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Janelle ·  · Chew for Dogs

how long does side affect of diarrhea last?? Started the day after has been 5 days so far.

Brittany S.
Brittany S. · 

Our dog has had bloody diarrhea since she has taken it. We actually thought she was dying and have spent over 3,000 dollars in vet bills! This stuff is poison. It has been over a month and she is still suffering. I really hope it does not last much longer. There is a Facebook page that is dedicated to the adverse effects that Brevecto has on dogs, the Facebook webpage is called, "does Bravecto kill dogs?" From what I have read they suggest seeing a vet that does hollistic practices and have them do some forms of detox. They have awesome links on the matter. I hope your pooch starts feeling better. Very scary!

Peter 1
Peter 1 · 

The diarrhea started the day after but got worse over a couple of days. It was probably about 3-4 days before she got so dehydrated that she could not stand or eat and we had to rush her to the vet. She spent a day at the vets and then slowly recuperated at home over about a week.


I literally just texted girl that works at vet ... my dog did have a solid stool today ... FIRST IN 12 DAYS! Our vet gave us EN dog food to mix with his kibble ... I have also given him a little of my yogurt each morn ... 43 days and counting left of this poison (according to dosage) in his sweet little system .... ya know ... our dog would have perished this past weekend had we not a credit card to charge the $3000.00 THUS FAR... everyone who meets Dallas will hear his story ... EVERYONE

neverusingbravectoagain · 

A couple months in and the diarrhea is off and on. I use pure canned pumpkin added to his food or frozen in ice cube trays and given as a treat and that helps. My dog is having major skin reactions with itchy red skin, sores and hair loss. Have been looking for information (how to detox him) but have not found any free information. I found a product he can eat and you can put on his skin that seems to be helping. Aloe Pet for hot spots, itchy skin and allergies. Hoping this doesn't last the full three months and beyond according to the dosing and information on duration of effectiveness. Gonna check out the facebook page above. Thanks for that information and good luck everyone at getting through this with your pets.

Sheri H.
Sheri H. ·  · Chew for Dogs

I gave my 11.5 year old healthy chihuahua Bravecto and she has taken it before without issues. I gave it to her on the 17th and yesterday she started not acting like herself. She is sleeping more than normal but eating and going to the bathroom ok. Can she have side effects over 10 days later?

Erika Aleidzans
Erika Aleidzans · 

Absolutely she can Please stop using this dog killer

Nicolette D.
Nicolette D. ·  · Chew for Dogs

How long does it take brevecto to get out of my dog system? it's caused a lot of problems he is not normal since I gave it to him he Shakes a lot and get stuck a lot

Alchemy · 

Not sure what you mean by stuck.. but I would take him to the vet he sounds like his having mild seizures and you can request they replace his body fat like they do with a cat that has accidently been given dog tick treatment. (My cat slept on my dig after giving my dog advantix and he had serious complications they gave him fat replacement treatment not sure what exactly it's called but it got rid of it out of his fat cells and he didnt die) . I'd highly recommend getting him to a vet asap... flea and tick treatment is stored in your pets fat cells from what I've read reactions last as long as it takes to naturally replace those fat cells and sometimes permanent damage the tablet form seems to be the major reactions so steer clear of any tablet form flea or tick treament if you can in future ... I am not a vet I'm just going on what ive read but take your pet to a professional :) all the best and hope he pullsthe quickly

neverusingbravectoagain · 

There is a Facebook page "does Bravecto kill dogs?" that discusses adverse effects after using Bravecto. It is very thorough and discusses various symptoms and treatments.

Stella H.
Stella H. ·  · Chew for Dogs

My dog had diarrhea and vomiting after taking bravecto a month ago. He is 7 and was very healthy. Now he has started shivering for no reason and stares into space from time to time. I have read about diarrhea and vomiting but not shivers and staring into space. How do I detox him.?

Sarzie Mac
Sarzie Mac · 

Probably best to see a vet. The opinions here are just that - opinions. Your dog needs help from a qualified vet in person.

Nicolette D.
Nicolette D. · 

Yes I have the same problem what do we do to get it out of this system and will the dog ever be normal

neverusingbravectoagain · 

There is a Facebook page "does Bravecto kill dogs?" that discusses adverse effects after using Bravecto. It is very thorough and discusses various symptoms and treatments including detox.

Erika Aleidzans
Erika Aleidzans · 

Please be careful my dog was fitting and unfortunately we had to put him to sleep as have so many other dogs Dont give tick and flea poisons that’s are injestible

Alise D.
Alise D. ·  · Chew for Dogs

My pet took Bravecto 2 wks ago.
Just the other day she was sitting in the living room and she started swaying back and forth and then she threw up. I wasn't sure what was wrong with her I thought maybe she had an ear infection. Just today my daughter noticed a "bullseye" on her tummy. I'm sure she was bitten by a tick. Is that why she was swaying back and forth and seemed unbalanced? She's playful and eating just fine but I'm not sure if the Bravectico was in her system long enough to help her fight off the tick bite.

Sarzie Mac
Sarzie Mac · 

I'd be asking this question to a qualified animal vet. If your dog is sick she needs treatment from someone who knows what they're doing.

Claudette B.
Claudette B. ·  · Chew for Dogs

What heartworm medication is safe to use with Bravecta?

Cynthia · 

I wouldn’t ever use Bravecto again as it hurt my dog.Sorry don’t know answer to your question but I would definitely not put 2 poisons on my dog at the same time.

Michelle · 

A dewormer called "Milbemax" is the best dewormer on the market, it kills all the worms in the dog's intestines and body in general, including the heartworm that you are asking about. It can only be or should only be bought in a vet practice. It comes in both a chewable and flavored version and a normal tablet. Make sure to know your dog's weight before getting it as all things for animals is according to their body weight.

Anne M.
Anne M. ·  · Chew for Dogs Large (20 - 40kg)

Our labrador was given Bravecto for the second time this spring. She got a tablet last year with very good effekt, but we noticed lethargy and hair loss for som week. This second time the reaction was much worse. And now she has trouble walking. We think she might have something wrong with the nervous system.Before the medication she had no such trouble at all. Has enyone experienced similar problems?

Cynthia · 

My elderly boxer had tremors in back legs straight after I gave her Bravecto. Fortunately she recovered but I have no doubt it was caused by Bravecto. This poison should be banned. Do some research and you will see that there are so many people with similar or worse experiences.

Nicolette D.
Nicolette D. · 

Oh my dog ever be back to normal one month ago I gave it to him and he is not right

Georgina M.
Georgina M. ·  · Chew for Dogs

Has anybody else’s dog experience itching after taking Bravecto? My dog is scratching more now than before I gave it to her. I am calling my vet but I wanted to compare notes. This was her first dose

Karin L.
Karin L. · 

Our dog became ill a day after she had Bravecto, throwing up white foam and slimy stuff for almost a month now, she was on an antibiotic she also had tonsillitis or said the vet said, I will not give her this again, its meant to kill bugs on my dog..then what dose it do to,her? It’s a pesticide never again will she eat this. So angry over this.

Teressa B.
Teressa B. · 

I have a pom she took only a partial dose yesterday morning and by evening she is snapping her head around towards hind quarters, growling, chewing feet, and kind of scooting her hind end had a similar reaction with nexguard, and spot on treatments. I have tried to see if there are similar ingredients but no luck. I guess we will just watch for fleas in the future . I wont put her or us thru this. I hope it doesn't last long.

Jana E.
Jana E. ·  · Chew for Dogs

I gave my female nursing dog bravecto over 30 days ago, I have seen a flea on her and I was wondering can I now give a capstar?

Cynthia · 

I would not give this product to any dog Read the reviews if you care about your dog

Scooby · 

I accidentally gave my 4 month old a dose, do I need to be concerned ?? She's a 30lb boxer.

Jilly ·  · Chew for Dogs

My puppy got sick after taking Bravecto chewable (21/01/19) and has been sick on a daily basis since. Does anyone know how long the drug takes to leave a dogs body? Thank you!

Nicolette D.
Nicolette D. · 


Michele ·  · Chew for Dogs

Hello, I purchased Bravecto from my Vet. I’m not bothering to call them because I won’t get return call for a week. The vet printed directions on the box says one dosage every 3 months. The mfg instructions on the box reads 12 weeks. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

b h.
b h. · 

3 months is equal to 12 weeks.

Michael S
Michael S ·  · Chew for Dogs

If I gave my dog Bravecto Two weeks ago, is it safe to give it to him today.

PitbullMama · 

No. You’ll double dose him. You can do a topical treatment, but not another oral.

Michelle · 

Why would you want to give Bravecto to him again, 2 weeks later when the medicine lasts for 3 months? I am not judging, but rather need to be informed as to why.

Many tests have been safely done on dogs where they are given the Bravecto tablet dose day after day for an extended amount of time and the result was found that whatever the dog's body does not use gets passed out of their system through normal urination and things, so theoretically it shouldn't technically be a problem, but I am interested in hearing why you want to do it again, just 2 weeks after doing it...

Michael S
Michael S · 

I have a lot going on, and I’m not really sure if I gave it to him two weeks ago or not that’s why I asked the question.

Chris ·  · Chew for Dogs Medium (10 - 20kg)

Does Bravecto prevent Giardia in dogs? I think my spaniel may have Giardia - off to the vet shortly - but she was treated with topical Bravecto only two weeks ago.

Dissapointed · 

A qualified vet would be the person to ask . I have heard there is a type of Gastro which is prevalent at the moment in parts of nsw at the pooch had it around xmas time. Needed antibiotics which cleared it in a couple of days. Hope it goes well for your furry friend.

Barbara Duncan
Barbara Duncan · 

Hi Chris, I am not qualified to answer your question regarding Giardia, I suggest you consult with your vet. I really hope your dog gets well soon.
Regards, Barb.

Annie ·  · Chew for Dogs

Can I give the 4.4-9.9 lb topical Bravecto to my 11 lb dog?

Michelle · 

You physically can, however it will not be effective either at all or for the whole period of time which is 3 moths... Rather give the correct dose for the dog's weight, which would be the 10-20kg dose. Whatever the dog's body does not use gets passed out of their bodies through normal urination and things.

Devil ·  · Chew for Dogs

Is everyone posting on here about side effects lodging a complaint with the APVMA - Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority? It's really important to notify them. I don't know how many complaints are needed for them to do anything but it's guaranteed they will do nothing if they don't know there is a problem.

Littleun · 

I hope so this is the only way they are going to take any notice, have reported my case to the relevant authorities and the manufacturer ( uk) pure poison as far as I’m concerned

Susan ·  · Chew for Dogs Large (20 - 40kg)

How long does it take for brave to to absorb/digest?

Michelle · 

Anywhere starting from 30 minutes to 8 hours, depending on the dog and their metabolism and whether they ate right before, during or right after ingesting the Bravecto tablet.

KAJC ·  · Chew for Dogs Large (20 - 40kg)

We gave our 4 month old greyhound and out 8 year old foxy cross bravecto 4 weeks ago. The foxy is fine but our greyhound has started having mild facial seizures where he chomps and foams at the mouth every day. I am absolutely terrified. If anything happens to him it will destroy me. We only lost our last greyhound 6 months ago and still recovering emotionally and financially from that ordeal. We are at the vet tomorrow and he is going to say that it has nothing to do with the bravecto. I don't care. I'll never use it again. I just want him to be ok. Has anyone had a similar experience? Other than CBD oil what else can I do to try and get this poison out of him quickly? Thank you

JMG · 

oh that is awfull maybe he was too young for it or doseage too much . I hope your dog will get over this reaction / illness /i have never used any such products with previous pets just flea powder / paths . my pets do not have any alergic reactions to there medicines/ treatments / vaccinations cats on advocate dog staffi x on bravecto. i spend a lot of time with dog as she is like my siamese twin & sleeps in bed with me so i would notice if she did. but i am terribly sorry for your dogs ordeal.

Sari S
Sari S · 

Join the Bravecto kills dogs Facebook site. There are so many answers to your questions on there. But get milk thistle into his diet right away. Check dosage amount for detox the liver per weight of your pet. Change diet to raw immediately. Raw organic grass fed no antibiotics meat and sweet Potatoe. Then we sprinkle the milk thistle on top. I bought a bottle of milk thistle capsules from a natural store. go see a holistic vet. Our dog had a grand mal and we had to put her on keppra. Which is the most natural and easy to ween off anti seizure med. She hasn’t had one since one month ago but before that she had tremors constantly then one big seizure. Raced her to ER.
The diet change will help and please add milk thistle ASAP to food - feed 2-3 times a day and sprinkle each time. This stuff won’t leave blood stream for months so you need to detox liver and help support body. Ask them about keppra too as it may help immediately.

Devil · 

Find a homeopathic vet. And lodge a complaint with the APVMA about this. Doesn't matter what your vet says but I'd definitely be changing to a vet who cares. Any vet who tells you these drugs don't cause serious side effects is not telling the truth.

Don.H ·  · Chew for Dogs

Does it keep the dog free from paralysis ticks in australia?

blue · 

Yes I believe so.

tmax ·  · Chew for Dogs Large (20 - 40kg)

About a week ago I gave my 11 year old shepherd/chow mix a dose of Bravecto from the vet. It seemed to work well, no more fleas, no more itching, but she has terrible gas. She has rarely had gas before and we have not changed any of her food. She is very happy and active, no problems walking, face looks OK. Really no other issues but the flatulence. But is this just a side effect or a symptom of kidney or liver problems starting?

Michelle · 

Speak to your vet about getting her digestive system a look at and other organs, I highly doubt Bravecto would have any effect on a dog's flatulence.

Dee ·  · Chew for Dogs Medium (10 - 20kg)

Does a one time bravecto put my dog 8n danger? It's been over a year!

Michelle · 

No, it shouldn't. Many dogs in the world are on Bravecto and do not suffer at all, in fact they thrive as it helps with their coat and skin and controlling tick and flea allergies that some dogs have, along with many other things. It is better to give your dogs Bravecto as a tick and flea medication than to not give them anything at all and have them suffer through billary which is tick bite fever in dogs and have them hospitalized for that when it could have been avoided.

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