!

Nutricia Careline T.Karicare

Hi Arlene,
Please give us a ring on our toll-free number 1800 438 500 and one of our health care professionals will be happy to assist you with your query.
Thanks – Nutricia Careline


Is there long term side affects that come with feeding your baby soy formula?? We have tried everything from breastfeeding, to lactose free etc..but he continued to be unsettled. We have recently switch to karicare soy but after reading some reviews we are a little worried about a few things that come with feeding soy but not sure if that's just from American brand formulas

2 answers

Unfortunately finding the right formula is a stressful game i have been through so many different products and tins for my 2 month old and have eventually settled with bellaymes organic. Even on this one my son is having reflux but fortunately there are ways around reflux. If you like email me at [email removed] and we can talk more about what youve already tried and what else could work. There is also a formula hotline you can contact that may be able to provide some assistance with trial packs and information unfortunately im not sure of the contact details...

Nutricia Careline T.Karicare

Hi Jitz,
Please give us a ring on our toll-free number 1800 438 500 or livechat with us on and one of our Careline experts will be happy to assist you.

Thanks - Nutricia Careline


My daughter went on Karicare soy infant formula on Thursday as a top up to my breast milk as she is 3 months old and needed more milk. The first three days was great and my baby was so happy to have more milk. She was smiling after a feed, just looking more content and just settled. She even moved her bowels twice on the same day. But then on 4th day she started crying more and being very unsettled in the evening, and then it happened again where she is screaming like she was in pain for say 10 minutes or so and it was so hard to console her. I'm feeding at least 60-70% breast milk. Is this just her tummy getting use to it? Or is this a bigger problem?

3 answers

Maybe she's constipated, has she had bowel movement?


Did she need to go to soy milk or did you just choose it? I would expect an intolerance or allergy to present fairly quickly. She could be constipated?
I would let your health nurse know or doctor to try and figure out what is upsetting your baby.
Not all formulas are great for each child. Sometimes it's a matter of trial and error
Good luck

Nutricia Careline T.Karicare

Hi Geraldine7,
Sorry to hear about problems with Karicare + Soy. Please give us a ring on our toll-free number Karicare lines 1800 258 268 and 0800 258 268 number and one of our dietitians/nutritionists/midwives/product specialists will be happy to assist you.
Thanks - Karicare Careline

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