
5 questions from our users

Stephen C

Stephen Casked

How much tea tree oil is in this shampoo?

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Pauline C.

Pauline C.asked

can i use redwin tea tree shampoo on blonde toner foiled hair without stripping colours out?

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Has redwin tea tree shampoo any animal product in it ?

1 answer
sue e
sue e

Hello Evelyn,
I'll type out the ingredients of the tea tree shampoo as written on the bottle.
Water,Sodium Laureth Sulfate,Cocamidopropyl Betaine, TEA-Lauryl Sulfate, Cocamide DEA, Sodium Chloride,Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Tetrasodium EDTA, Citric Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Cl19140, Cl42090.
I'd be surprised if this list of ingredients included any animal product, but I'm not a chemist, so I can't say with any authority.
I had to use a magnifying glass to type it out accurately!
I hope this some help. In the last few months the top of the bottle has changed to a flip cap, which I find a nuisance because it no longer fits on the edge of the bath conveniently.
Also whereas it used to be thick enough to use easily it became gel like and slippery. However after contact with the company and some changes whereby it improved, it is now JUST acceptable in that it is not gel like, but does fall out of the hand a bit too easily. I don't know if this is a cost saving exercise, but it's very unsatisfactory.
All the best



I read the ingredients list for Redwin Tee Tree shampoo & it has Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Will it be too harsh for sensitive scalp & to use it everyday?

2 answers
Netty b
Netty b

Hi Emm. I just found this shampoo very drying on my hair. I once asked a hairdresser if SLS is bad for hair and she said no as some of the De Lorenzo shampoo's have them in and they are specifically for scalp care. I do believe It is trial and error. It is cheap enough so u could always just try it once and if it doesn't agree with your scalp then don't use it again. But I will say that this shampoo did foam up like dishwash liquid so beware as that tells me there is a lot of detergent which is harsh. Sorry I am not sure if this helps but hope some information in it does...

Ruby's Mum
Ruby's Mum

Hi Emm, I can only tell you that with this shampoo I really don't need to wash my hair on a daily basis. It removes all the other products that stay in the hair (I don't use many as I prefer my hair to feel natural) and my hair feels "squeaky" clean - a feeling I haven't experienced in a long time. I use a very small amount of the shampoo and find that it lathers well. I just wet my hair under the shower the day after washing it, and sometimes even the day after that and it still looks clean and shiny. As Nelly says, for the price, you can certainly afford to try it. Just don't be too liberal with the amount you apply to your hair.
Ruby's Mum



My scalp is oily and I am facing hair fall problem...
so is this good for my hair or not....for daily wash?

2 answers

Hi, I use Redwin Tea Tree Shampoo daily and I don't have any problems at all. I love it because there are no harmful additives and it leaves my hair and scalp feeling clean and great and it makes your hair shining and beautiful. I am in my 60s and your hair isn't as shiny as when you are younger but this shampoo makes my hair shine so that even a hairdresser comments on it. I love it so give it a try and see for yourself and should you have any problems discontinue using it.
Hope this helps you ekta


Yes I also use it daily and it's ok for me too!

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