
69 questions from our users



Family Q Q320

What heat do I use to cook an eye fillet of beef 1.8kg on a Family Q

No answers


Family Q Q320

Hello which side is the hot plate to go on. I have the mid sized Weber Q

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Angela, it can go on either, but we typically recommend it goes on the opposite side to the igniter so there is enough airflow to ignite the barbecue :)



Family Q Q320

Hello, with the Family Q i can see the black and grey lid options online- whats the difference? is one better than the other?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi there, there is no difference in the size/shape/weight of the Q or the performance; it's purely down to aesthetic preference on what colour want. The colour is a premium option available in Weber Specialist Dealers, Weber Stores and online.

P Watson

P Watsonasked

Family Q Q320

we have bought a breakfast plate for our weber family q but are finding it impossible to cook fried eggs on it as no matter what we do the eggs stick or cook to hard. What are we doing wrong?

2 answers
Otis Kahibah
Otis Kahibah

The best solution will be to turn the gas knob to the fully "off" position. Then get a frypan and lightly coat the surface with oil. Then, while the Weber is still "off" turn on your stovetop and cook the eggs on that.
The Weber Q is either too cool or too hot to cook things like eggs successfully. Also, after a few months your hotplate will keep falling in as one of the other 1 star reviewers has noted.

Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi there, if you're finding that your eggs are sticking, try placing a dob of butter on the hotplate before cracking the egg. Ensure you're cooking over medium heat. You might find this helpful here: https://www.weber.com/AU/en/recipes/pork/aussie-breakfast/weber-189124.html



Family Q Q320

if I use 2 hot plates & keep the lid open the gas build issue should evaporate?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi James, it is more about the effectiveness of the convective style of heat that all Weber's produce when they are used with the lid down and with half a hotplate. They won't work as effectively in terms of heat retention, and you'll use a lot more gas using it with the lid open (not to mention you miss out on a lot of flavour with the lid up).



Family Q Q320

can you use 2 solid hotplates in a Weber Family Q 3200.
take out both grills and replace with 2 hotplates
or will this affect the flow of gas or cause gas build up inside the bbq

3 answers
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Dave, we do not recommend using two hotplates at the same time as this can impact the airflow for the gas, as well as impact the convection style of cooking that Weber's a known for.

Best to use half hotplate and half grill.


yes that is what i have been doing now.
Just looking for a way to have more hotplate cooking area

Weber Barbecues A.Weber

You can always look into options like our Weber Q Ware Frying Pan to add mode flat space to your grill?



Family Q Q320

Does the We we q hot plate fit the family q?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Tina, the Weber Q half-hotplate will not fit the Family Q as they have different sized cookboxes. Let us know if you need any further information.

Andy D.

Andy D.asked

Family Q Q320

How do you remove the Weber Q from the trolley?

5 answers
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Andy, if you've got the Weber Family Q, then you cannot remove the barbecue from the cart; they are one piece.

Andy D.
Andy D.

Hi, that's not correct, I was able to remove it by removing the 4 screws. I rang a local weber service centre and was given this advice!

Lydia G.
Lydia G.

Hi Andy, which screws did you remove? Thanks!



Family Q Q320

My FamilyQ hot plates keep falling down while I am cooking, I'm assuming this is not normal?

2 answers
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Coby, that isn't normal. It sounds like your cookbox has warped so the grills no longer fit- if you can call our customer service team on 1300 301 290, we can help fix this issue for you. Thanks


Thank you for your reply.



Family Q Q320

How to adapt the stand to take four wheels...its too clumsy with two.

4 answers
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Trevor, these carts are designed to be mobile with two wheels, and can be manoeuvred easily when using the handles. That being said, we appreciate your feedback and will pass it along. Thanks Trevor.


The "handles" are too short, its that fact that makes the unit clumsy.
You cant use the end tables, they lift up and could be damaged anyway.
Thanks for getting back


There was a post on the Weber BBQ Addicts Facebook page in October, where a guy had fitted extra wheels to his cart. It shouldn't be too difficult to do, he bought all the parts from Bunnings.

Sue B

Sue Basked

Family Q Q320

Does the half hot plate sold for a current model Weber q fit the older model Weber q 300?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Sue, yes it does, however you may need some supporting middle 'clips' as the older 300 series had a one-piece grill and not a split grill like the current range. If you call our head office on 1300 301 290 we can send one out to you free of change.



Family Q Q320

How do you Connect gas bottle stand

3 answers
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Steve, sorry are you asking about connecting the gas bottle to the barbecue, or putting it on the stand?


Putting it on the stand

Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Steve, it's a bit hard to understand the issue you're having without seeing the model stand you have; are you able to email us an image of the barbecue and where you're having difficulty? email is [email protected]. Thanks!

Greg P.

Greg P.asked

Family Q Q320

Can I use my Q 320 without a trolley

7 answers

Yes we have :)

Greg P.
Greg P.


Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Greg, you won't be able to take it off the cart, so no. They come as one piece.



Family Q Q320

The gas hose on my Weber family Q Q320 requires changing. I have a replacement hose and before beginning I thought it would be a great idea to ask for some instructions just in case it isn't as simple as it appears to be.
Are you able to provide any instructions?
Or is it as simple as unscrewing the old hose and connecting the new one?
Thanks for you help!
Mick from North Melbourne

2 answers

Hi Mick I have never had to change mine as its new but looks simple just make sure gas bottle is turned off. Let out any extra gas then attach new hose.

Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Mick, is it a genuine Weber hose? You should have got some instructions with it if that was the case. If you would like any further help, let us know and we can send you some more detailed instructions :)

Sean R.

Sean R.asked

Family Q Q320

Hi I purchased a Weber Q and accessories before Xmas 2018 and love it. But on this past weekend I notice the Weber Large Fry pan handle had a crack on both side of the lock system on the handle. The plastic on one side broke off and the other side you can see it cracking. It looks like a fault in manufacture as I use it with great care, its only just 6 month old. Sean from Freshwater NSW

4 answers
Andrew P
Andrew P

Sorry Sean. I have noT experienced this issue as I don't have one of those fry pans.

Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Sean, that doesn't sound normal! If you wouldn't mind taking a few photos and emailing us at [email protected] we can sort this out for you. Thanks!

Gina D.
Gina D.

I used my frypan for the first time and the handle cracked up by the pin. Replacement coming. Is this a common fault? one time user... ???



Family Q Q320

Can you buy a Weber family q without the stand?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Sandra, if you do not want a stand, you have the option of either our Weber Q models (Q2000 or 2200) or you can look at our built-in option (Q3600) which comes with its own housing so it can be built into an outdoor kitchen area. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Jack N.

Jack N.asked

Family Q Q320

What does the letter Q stand for

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

BarbeQue? We're hip and cool, so we use slang ;)



Family Q Q320

Hi I want to roast a 5kg piece of beef, can I use a large foil tray to catch the juices to make gravy?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi skipps6, thanks for your question. We would advise against it, as by using the drip tray (instead of a convection tray, for example) you trap juices/fats above an open flame, which is a fire hazard. The Q also needs airflow to circulate through the barbecue, and if the tray doesn't have any drainage holes, it won't be able to perform to it's best abilities and your cook won't be it's best.

If you were using a Weber Kettle, then this would be ok as there is enough space to put a drip tray under the roast without being over the fuel source.

We would suggest that you use a convection tray and trivet, and make a separate batch of gravy without the juices.

Chris Riley

Chris Rileyasked

Family Q Q320

Can I buy griddle grill for the Weber family q?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Chris, thanks for getting in touch. There are already grills on the Family Q, so are you referring to a hotplate-type accessory? We do sell half-hotplates for the Qs, to be used with a half grill on the other side. They are $79.95AUD rrp. If you need any further help, please let us know. Thanks!

Kyle C

Kyle Casked

Family Q Q320

Is it possible to take the grill off wheel stand and use it as a countertop grill?

1 answer
Weber Barbecues A.Weber

Hi Kyle, thanks for your question. The stand forms part of the whole barbecue, so they cannot be separated. If you'd like a countertop grill, then I would suggest the built-in model (Q3600) as this is designed to be built into the cabinets. I hope that helps, and if you have any other questions, please let us know.

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