
69 questions from our users



Does this product help with constipation?

2 answers

I find that it does.


Hi, it seems to, since I have been taking it, I have had no problems. I have also started having a pro-biotic yoghurt every day also, just to keep the good bacteria in my stomach, so far so good.



Does this help stop gastro ?

No answers
Will N

Will Nasked

does it help with acid reflux?

No answers
San S

San Sasked

Can I still take nexium if i am taking iberogast?

2 answers

I am sorry I cannot answer that question. May I suggest you ask your doctor.


I do and it's perfectly fine.



Is iberogast safe to take with the contraceptive pill?

2 answers

I am sorry Bel but I cannot answer that question as I am far past taking the pill. Best to ask your doctor. I can only reiterate that all my bowel and digestive problems are kept in control as long as I keep on taking it. A happy bowel, a happy mind, a happy life.


I would recommend you speak with your doctor or pharmaacist, as being male, I'm not qualified to answer this



how many times a day can a baby of 9 weeks take it he is breastfed is it only 3 times a day or after each feed.
thanking you for your help.

2 answers

That’s a question for your doctor


I have no idea but I suggest you speak with your chemist



can iberogast cause more damage to low functioning kindys?

1 answer

That is a question for your GP



I had an Endoscopy of November 2016 and then had a GES done end of December 2016. Diagnosed with GP at the end of December.
In May 2017, this year I ordered a copy of my medical records. While reading over them, I discovered the doctor saying I had Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. It got me to worrying bc he never told me. So I saw my GI doctor a week ago on July 6, 2017 and asked him about it. He said he wasn't worried about it and for me not worry..
I purchased Iberogast and wanted to start taking it but, in reading the directions, it says to "consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have a liver disorder." Now I'm REALLY confused bc I truly want to start taking Iberogast. Anyone else with this issue? Thanks so much in advance.

1 answer

You really must get clarification from your General Practitioner (GP) as to your fatty liver condition and whether Iberogast is safe in your particular circumstances. Take the bottle with you on your next visit.



I have previously suffered bowel cancer and had to endure the radiotherapy and chemo and two lots of surgery I had an illliostomy and then a full reversal they removed a large portion of my bowel with the cancerous tumour and I still have a lot of issues will this product be beneficial to me ??

3 answers

The results that I personally have achieved are a much calmer stomach and gut, which means when I eat, I don't experience the severe bloating and gas that I have lived with on and off for years.


From my experience I wouldn't recommend this product _particularly when you've had so much other treatment.


Thank u for your advice maybe this would not be suitable



Does anyone know if the alcohol used in Iberogast is gluten-free?

1 answer

I googled for you yes it is gluten free



Does alcohol alter the performance of lberogast?

2 answers

Ibergast does contain a small amount of alcohol, but having a beer and then having to take Ibergast is not recommended, as it won't work as well, if at all.

I don't drink any alcohol at all. I haven't for 25 years. Iberogast tastes like it has more than a little alcohol in it! You would think that you are drinking a glass of whiskey!!!! Iberogast does nothing for people suffering from serious Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It's just another gimmick out there that doesn't work like all those weight loss pills!!!!!



I stopped smoking 8 months ago, since then bloating & on off constipation & other withdrawal symptoms which I have learnt is quite common, I have tried inner health probiotics & a draw full of concoctions which work for a little while but the symptoms come back, has anyone out there had problems associated with quitting & found Iberogast helpful?

6 answers

There is no cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It is just a name that they give to people who have the sort of problems you are talking about because they can't define the exact cause. Most times the problem cannot be detected by medical tests. I have had to put up with it for 20 years. Some days you have minimal problems,other days a lot and it can be quite painful. Just try and eat healthy. Everyone who i have talked to, that includes doctors, naturopaths and even old ladies think they have the solution and that they are all experts. One doctor said he could cure me with 1 pill. Another doctor told me to use Iberogast. They did absolutely NOTHING for me except waste my money. An old lady told me to eat garlic and honey!!!!!!! As I said just try and eat as healthy as you can, use prunes for the constipation, bloating is a problem and passing wind you can help a little by maybe having leafy vegetables such as bok choy, spinach and maybe some sauce on them as a meal. As far as the bad abdominal pain, just take some panadeine forte and 1 valium tablet together, that eases the pain for me. I'm sorry for your pain but don't believe all those know it alls out there, it will just end up wasting you money on gimmicks. I wish you all the best


Valium really, one thing I do not wish to take, but thank you anyway.


Iberogast has helped me a lot Lindsey for bloating and also i would also recommend the FOD MAP diet it works a treat for IBS problems .



I've been taking this for over a week and I'm sooooooooo tired! I know the herbs in this can be good for sleep and relaxing. Did anyone else have this problem? and if so, did your body eventually get used to it?
I'm thinking of lowering the dosage.

1 answer

Maybe just use it for sleep then. It doesn't work for IBS. The product contains alcohol so no wonder you sleep!!!!!!!!! I gave up, it's just another gimmick



Hi there, I just bought this for my EBF 6 week old. It says 6 drops in 60ml of warm water. I thought that is too much water for him at such a young age. Anyone else has given this to their newborn who has info? Thank you

2 answers

The information sheet says children under 3 months give 6 drops 3 times a day. As this is an all natural product and clearly states there have been no cases of acute overdoses,, I'm sure it would be safe. If you are not sure ask your Doctor or Chemist.


Thanks so much for your reply Sandy. I read it as having to mix the 6 drops with water. Are you reading the information sheet in the box? do you think 6 drops can be applied directly onto tongue? Yes I may also confirm with GP.



Is anyone able to tell me how long Iberogast takes to work? When did you start to notice a difference?

I have been taking it for less than a week.

3 answers

Sorry, I don't know. I took it for a few days, thinking that it really should work immediately. Maybe I was too impatient, as we tend to be when we have severe heartburn! I think it helped a little, but it certainly didn't provide the kind of relief I needed (and still need) and I had to continue to suck antacids like Rennie and Quick-Eze. (I've heard that Tums taste better, but I can't get them locally and they're expensive to buy online.)

For longer-term relief, I'm using low dose (150mg) Zantac. That takes a couple of hours to kick in and provides relief for about 12 hours. Higher dose Zantac (300mg) should provide relief for 24 hours. I'm going to ask my GP if I can resume the PPI (Rabeprazole) that I was on for three years, but this time at a lower dosage. I imagine the constant burning isn't doing the oesophagus much good and I'd prefer to avoid Barrett's Oesophagus and cancer!


Thanks for the information :) Glad you have found something that works for you!
I have been using Iberogast now for a week and I think i may be starting to notice a slight difference ... i'll need to give it another week at least to be certain though. For anyone wondering - I suffer from IBS as well as GERD and have so far tried Zantac as well as probiotics - no difference with Zantac, some improvement with the probiotics.


Today my GP advised me to resume the Pariet (Rabeprazole) rather than wait for symptoms and arrest them with antacids. He explained that while PPIs have been linked to kidney damage in the elderly, those cases are very uncommon and the patients could well have suffered Barrett's Oesophagus or oesophageal cancer and died many years earlier if they had not used PPIs. In other words, because of lifesaving medications, people are living longer and finally succumbing to conditions that are linked to their medications. So medicate now and live longer, or reject medication and shorten your life to avoid dying of something else in the future! Of course, if there's a natural treatment that works for you, you're a winner. If there's not, don't commit suicide!

Note: My GP is aware that I adjust my PPI dosage and was taking only half the recommended dose when he suggested I try to do without them a few months ago. Since the heartburn is still constantly troublesome, he now feels that if I can achieve total relief by taking a Pariet tablet every second day, as I was before, I have nothing to fear from the PPI. (I was taking one 20mg Pariet tablet on Mon, Wed & Fri mornings and on Saturday night. I'm resuming that regimen tomorrow. Sick of the heartburn!)



is this safe for your liver??

1 answer

As far as I have read its very safe. Even babies can have it. Lots of info via google.



can you take this product with ulcerative colitis and being on meds?

1 answer

I'm about to go have my bi annual colonic opt and check up. I'll ask my specialist for you... I am not taking this just yet..Just reading all these reviews first



Is it safe to take Iberogast daily and if so what amount would you recommend or only when symptoms occur?

2 answers

From information supplied with the product, I understand that it should be taken before or with food as a preventative, rather than as relief after symptoms occur. As I said in my posting, I'm not sure that this product helped me. It didn't really prevent my discomfort. I might give it another try now that I've been off the PPI (Rabeprazole) awhile. A cup of water or a milk drink is helpful when symptoms occur.


I've given the product another try and I believe it does help me, but only if I take it BEFORE eating rather than while eating or after eating or when symptoms occur.



How long did it take till it started being effective?
I noticed in some reviews that it was within a day. I myself have been using it for two days and can honestly say that if anything, my symptoms have gotten worse, not better.

2 answers

I have been taking it for about 3 months now and only started seeing effects about a month ago. I can honestly say I have seen a huge change, doesn't work everyday for me I still get symptoms from time to time but can certainly say it has improved :) Good luck


Karol do you take it 3X a day, Just curious if you take it right before eating or a few minutes before? John, I have taken it for 10 days, I did notice improvement within a few days but the last two days I have gotten a bit of cramping like 20 min. after eating and the urge to go #2. I have IBS-Alternating but mostly D. It could be those are my bad days i guess.



How effective is ibergoast for a 3 week infant and how often should it be taken for wind and cramps?

3 answers

I can't recommend this product for a baby, I'd be inclined to discuss your baby's issues with a doctor. However regarding usage in an adult with wind and cramps, I would suggest using Iberogast when you start to feel the onset of either condition. That's how I use it and it works a treat!


3 WEEK INFANT! NO!!!! Why would you give it to a baby?


On the packet it says 3 times a day but i would go once in the morning and once at night (12hr apart) just until he/she gets use to it the 3 times daily. I just started using it a couple of days ago for my son but for his reflux! Hope it works..

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