
48 questions from our users

Alex M

Alex Masked

Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi can I use cabots water based clear coat over the top of cabots oil based clear coat both matt?

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Pete C

Pete Casked

Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Can I use cabots exterior clear spray pack or carbothane spray pack over the top of cabots cfp that has been brushed on?

No answers


Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi there. I’ve made a new oak dining table. We’re going to use it mostly inside and on rare occasions outside in a shady covered area. What’s the best Cabot product to use? If it’s cabothane clear, should I use water based or oil based? Or might it be a benchtop clear? Or CFP floor water based for extra hardwearing properties. Can the last option be applied with a spray gun? Obviously I want a nice finish with enhanced grain and no yellowing occurred. Thank you in advance. Sergey

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Cabothane Clear Oil Based

I need a touch, clear finish on a large pre-painted surface, and was advised to use Cabot's Cabothane Clear Oil Based Varnish over a properly sanded and fully prepared surface.

I filled, sanded, primed and then sprayed the surface with white acrylic and let it dry over a few days. Then sanded, cleaned and applied Cabothane Clear Oil Based Varnish.

My problem is that the polyurethane varnish is not clear when it dries, I have blotches of brown tinge here and there where I presume the paint thickness was a little more than elsewhere. Sanding and re applying does not help - the dark areas get darker and new ones appear. The can says "clear" - this does not appear to be clear. Could this be a batch problem, or is it not to be used on painted surfaces?

2 answers

It could be a rookie error. You(figuratively speaking!) shouldn’t put an oil based product over an acrylic product (and vice versa) without the proper medium in between. Acrylics are water based. I used an acrylic clear finish over 2pack paint one time because I didn’t read the can properly. Project was ruined and I had to start from scratch. I have read every single tube, can, pot, you name it, since then!
Back to you though...
I’m unsure where the brown tinge would becoming from if you sprayed it white. Surely the brown would have come through the white prior to the application of the clear coat. More details relating to the prep work done might help in getting you a solid answer. Good luck in the meantime!


I sprayed the white acrylic, sanded with 400 grit, rinse and repeat until I had a perfect finish. Then, after a few days I rolled on the cabots polyurethane with a foam roller.
Thanks for your answer - A reaction with the acrylic - as you indicated - is the most plausible answer, though I would have thought that a few days drying in warmish, dry weather would have removed that possibility.



Cabothane Clear Oil Based

hi why is my cabothane gloss white?

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Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi, I have a kitchen bench top with full length planks stuck together. At the connection of the planks, my existing coat has cracked, so there's obviously some movement. Does water based varnish handle movement better than oil based? Also, I read oil based truly needs a month to full harden, plus it makes the room quite unbearable, is that not the case with water based? Lastly, I read oil based helps bring out the colour of the wood. If I do end up using water based, is there an undercoat I can use to bring out the woods colour?


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Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Im having the same problem as crooked not cracked but the finish looks like snake skin but looked perfect when wet its also my third coat sprayed on all coats. Any ideas?

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Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Can I use CFP Floor oil based as a first coat, leave over night and then top coat with CFP Floor water based, I live remotely and this is all I have available for my freshly sanded floorboards.

3 answers

After my experience with Cabots I wouldn't use any of there products.

Stuart M.Cabot's

Hi Kentia,
Whilst CFP Water Based will adhere to the oil based, the bottom coat will need to be completely cured prior to applying the top coat. Allow 7 days for full curing - longer if it's humid. Prior to coating the whole floor with the water based top, be sure to test adhesion with a small test patch. Finally, you will need to apply at least 2 coats of the water based top coat for it to build a protective film.
The Cabot's Team


Thanks Cabots Team, great advice, I've fortunately source the required amount of Waterbased CFP from a neighbour to do the undercoat - phew, lucky hey! No waiting 7 days.

Michael G

Michael Gasked

Cabothane Clear Oil Based


Does any know how to remove Cabathane Clear Gloss from pavement? We had a couple of small spills. I’ve tried turps but it hasn’t done too much.


2 answers
Stuart M.Cabot's

Hi Michael,
You'll need a paint stripper to get Cabothane off once it has dried.
Good luck,
The Cabot's Team


Hi Michael try metho spirits that will soften it and scraper or as Cabot’s say paint stripper. Suggest coatings are so good now they just don’t want to come of try and pay attention getting drop sheets (I know this a little obvious) down cause it’s hard to get off cheers



Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi, the temperature is 37 degrees here today, the plan is to brush on Cabothane clear satin oil based paint. will the heat affect the satin finish?
Thanks, Al

1 answer
Will K.Cabot's

Hi Alan,
Thanks for your question.

We do not recommend applying any of our products in temperatures greater than 35 degrees Celsius. We suggest waiting for a cooler day to apply Cabothane.
Please call us on 1800 011 006 if you'd like to discuss further.



Love VCATasked

Cabothane Clear Oil Based

What can I use to thin the Oil based clear and will the finish have the same shine?

3 answers
Cornelia E
Cornelia E

Hi Sam, I think its best if you contact the manufacturer re your question. Not sure why Im getting these request! :-) I have settled for Wattyl Estapol satin (comes in gloss as well for that shining finish) to do my kitchen oak benches. I have been assured that it won't need regular sanding between coats and it is hard wearing for kitchen work benches. Only requires a new coat after 1-2 years and still no sanding required. Maybe this is the sort of stuff you may need.

Garth M.Cabot's

Hi Sam,
Cabothane Oil Based can be thinned with Mineral Turpentine. It does not need to be thinned, however there's no problem in doing so. You'll be diluting the amount of product being applied, so sheen level will be reduced. An additional coat might be required to bring product back to sheen level purchased.
Call us if you'd like to discuss further on 1800 011 006.



Also could you tell me if I can mix Feast Watson Proof tint stain with the Cabot's Cabothane Clear Oil finish?



Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hello. I have painted Australian fauna and flora using acrylic paints on the wood. I wonder if I can use cabothane as a protective coat for acrylic paint on wood.
Second question would be once I apply cabothane on the decorative piece of wood that have to serve as coffee table can it be used outdoors?
Thank you

4 answers
Cornelia E
Cornelia E

Hi Endzi, you would have to check with the manufacturer re use on acrylic. If you do go that way however, ensure that the product has not expired!

Garth M.Cabot's

Hi Endzi,
We'd recommend using Cabothane Water Based in your preferred sheen. Please test on a small area or a test panel to make sure it does not have any ill effect on your painting. Cabothane is not an exterior coating, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Cabothane is only recommended for outdoor use if the area is undercover and sheltered from the elements. Please call us if you'd like to discuss further on 1800 011 006.


Hi, wondering if it worked on your painting?



Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi Cabots,
I have just applied a coat of Carbothane oil based to 25 m2 of NZ Kauri. This is the second coat, the first was oil based Cabots CFP. The Carbothane has acted as a paint stripper and my weeks work is a mess. I expect you will tell me that I should use the same product for each coat and I agree, however this is the first time I have come across incompatible oil based polyurethanes, particularly the same brand. Nowhere can I see a warning against doing this. would you have expected this result?

1 answer
Will K.Cabot's

Hi Richard,
Couple things here.
Cabothane should be OK to apply on top of CFP (provided they're both the oil based variants and the CFP is fully dry). If the flooring has wrinkled after the Cabothane application, our best guess is that the CFP was not fully dried.
Secondly, Cabothane is not a walk on appropriate product, it should not be used on floors.

Could you please call us on 1800 011 006 (NZ 0800 222 687), we'll see how we can help.




Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hey Cabot's, I'm lacquering the fingerboard of a bass guitar using Cabothane, how would you recommend I get the finish as smooth as possible? I dont use many tools since I'm primarily a musician and not a DIY nerd, so if there's any way to make it really smooth without spending too much on things i wont use more than once that'd be great.

1 answer
Will K.Cabot's

Hi Matt,
Thanks for contacting the DIY nerds!
Just quickly, the term 'lacquering' refers to using a very specific way of applying Shellac - a coating made from the excretions of the Lac Beetle. Let's assume you're not doing that for the sake of answering the question.
Cabothane Oil Based is an OK choice for your fingerboard, however for future, you might want to look at Cabot's Danish Oil. Cabothane will film build a little on the surface of your finger board, Danish Oil will penetrate in, protecting from within.
Regardless of which product you use, to get a super smooth finish isn't super complicated. There might be some trial and error here, so perhaps test on an off-cut?
Start by sanding your piece smooth (240g), remove the sanding dust and apply your coating using a brush/rag. Depending on how much it penetrates, wipe off the excess before it gets tacky (around 30 mins), leave to dry. The colours and features of the timer board should be highlighted now by the oil. Sand again, with 600g sand paper and repeat the process. You can work your way up to 2000g sand paper if you like. Once you've got it as smooth as you can with sand paper, you can go even further and burnish the piece using the BACK of the sand paper (assuming you're using normal, paperback sandpaper). At this point you're effectively polishing, and this should yield high gloss levels if you persist.
Make sure you trial on another piece to ensure you're happy with the finish - and to get the hang of the technique.

Call us on 1800 011 006 if you'd like to discuss further.




Cabothane Clear Oil Based

I am using an oil based Cabothane Clear on interior furniture using brush.
1. Do I need to dilute with turb before using (guessing I don't)? If I did use a small amount of turn to make it easy to apply, what will happen?
2. Can you recommend an ideal 3M safety mask to be used when applying the above varnish product & between-coat sanding?


3 answers
Will K.Cabot's

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your question.
There is no need to dilute Cabothane when applying with a brush. It's not something we recommend.

We cannot comment on other manufacture's mask suitability, however we do recommend applying in a well ventilated area, following label instructions.

Call us on 1800 011 006 if you have any further questions.



Hi Thomas.....best of luck with it.....my experience with this product wasn't great. You will need to be sure the weather is warm and you have a totally dust free environment to get the best results. I ended up fine sanding the complete job with 360 sandpaper once the cabothane had completely hardened (7 days) and then waxed with beeswax and buffed it off resulting in a superb finish. Cheers Jeff


Thanks Jeff, I'll keep that in mind!



Cabothane Clear Oil Based

how long do you have to wait for the oil based varnish to dry before you put something weighty on it?

2 answers

Hi Rob.....for me I would say a fortnight....best of luck with it. I ended up fine sanding my job down and waxing with bees wax/mineral turps and it came up nice and smooth and low lustre finish which I was after but the cabothane wasnt able to do. Cheers J

Will K.Cabot's

Hi Rob,
Thanks for your questions.

We would say around 10 days for it to be fully cured. While 90% of the curing might be done in the first few days, that last % can take a little longer.

Please call us if you'd like further advice on 1800 011 006.




Cabothane Clear Oil Based

I have stained a few wooden logs with oil based cabothane clear after letting them dry and sanded back. I am not happy with the top parts once they have dried (user error) I am wondering if this product would react with an epoxy resin to refinish my peices? if so what is the best and quickest method in removing the varnish?

1 answer
Will K.Cabot's

Hi Heidel,
Provided Cabothane has fully cured, you should be OK to apply an Epoxy Resin or similar.

We would suggest doing your best to remove the Cabothane, the easiest method being sanding. We'd suggest getting off as much as you can, this will allow the best looking result for your Epoxy.

Call us if you'd like to discuss further on 1800 011 006.




Cabothane Clear Oil Based

I am using a fine brush to apply gloss oil based Cabothane to a small Tasmanian Oak wooden floor which has been stained.? The Cabothane looks slightly thick. Should I thin it and if so with what ? I was thinking of using mineral turpentine but I though I had better check. Regards Keith

2 answers
Will K.Cabot's

Hi Keith,

Thanks for your question.

Please do not use Cabothane on flooring. It is not a walk on appropriate coating. Cabothane is for interior furniture only.

You will need CFP Oil Based for your flooring.

Please call us to discuss on 1800 011 006.



Sorry, I made a mistake with the name. It is CFP Oil Based Polyurethane ( gloss ) which I am using. What should I use to thin it if it seems too thick. Another question. Is there a reason for the suggestion not to shake the tin? Regards Keith.

Liam Mac

Liam Macasked

Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi Cabots,
will the Cabothane be able to be applied to a newly made Marri dining table?
hot cups and scratching?

1 answer
Bonnie J.Cabot's

Hi Liam,

If it is a newly made dining table ensure all dust is removed and the table is clean and ready for coating. I would then recommend using Cabot's CFP Floor Water Based which is a highly durable, hard wearing and fast drying finish.

Good luck with your project!

- Cabot's



Cabothane Clear Oil Based

Hi, I am making drink coasters with alcohol inks on ceramic tiles, people who have completed similar projects have recommended cathothane clear gloss spray as a finishing product. My question is will it withstand a hot cup of tea or icey drink without marking the gloss finish?

4 answers

Don't use it the worst product to use


Trumpy, why is it not worth using? If the product is only as good as their customer service then it is pretty bad, I was under the impression that email was supposed to be a fast way of communicating.....obviously they are too busy to care fir their customers....

Will K.Cabot's

Hi Dian,

Thanks for your question.

We always keep any eye on Product Review - but sometimes we can't get to all your questions in the same day. So we do apologies for the wait.

Cabothane would be perfect for your project. Provided it is fully cured, it should withstand your tea and icy drinks.

We recommend waiting 7 days for the curing process to fully take place.

If you have any further questions, please call us on 1800 011 006.


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