Nowadays,someyoungmenareresistanttomarriageeither Continue readingWhat should I do if I am afraid of marriage- Ways to overcome fear of marriage
What does it mean if your girlfriend blocks you-
BeingblockedbyyourgirlfriendonWeChatmeansthatther Continue readingWhat does it mean if your girlfriend blocks you-
What kind of boy would a smart, rational and independent girl choose-
Itissaidthatmarryingawifedetermineswhatyournextge Continue readingWhat kind of boy would a smart, rational and independent girl choose-
What is the best way to answer the question -Do we know each other--
IwaschattingwithagirlIjustjoinedrecently,butIrece Continue readingWhat is the best way to answer the question -Do we know each other--
How do dumb people use opening lines to attract girls-
Forpeoplewhoaredumb,itisverydifficulttostartaconv Continue readingHow do dumb people use opening lines to attract girls-