
180 questions from our users

Sharon S.

Sharon S.asked

How can I purchase Duromine?

1 answer
ajay v.
ajay v.

Prescription from your doctor

Sharon S.

Sharon S.asked

How can I purchase Duromine?

No answers


Can you take supplements whilst on duromine?

1 answer

Depends on the supplements. Seek a medical professionals advice first.

Laura R

Laura Rasked

Hi everyone, I have been put onto Duromine 30mg by my doctor, as I had a huge amount of weight gain in 6 months. Had tests etc done, nothing out of the ordinary. I do have a fair few autoimmune diseases which makes exercising hard some days. I do an hour long PT session a week. I'm only 2 tablets in, tonight was the first time I have felt a little queasy in the tummy when i tried to eat tea. Does anyone know if it will help with the weight loss if I can't be extremely active.
I was 54kgs, went up to 74kgs when I first got sick. Stayed at 74kgs for 3 years. In the last 6 months I now weigh in at 100kgs. I suffered from dry mouth to begin with, so has probably made that a little worse. Otherwise not a huge notice of side effects. I have Chronic Fatigue and insomnia aswell. Haven't found my sleep patterns have chanhed, although I'm not having my usual 3pm sleep. I have Zoladex injections for my endometriosis which cause hot flushes. In the last 2 days they have been crazy! This is my last Zoladex injection, so hopefully the hot flushes will ease off during the course of the month

1 answer
ajay v.
ajay v.

Duromine helps with your appetite think of it like a kick start to you getting into a routine. I think on the 4th day I had sleeping problems where I would be wide awake but I also lost around 4kg eating right. Once your off the pill and eating right remember to stick to a diet or your weight will come back. 80% of weight lost is in the kitchen

Lynette L.

Lynette L.asked

Do I need a script for duromine?

1 answer

Yes you do.

Elly B.

Elly B.asked

Has anyone found that it makes them feel really nauseous so it completely puts you off eating? If you have any tips to try and control that nausea?


1 answer
Bec M.
Bec M.

I was am on 30mg for about a week now and I had nausea with vomiting for the past 3 days. I couldn't hold food down and yesterday became faint while driving. I Went to the doctors today and they said they are putting me onto 15mg for 2weeks and then will increase to 30mg as my nausea and vomiting a faint/drowsy spell means that the 30mg is to much for my body to start with as I need to be able to hold food down and feel alright . Maybe consult your GP.

Ness T.

Ness T.asked

Hi everyone, my second time on Durmoine, on 30mg and it’s been a week now. I don’t think I have lost much. Changed my diet, low card, high protein and salad. Pretty much healthy. I am type 1 diabetic so I have to watch my sugar and eat low fat. My mouth is still so dry. Kinda a bit over that, drinking so much water. High energy during the day, feeling low and tired from the afternoon and sleep is all over the place. I am trying to exercise but I also suffer from fibromyalgia I have like arthritis pain throughout my body but I do walk a little. I am 92 kg hope to get to 75kg. I had the sleeve 5 and a half years ago and can’t eat much anyway. I found it’s suppressed my appetite I just have to remember to eat. I am wondering if the dry mouth settles down, I can handle most things but that drives me crazy. I can’t remember if that bothered me like this last time. Thanks. Regards, Ness

4 answers
Sue H.
Sue H.

Im on 30mg toom started today. I was sleeved 3 yeats ago. SW 145.5kgs. I had my son August 2018. Gained 17kgs in my pregnancy. Now sitting at 107kgs.

Ness T.
Ness T.

Hi Sue, good luck with your weightloss journey. I had to come off it as it was dehydrating me way to much and ended up with mouth ulcers and swollen tongue unfortunately. Lost about 2 kilos.

Stephanie Grace
Stephanie Grace

did the sleeve not work for weight loss?



It’s my second day on 15mg have no side affects witch is good but don’t think it’s doing anything I’m still always hungry and it’s not giving me any energy witch I thought it would should I just give it a couple more days ?

2 answers

I started three days ago on 30mg. It has given me more energy, similar to a pre work out drink, but last like 15hrs!. But it has definitely cut out my hunger, I dont want to snack all the time, im eating way less 1/2 a sandwich is more than enough for lunch. My sleep is shorter and not too bad so far. I'm a shifter worker so I'm used to crap sleep!
Maybe see your doctor about increasing to 30mg one?
Or I'm not a health care professional but maybe find out if you can take two of your tablets = 30mg? (I would try find out more information about this first tho!!)

Sarah M.
Sarah M.

i would do what the doctors says as it’s not good for your heart. You will notice it within a week of the effects and feeling less hungry. When you are hungry you will need to eat, it doesn’t get rod off it 100% but you I find it stop cravings and snacking and things like that. I did 15,30 and now on 40 I’ve lost 6-7 kilos in the first 2 months. Just hold on follow your doctors orders
I was fine sleeping only get super thirsty



So I’ve been on Duromine for a few weeks now and I’m almost at the end of my first packet so basically been on it for about a month. I’ve noticed that I have lose weight on my belly and thighs which is great but I’m feeling like I’m not losing anymore weight. I’m hardly eating and when I do it’s only healthy foods with hardly or no carbs and less sugar... im just wondering if i should start working out or what I should do because I feel like I can’t see any progress

2 answers

Hey babe, to lose the most weight you possibly can your body needs to be in a caloric deficit. Which means you need to burn more calories than your eating.
The second month of Duromine is a great start to kick start some exercise as you now have your diet down pat.
I recommend doing some HIIT cardio 3-4 times a week for about 2 hours.
Look up HIIT cardio on YouTube to find what workout is best for you. But trust me you will notice a big difference in your weight after starting this. Goodluck girl


Because for the first like month of having it I’ve seen progress but now I just feel like my body isn’t losing anymore weight but I’ll definitely give this a go. Thank you heaps

Merrissa N.

Merrissa N.asked

Hi guys,
any tips on the diet change in foods... eats and dont eats ....please help?

4 answers

Try and follow the Mediterranean way of eating, hardly any carbs lots of filling protein, no booze ( sorry ) and I am doing the 18/6 fasting, and also replacing a meal with a low sugar protein shake. When on the pills eating 1000 calls a day is relatively easy, mine is around 800 .


Cut processed foods, keep carbs to a minimum. No bread, pasta. Potato’s keep to a minimal amount. It’s good sometimes to have some good carbs.
No alchohol. Stay away from sugary juices and soft drinks.
I’m doing 16/8 fasting, just try fit it into your lifestyle as best you can.
My calorie intake is about 700-800 but should be over 1000 but I find it difficult to hit during a 8 hour window.

Merrissa N.
Merrissa N.

Thank u....so the only thing I have done is cut bread and rice out I hardly have soft drink or juices....if i may ask what do u mean 16/8 fasting?

Melissa M.

Melissa M.asked

Is anybody on the 40 mg ?. And how are the side affects ?

5 answers
David L.
David L.

I’m not on duromine 40mg now I wanted to go on duromine again to see if I could lose more than 10kg my doctor said no I then asked my pharmacist why my doctor won’t prescribe the second time he said duromine can cause heart problems please stay clear

Melissa M.
Melissa M.

Ok thanks

Sarah M.
Sarah M.

I am on 40
Now and for me different to the other mg tablets. I sleep fine still maybe more thirsty but haven’t lost as much weight as it’s my 3 month. Starting on 40 might be hard to sleep. I struggled the first few nights but then I was fine.



My first day on 15 mg not much to report, still hungry, do I wait for another day or so or double the dose, until I get back to the doctors

15 answers
Beck W
Beck W

I am the same - my first day on 15mg still got hungry and not much to report other than a massive headache all day (which I don’t usually get so I can only put it down to this) I’m hoping that after a few days it will start to kick in - I have used it before and must have been a higher dose because it literally made me as high as a kite and full of energy, with no appetite and could not sleep from day one- so I’m actually glad I’m not experiencing those things but am worried it’s not going to be enough to have an effect. I’m thinking of doubling the dose but will maybe give it a few days to kick in and see if it takes effect before I do actually double it


Yes I agree, I am giving it a couple more days to see if mine kicks in, I slept ok last night for about 6 hours, like you happy that it so many side effects as yet, I have also been thinking of doubling the 15 mg at least twice a week, so I can do the 5-2 diet, it’s a thought.

Beck W
Beck W

Perfect! That’s exactly what my plan was too! I’ll keep you posted- given that ours is a very similar situation it will be good to have any feedback. I’ll let you know how it goes after the first week



Hello could anyone tell me if duromine will make you lose your licience. I don't want to purchase them if it will affect it or do just need letter and photo there prescribed to me

4 answers

It wont affect your drivers licence is that what you meant??


It should not affect your driving ability or judgement to drive safely etc, but if you feel affected then be cautious and consider not driving whilst taking it- just remember you can still be charged with driving offences even if you’re legally allowed to take the medication, if you are affected by it. :)

In terms of drug/RBT style tests, believe it can test as a false positive on driver drug testing, since it’s essentially a synthetic amphetamine, but it’s has its own specific drug composition (like any other drug) they can test for it specifically in blood tests and rule it out/discount it in case of a positive test. So as long you have appropriate documentation explaining the positive (id carry with license/rego details every time you drive to be safe) you will be fine :)


Thank you ladies.
Yes mel.. i just wanted to know if you will lose your licience if you take duromine and drive as kylie is explained example of rbt.

Kylie i was going ask the dr to write a letter stating i have been prescribed.also if affects my driving i will discontinue using .



Hi all, I have started taking Duromine five days ago. Today I am absolutely exhausted. I have been waking up after a few hours sleep every night and having trouble going back to sleep until early hours of the morning. My question is does the trouble sleeping go away? Or will this continue throughout the whole time taking Duromine? I want to keep taking it as it is working really well for me so far. I just can’t handle the exhaustion.
Thanks in advance.

3 answers

Yes trouble sleeping goes away. It takes a while but you adjust
Works well if you follow good diet habits
I see a dietician to help with better earing habits


Thank you so much Karen

Sarah M.
Sarah M.

Mine took a few nights, I started the dose early am like 8am everyday.
Now I can take the tablet of 40mg up past lunch and still sleep like a log. Everyone is different but ones I go up to the new dosage first few nights I wake up.
But I like to start on the weekend coz then I can sleep if don’t get much over the night



I've been on duromine 30mg for 8 days now. I haven't lost any weight. For the first two nights I couldn't sleep much and I had a little more energy than usual, my appetite was slightly lower for the first few days, yet now 8 days in and its like Im not even taking the meds. I still constantly want to eat, especially late afternoon and night time and I'm still tired, i feel the same as when i did before starting duromine. I'm 162cm tall and weight 79kg, I need to lose atlas 20kg to be in a healthy weight range. Im still going to take the months worth to see if by then there is any change, if not I was thinking to ask my doctor for the 40mg, does anyone think that a higher does might work better or not? I have read that 40mg has a higher risk of side affects, and that is a bit worrying, yet not losing weight or having more energy as it states that duromine does, I'm finding it depressing. Im also on a high dose of anti-depressants, i was a bit surprised when my doctor prescribed me duromine, but thankfully so far I have not had any major or minor really, issues. I was also thinking because i am able to sleep if its worth taking around lunch time, instead of the morning as my craving are worse late afternoon and night time? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

2 answers

I found by seeing dietician as well has helped i bulk up on free foods and have no cravings or feel hungry
See a dietician as well to help with changing eating habits may help


You would be best off taking it early in the morning so you’re not as likely to be up all night/late but if you already sleep fine than I’d give it a go.

I’ve only just been on it my second day now but what I’ve noticed, at least for myself is you’re not going to feel like you have energy until you start doing something productive. I didn’t feel a boost of energy or anything but once I started cleaning I felt very focused and ended up cleaning the house and doing a work out. Still feel the same today. Not saying everyone’s the same but if you haven’t I’d just try to do something productive that interests you and it might give you more energy than you realise.

But if you feel the 30mg really isn’t working I would discuss it with your doctor to see if upping your dose would be the best option.

Also I don’t know what antidepressants you are on but depending on which one and your dose it could be interfering with the effect of the duromine. If you got a leaflet it says quite a few types of antidepressants/other medication that shouldn’t be taken with duromine. But I’m sure that might not be the case if your doctor knows what antidepressants you’re on.

I would also write down everything you’re eating, and add up your macros or else have the doctor or a nutritionist check to see if that’s all good, sometimes a different diet can work better for others. Did your doctor recommend anything to you diet wise?

Also could be low on vitamins like Vitamin D or Iron if you’re deficient.

Best thing I think you could do though is have a long chat with your doctor about it, any medication you take, what you eat, how active you are.
Anyway you posted this quite a while ago now I’m curious to know how it’s going now?



I've been on 30mg of Duromine for almost 2 weeks now. I have felt exhausted every day, it makes it difficult to continue my usual daily work outs and I have absolutely no motivation to do anything and can usually only get through 15 mins of cardio which i would normally do prior to a HIIT work out. Is this normal?

1 answer
Judy White
Judy White

Hi Ann
I think it depends on the person, as Duromine gave me energy for a week, then I was tired, exhausted aswell .
I got my iron levels checked and other factors to try and work out what’s happening, maybe try and get your bloods check if you haven’t already .
All the best . That’s no good, I know how it can feel .
Judy .
Ps sorry I couldn’t be more help as Duromine isn’t really helping me .



Hi, My GP prescribed me Duromine 40mg. started taking 2 days back. I think am suffering from side effects like tachycardia, dry mouth, acidity and insomnia. Since I started taking medicine, only slept for 4 hours in 2 days. Should I talk to my GP? or body takes time to get used to medication? Anyone experienced these side effects? Thanks

1 answer

It can take time to work I found if I took the pill after 7am or I didn’t do enough to burn energy throughout the day i wouldn’t sleep at all. The first week I was lucky to sleep an hour a night but I started doing atleast 20 minutes of weight training and 40 minutes of cardio daily and slowly built up to harder and longer workouts and I slept like a baby. I think it has to do with burning the extra energy in your body aswell as eating less.

Jo-Anne V.

Jo-Anne V.asked

Hi. I am on Duromine 30 mg. Why am I struggling with my gym classes. I get tired and out of breath quickly. And is shaking a side effect?

2 answers
Judy White
Judy White

Hi Jo-Anne
I’ve experienced tiredness and out of breath too, I think it’s a side effect, but maybe talk to your doctor to be on the safe side .
I also got the shakes, not sure if it’s a side effect .
I reduced my dosage back to 15mg as I didn’t cope with 30mg .
All the best .


Shaking hands is a known side effect.



I’ve been in Duromine 30 mg for 4 days and don’t feel a thing. I still want to eat and don’t feel buzzy or energised or dry mouth or anything!!! What’s wrong with me?

2 answers
Judy White
Judy White

Hi Ness
I felt very similar to you and it doesn’t curb my appetite either, but I found it did seem to make me slow down my eating even if I had a bigger portion size, stick with it, I’m doing the same, giving it more time .
I thought I didn’t kiss anything over two weeks, turns out from the doctors scales I lost 1kg . All the best


Ok thanks Judy
I’ll stick with it. Good luck for you too.

Betty E.

Betty E.asked

Hi I’d like to know where is the cheapest place to buy duromine 40mg

2 answers
Judy White
Judy White

Hi Betty
I’m not 100% sure, but my chemist is reasonable, I’m only on 15mg and it cost me $112

Marysia B.
Marysia B.

I've just started on the generic brand, Metermine 30mg, and it cost me $115 from Cincotta Chemist. I'm on my second day and don't feel hungry at all. I'm still struggling to sleep but get enough and I find my heart is beating faster. Other than that, I"m finding it great so far.

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