
59 questions from our users



Does it a Have a glass jug or is it made from plastic? Does it make soups?
Who many Watts does it have?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Marlies, the OmniBlend has a Eastman Tritan BPA Free-CoPolyester jug, the motor in the OmniBlend is too powerful to have a glass jug, you can make live soups in the blender using the friction of the blades to heat, blend for 4-5 mins on high, the OmniBlend does not 'cook' the ingredients. The motor is 3hp, 2,238 Watts which is very powerful.



Am interested in getting the Omniblend 1 for juicing only. Fruit and green juices, for health reasons and weight loss. Do you or the Omniblend community provide juicing recipes ? Will be running the machine at least 3 times a day, no problems ? Thanks Mandy

1 answer
Denise M
Denise M

The Omniblend IV is fabulous for fruit juices. A pdf of recipes will be sent to you when you purchase the Omniblend, but I just make up my own, adding fruit that I have in the fridge along with spinach, kale and some water or ice. You can also freeze fruit that is getting old and add it to your juices direct from the freezer. No problems in running the machine 3 times a day either. Regards Denise



Hi, am looking to purchase a product that can grind macadamia nuts and almonds very finely. Can this machine manage this task?

2 answers

Hi Sumsie, My experience with this machine showed that it was not capable of grinding nuts. I tried one of the recipes in their book to make a spread like nutella but it left large amounts of hazelnuts completely intact & didnt blend the ingredients. I found this machine only worked as a smoothie maker. I've now been told by friends that the Nutribullet is fantastic and does this quite efficiently. I had read unfavourable reviews on line but its also possible they were posted by their competitors. Hope you have success in your search.


I find it ok to grind nuts, but if that's the reason you are buying it I would probably get a processor. most recipes work best with some liquid added.
if you are making a recipe with ground nuts, I usually grind them before adding other ingredients otherwise you do get an uneven texture. we totally love the omniblend. it makes the best smoothies and juices as well as nut milks. we have found it to be really versatile and we use it everyday. we thought of getting a nutribullet but it only has one speed, you have to add liquid to any blend and the salesperson I spoke to when I made an enquiry was totally rude!! omniblend staff are so great to deal with.



Are the jugs dishwasher proof?

1 answer

No, I wouldn't clean it in the dishwasher. the base shouldn't be immersed in water for any period to protect the bearing. you really don't need a dishwasher anyway, just half fill with water and a drop of detergent and turn on for a few seconds and its clean!



These sound realy nice but I am a meat lover. Can you make soup with meat or seafood?

1 answer
Emma Danchin
Emma Danchin

Hi Chezza
I cook my meat soups in a Le Creuset pot on the stove! I don't like to use spices in my Omniblend V jug because it stains the plastic.
with love



Can you purchase a 2litre jug to fit the 1.5l omniblend v?

1 answer

Yes! The 2l jug is awesome!



Hi guys just wanting some feedback and info on your omni blenders. I have recently been to a thermomix demo (I know you cant comment about other products) but would like to know if the omni blenders can make dough for pizza bases or bread, Also can it make flour, sobet, nut butters, grate/chop veges?

4 answers

i haven't tried pizza base or bread, but i dont think it would very good at that. It can make flour, sorbet, nut butter but you do have to use oil.. not really grate or chop veges. I could be wrong! I guess it depends on how many features you need and what you are able to pay. Omniblend is a top class blender so if you are are needing it mostly for those functions, then save the money and go omniblend. But if you want to be able to do all the other amazing things the other product does then its worth the extra :) my honest opinion.


I've tried bread dough when I had my Vitamix and it was a mess. Making flour is easy. I've made sorbet by freezing a can of peaches and processing that - delicious. I've made peanut, cashew and hazelnut butters in the 2L jug, no oil necessary as long as you have plenty of nuts (I used nearly half the jug and the tamper). You can chop veggies with a special technique (slow speed, pulsing) and it's best to look for YouTube videos for any of the high-speed blenders to see how it's done.

Mel S
Mel S

You can chop veggies by adding water. Process then drain through a strainer. No problem. I've made jersey caramel in mine, with dates and coconut, vanilla. I need to use the ramping stick for that, but it works a treat!

Sarah Lawrence

Sarah Lawrenceasked

What is the difference between the Omniblend V and the Omniblend I
I see you can purchase either but I can't seem to get a review/video of its performance/operation
I want to buy one really quick as I've been looking for what seems like ages?

4 answers
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Sarah, thanks for the question. Both the OmniBlend V and the OmniBlend I have the same motor and the same power, the difference is the controls on the front. Please check these pages out for more information or give us a call on 02 66 843 837. Have a great weekend :)


I bought the OmniBlend III which is the smaller (1.5 litre) version of the OmniBlend I. I believe it has the same power of the OmniBlend I, but the 1.5 litre jug is slightly smaller allowing me to store it in my appliance cupboard. The OmniBlend V models have timers on their controls whereas the III and I models just have ON/OFF and HI/LO. You cannot leave these models on and unattended and I didn't get a nut milk bag with the III model. However I love mine and consider it very good value at $249.


I bought omniblend V it has some auto timer programmes as well as pulse mode plus speed selection. Do you need this ? Not really but it's nice to have. This is an awesome machine, plenty of power and speed and easy to clean. Juices are smooth and easy to drink, don't delay, go buy!



Hi, Does any body know the difference between the Omniblender V, the Bio Chef High performance blender and the Optimum 9200? They all look the same but vary in price! Looking to purchase soon!

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Nat,
Thanks for your question.

We are not in a position to comment on machines sold by other distributors, those distributors are clearly best placed to respond regarding their machines.

OmniBlend Australia offers full disclosure about JTC, the manufacturer of OmniBlend products, and regards this as valuable information for consumers. Being informed of the manufacturer allows the customer to check company bona fides and history, as well as machine specifications. JTC own the OmniBlend brand name and are the originators of the OmniBlend V and OminiBlend I models. JTC OmniBlend machines have been approved by the relevant electrical regulatory bodies in Europe, America, Asia and in Australia (Aus Cert NSW25576}. JTC is a Chinese / Taiwanese company that has been in operation since 1996. JTC’s parent company, Taiwan Star Industrial Inc. was founded in 1983. JTC have been selling their blenders internationally since 2002 and now supply machines to over 65 countries and produce OEM for more than 100 different brands. Their components are 90% produced in-house under strict quality control. JTC PCBs can be found in many household products such as Honeywell, Italian Delonghi and Sanyo. JTC / Taiwan Star Industrial has 3 decades of experience selling in the market. Their OmniBlend blenders have attracted numerous favourable independent reviews from multiple countries.



I mentioned it in my review, but I was wondering if there are certain fruits/veg that just won't blend smoothly? I use a lot of frozen berries, and found raspberries to still leave seeds in the smoothies which was a bit disappointing but I can certainly live with given how fabulous everything else is. Just wondering if there is a knack to blending everything smoothly, or if there are some that just won't. Cheers

2 answers

I believe raspberry seeds are beyond these blenders. I had the same difficulty in my Vitamix and have had the same when drinking anything with raspberries purchased from Boost Juice. I eat raspberries and blend the other berries now.

Anne S
Anne S

I have blended a lot of frozen fruits; raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and mango - also fresh passionfruit. I blend on high on the 35 second auto timer.
Everything is blended - no seeds left. In the case of the passionfruit pips they are the tiniest piece of black you could possibly spot. Absolutely no grittiness.



Is the OmniBlend BPA free?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Silvia, all of our 1.5 litre jugs are BPA-Free and all of our new 2 Litre jugs are also BPA-Free. We still have a few (food grade safe) Polycarbonate 2 litre jugs left as of 31/12/2013 but they will be all gone soon leaving us with 100% BPA-Free jugs across our product line. We clearly state which products are and are not BPA-Free on our web site. Thanks for the question :)



i'm interested in sorbets, ice creams and desserts:) How is the omniblend V for this?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi GM, we regularly make ice cream by blending frozen fruits (especially bananas) with a little bit of milk and whatever other flavours you like. I like to get a bit wild and add cardamon pods and ginger. The OmniBlend is amazing for desserts especially raw desserts. My wife regularly makes all kinds of delicious raw dessert creations. Check out our Instagram account and recipes page on our web site for some ideas :)

Sonya J

Sonya Jasked

Hello, Will this be good in a cafe for Frappes? I need to be able to put all the ingredients in and press a button to leave it while I make coffees....will this do the job? I also need it to be pretty sound proof so its not as loud as a regular blender.

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Sonya, yes the OmniBlend V will absolutely do a fantastic job. While the OmniBlend is quieter than a Vitamix it does still make a noise. We do sell an OmniShield sound cover in conjunction with the the 1.5 litre jug. Please give us a call if you would like to discuss further on 02 66 843 837. Thanks!



I make vegetable juice every week with carrots, beetroot and celery. Can I use the Omniblend to blend these ingredients to make a smoothie?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Jeanne :) Absolutely! You can make green or milk based smoothies very easily. The OmniBlend will blend things like carrots and beetroot to a smooth consistency with ease. We also provide nut milk bags in case you would like to strain the fibre but personally I love the fibre.



Can anyone provide any advice please? Whenever I blend dates and nuts (e.g. cashews/almonds) the dates get stuck under the blades and stop the blades working properly.

2 answers

Hi Jeni, I tried making bliss balls in my onmiblend and the same thing happened, so i've gone back to making them in my food processor

Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Jeni (and Elizabeth)! Thanks for your question. Due to the conical shape of the jug ultra sticky foods like dates do tend to get stuck. You can try adding some coconut oil to your mix to help things along, but I prefer to grind my nuts alone to get the fine result I want and add other ingredients later with some lubrication. Its simply a limitations of a jug (rather than a wide container), even the brands that cost 3 times as much have this problem! Play around with these suggestions and let us know how you go :)



Hi I'm after a blender to make nut milks (almond) and general milkshakes which one would suit? thanks

2 answers

I use my omniblend to milk almond milk all the time, does the job really quickly and taste so much better than store bought milk, my kids love it. Hope that helps

Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Ruben, thanks for your enquiry. Either the OmniBlend V or OmniBlend I with the 2 litre pro jug would be ideal for making almond milk. Please don't hesitate to give us a call if you would like to discuss this or any other questions that you might have on 02 66 843 837. Thanks :)



I am interested in making warm/hot soup in a Omniblender blender, as I have seen a Vitamix heating up the smoothly blended content, purely by friction. Would an Omniblend V Blender be able to run for a few minutes to heat up the content as well, or is that not possible and would strain the product - or would it last less years being used too much that way? Thanks you...

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi Jara100! The OmniBlend can absolutely make hot soups. Simply blend the ingredients for around 3.5 to 4 minutes and it will heat them up and blend them to a yummy, hot, smooth consistency. there is no problem using the OmniBlend in this way. It's a commercial blender and as such is made to do exactly things like this. Check out YouTube for various videos of people doing this :)



Hi Omniblend,
Does either unit make flours well?
The reason I ask is I want to begin makng sprouted flours and I do not know whether to purchase an omniblend or a grain mill.
Are you able to shead some light on this matter?

1 answer
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi WestOzGirl :)
The OmniBlend can grind grains into flour easily. If you are wanting a very fine result you may need to sift and regrind as blades will not grind as evenly as a mill.

But for a machine that can do it all, the OmniBlend offers incredible value for money.

All the best with it!



Hi very interested in the Omniblend. I have spent days deciding about this product. We make about 5 frappes a day for family . Which is the best, I noticed there is a Omniblend 5 . II am now looking for the best price too.

4 answers
Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi mxkarina,
Either the OmniBlend V or OmniBlend I (as they are originally called) would suit your purposes.

Taking into consideration our free shipping to anywhere in Australia we have the lowest prices.

The 1.5 litre jug is slightly easier to clean (as it has a wider base) and sits under cupboards (being that it's smaller in height) and the 2 litre jug blends slightly better (as it has a narrower base which funnels the contents down to the blades a bit better) and fits more in as it a larger.

Please don't hesitate to call us if you require any further information on 02 66 843 837 or check out our web site for a large range of information http://www.omniblendaustralia.com.au

Good luck with your decision!

Raphael L.OmniBlend

Hi mxkarina,
Sorry I forgot to mention that we will have genuine BPA free 1.5 litre jugs available from the 1st of February if that is something that interests you :)


I purchased from OmniBlend Australia and I was delighted with the service, the larger number of colours available and the price. I even left my review here in December. I've been using it multiple times daily since I purchased it and I'm still as happy as the first time I used it.

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