
59 questions from our users



Is this suitable for making nut butter?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Lyn,
Thank you for your inquiry, The OmniBlend can easily make nut butter in about 60+ seconds when following our recipes. We have created two pages “The Art of Making Nut Butter” and “What Can The OmniBlend Make”.
Please check them out here:
http://www.omniblendaustralia.com.au/the-art-of-making-nut-butter/ http://www.omniblendaustralia.com.au/what-can-the-omniblend-make/
Like the Vitamix the OmniBlend is design with a tamper/stirring stick which allows you to move thicker mixtures around while blending giving a consistent texture. This allows you to do many tasks that are normally only done in food processors. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call us on 02 66 843 837.
Kind regards,
OmniBlend Australia



What is the difference between a food processor and the Omniblend?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi DB1,
Great question, The OmniBlend is first and foremost a blender. However due to its design and powerful 3HP/2238Watt motor it can do many tasks that would normally be done in a food processor such as nut butters, dips, baby food, purees and much more. What allows these tasks to be done is the use of the tamper/stirring stick which enables the thicker mixtures to be moved around while blending. Food processors have much wider bowls with longer slow sweeping blades which works very well for many things but when it comes to making a smoothie and in particular breaking down leafy greens, seeds and F&V skins the food processor simply cannot give you a smooth result like an OmniBlend. I hope I have answered your question, If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call us on 02 66 843 837.
Kind regards,
OmniBlend Australia



What is the difference between 1.5l and 2l? Just a size? If so, why the containers looks different at 1.5 and 2l version?
May I get a contact to importer to Czech Republic?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Pavlina,

Thank you for your enquiry about the OmniBlend V 1.5 Litre & 2 Litre jugs.

We recommend the 2L jug for home use as it is more versatile allowing both wet and dry blending. The 2L jug has a narrower base, the blades sit millimetres from the edge making it great for thicker recipes like nut butters and dips. The 2L jug is better at blending small amounts due to its shape.

We recommend the 1.5L jug for commercial use as it is compatible with the OmniShield (noise cancelling barrier). It is easier to clean as there is more room around the blades and is used for wet blending. The definitions for Wet and Dry blending are below:

Wet Definitions - Anything liquid, smoothie's, frappe's, nut milks, sources etc
Dry Definitions - Anything Dry, coffee beans, rice (flours), nuts. Both jugs are commercial grade and can be used commercially or domestic.

There is an OmniBlend distributor in France who could service the Czech Republic. The email address is [email protected]

If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us on +61 2 6684 3837 or [email protected].

Kind regards,



Does anyone get airpockets while blending a smoothie?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Max, Thank you for your question. I am not exactly sure what you mean by air pocket? All I can say is that the OmniBlend power blenders will give you a professional result the same as what you would expect from a bought smoothie. OmniBlend is a commercial grade product that has been developed over the last 19 years and has been truly tried and test. It is now sold in over 90 countries, used globally by cafes, restaurant and smoothie bars. I hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 0266843837 or through our website www.omniblendaustralia.com.au if you have any other questions.

Kind Regards,

OmniBlend Australia



Can this be used for commercial purposes? I want to use it for a café. I expect to use it a lot throughout the day. I want to know of there is a maximum number of drinks it can produce without heating up.

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Kate,

OmniBlend power blenders are commercial grade machines used in cafe's, restaurants and smoothie bars globally. You can run the machine all day long. Some of the more well known businesses using our machines in Australia include: Olivers Real Food, Gloria Jeans, Naked Treaties, and Wendys. We help many new and existing business better understand their blending requirements. Please call us on 02 66 843 837 or contact us through our website omniblendaustralia.com.au

Kind Regards,
OmniBlend Australia



I find it very difficult to get all the mixture out of the container as it sticks in pockets around the blades and between the blades. This is when I am making a slice or cake mixture with nut flours, maple syrup and coconut oil. How can I successfully and easily empty the contents of the jug without leaving a considerable amount behind? Lee

2 answers
Gadget girl
Gadget girl

I have the same problem. The best way I've done it is using a very flexible silicone scraper. That's the way I e been able to get the most from inderneath the blades. I also try to turn the blades a little with the scraper each time I scrape.

Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Lee,
Unfortunately what makes the 2L jug blend so well also makes it harder to remove the thicker ingredients which is typical for this shape jug. We do offer a 1.5L jug that makes it alot easier. However is does not blend thicker mixtures as good as the 2L jug so there is a trade off. Annoyed's advise is spot on. Using a small spoon or silicone scraper works well with the scrape and turn technique. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly at OmniBlend Australia on 02 66 843 837.



Hi Omniblend, in your reply to [name removed] on 14 May 2015 you stated -"Please also be aware that there are fake OmniBlend machines on the market and it is possible that you have one of these."
How can I tell if a Omniblend blender is fake? What is the difference between a fake one and a genuine one?
I am planning to buy a new blender soon.
Thank you.
Consumer S.

2 answers
Gadget girl
Gadget girl

Hi I did not write that and wasn't aware there were fake ones myself. Not sure how that was posted from me. I didn't post that. But I bought my one from froothie website in Aistralia and it's great.

Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi there, If you want to ensure you are purchasing a JTC OmniBlend machine we suggest you purchase from OmniBlend Australia. Non genuine OmniBlend machines could have inferior parts that will not last as long as the genuine article or have completely different componants that can not be replaced by genuine parts if there is a problem.



Hi. Can anyone help? I bought an Omniblend on Ebay a while ago. I was very pleased withe it, but noticed that the blades were beginning to work looser and looser specially as I was making so many ice-creams and sorbets. I could tighten the nut a little with my hand before using but eventually I could wiggle the blades up and down as well as side to side. I was sent another jug, but sure enough, after a while the blades were doing the same thing, wiggling up and down and side to side. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? I follow recipes to the letter, I do, however make a lot of ice-creams, but I thought that an industrial strenth blender should be able to take this sort of work. I am having a dispute with the ebay dealer "The Omniblend store" about this, and I just wanted some advice form other Omniblend users/experts before I make my case.

2 answers
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Antony, Im sorry you have had problems with your blades coming loose, Im not sure which company is behind the ebay store you purchased from, however this is not a common issue with OmniBlend machines, making icecream should definately be fine and as long as the tamper wasnt hit while blending and stirring, this would not be the cause of the blades loosening. Its sounds like you may have been unlucky or experienced a factory fault, if the nut came loose the whole jug does not need to be replaced only the blade componant which is very easy to change over taking 1-2 minutes. Please also be aware that there are fake OmniBlend machines on the market and it is possible that you have one of these. Get in touch with us if we can be of any assistance.


Hi, how did you go with fixing the blades? perhaps it is actually a common issue. I have recently experienced the same problem with the blades. I purchased my blender from Omni blend Aus. my three year warranty expired in january of this year, I have taken very good care of my blender; I havnt used the tamper, submerged it in water or even blended ice (even though it is meant to), it certainly hasn't been overused either...so 4 months after the warranty expired on the jug I noticed after every use the blades would come loose?! I first noticed because the blender was vibrating more than usual. Pretty disappointed! You spend good money on what you believe to be a quality product, that will last.



Would the blender be able to grind up a chicken carcass to make raw cat food?

2 answers
Gadget girl
Gadget girl

I'm not sure about meat. It does have a pulse and a speed control button. I know it grinds coffee beans. If you cut it up into smaller pieces it could work. Maybe you could email frooothie they would surely know.

Gadget girl
Gadget girl

I just did a Google search and apparently it can. Not sure about consistency but apparently blends meat so you can make your own meat patties.



Is it posible to grind carobcarob and soya and susam with this blender?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Darijopauk, could you be more specific about what you are blending, are they in powder form or beans or liquid, then we can answer you question correctly. Thanks



I was pulsing with the plastic stick (that was provided when I bought the omniblender), as I was pulsing the stick touched the blades and some of the plastic broke off - would this have damaged the blades also I need a new pulsing stick - can this be bought again?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Narelle, Im sorry you have had an accident with your blender. Yes the stirring stick (tamper) should only be used through the hole in the lid, the measurements are taken so that if used in this way the tamper cannot reach the blades, in saying that though, we know that OmniBlend users get very passionate about what they are making and can have a momentary lapse where these things can happen. You can purchase a new tamper for the 1.5 or 2 litre jug from our website. www.omniblendaustralia.com.au

The blades should be fine, however get in touch with us if you find the blender is moving around on the bench or making a different noise over the next few weeks as the drive socket could possibly have slipped a postion from the impact. Our number is 0266 84 3837



Hi just wondering if the blender can be used like a food processor ie pulsing till a soft dough forms?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Jennym,
Thanks for your enquiry. The OmniBlend is first and foremost a blender, however you can perform some food processor tasks by using the correct method which may be slightly different to the method used in a food processor. I have attached some clips from our 'what can it make' page for you to watch
I hope this answers your question :-)

Bianca Larcombe

Bianca Larcombeasked

I have an Omniblend V and often after using it there are some brown liquid spots on the pad near the motor. I don't know where it is coming from and I am concerned about the motor? Any advice would be great, thanks.

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Bianca, It sounds like water has gotten into your bearings. The underneath of the jug needs to stay dry at all times. If this is the case you would need a new blade componant and then you will be back to blending as normal. We recommend that you get in touch with the company you purchased from. If you purchased from OmniBlend Australia please call us so we can assist you.



I am looking at making slices etc for raw food style of eating using dates that require blending, I have previously blown a blender up blending dates. Can this blender be used for that?

1 answer

Hi Jodie, I bought the blender for exaactly the same reason to make raw superfoods, so nope didn't work as it has no liquid or should I say not enough. I ended up buying a food processor at target russell hobbs nothing to pricey but it worked brillant. Blender is great for smoothies making the chessecake filling more to do with liquid stuff. Being honest!



I've been through 4 cheaper blenders recently and am now looking to upgrade to something more sturdy. The issue I have is that I make smoothies from mostly frozen fruit and veg. Will this product hold up to that kind of use everyday without burning out the motor?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi LambLamb, thanks for your enquiry.

The OmniBlend machine is very rubust and at 2,238w also very powerful. Daily use making smoothies with frozen fruits and veg is no problem. Of course you also need to add your liquid to the mix for a good smooth consistency. The OmniBlend can also blend, nuts & ice in your smoothies. Feel free to go to our website and view the what can it make section for some great ideas of how to use the blender. You will find the longer you have your blender the more uses you will find for it :-)

We offer a 5 year warranty on all our new blenders for home use, so you can be sure you are getting a good product which really can do the job!

Call us anytime during business hours if you have more questions.

OmniBlend Australia



How does it go making vegetable juice with hard vegies like beetroot and carrot?

1 answer
Denise M
Denise M

It has no problem blitzing the veges, but i would put some liquid, such as coconut water with them to thin it out a bit.



I have been using my blender for two weeks and everything was great! But today I mentioned that the connection between blade and bearing is not proper. Furthermore I can hear the strange noise while blending. Please help me!?
That's the photo to understand me clear, link below

2 answers
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Alexander,

Yes it looks like you have a fault in your blades. I would recommend getting in touch with the company you purchased from so they can be replaced. If you purchased from us at OmniBlend Australia please call us on 0266843837.



Ok thank you!



How do reset the overload function on OmniBlend V?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Henriette, to reset the overload button, press the button (all the way in) contained in the clear capsule on the underneath of the base. This will reset the machine and you can return to blending.

Sometimes the switch can be triggered if the mix is too sticky and the ingredients stick to the side of the jug, leaving nothing around the blades, this causes the machine to switch itself off, adding a small amount of liquid - a tablespoon at a time -until the ingredients are a good consistency for the blender will rectify this issue.

OmniBlend Australia

Lal Craig

Lal Craigasked

It sticks when making nut paste from almonds how do I stop this?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Lal, Im ot 100% clear on the issue you are having, if you mean that the mixture is too thick and moves away from the blades to the sides of the jug, you can add a little oil or liquid to the mix one teaspoon at a time until a good consistency is reached.

The oils content in nuts varies a lot and each batch needs to be evaluated case by case, some nuts will need no liquid and some nuts will be very dry and will need a little liquid.

OmniBlend Australia



Hi, I'm looking at getting Omniblend 5, but can't decide on what jug to get. I think the 1.5L will be more useful with the measurements and wider base. Can anyone give me some advice/opinions on their own experience? Thanks!

4 answers

Hi Maria, I had a bad experience with the Omniblend and wouldnt recommend it at all. I've ended up getting an Advancer Thermocook and couldnt be happier. It does so much more and only $230 on ebay. Hope this helps.

Denise M
Denise M

Hi Maria. I have the bigger jug and think it is great. I love my Omniblend and use it all the time, even for grating parmesan cheese!


2L jug for sure. I sell it on my website with a 5% discount if you're interested.

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