
17 questions from our users

Mohd Fauzi A.

Mohd Fauzi A.asked

Why suddenly my machine stop and I unable to make it work again. During one of the grinding, I gave this machine a good slap at the back to force the coffee out, after few good slap, the machine stop and unable to work again. Please advise? By the way, I bought this machine via Myer and shipped it to Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

1 answer

I can’t be sure what is the cause of your problem but I had some issues with my grinder cutting out and just cleaned, refitted the coffee basket and it worked. Please check if your PowerPoint is working by trying a working appliance if so follow the manuals cleaning instructions make sure when refitting the basket it has been firmly replaced. You can also ring Sunbeam they have staff who can give advice and access their technical database. Best of luck

Somateja S.

Somateja S.asked

I have Sunbeam EM0480. I need the upper and lower burr as replacement. Where can I get it? I live in Bali, Indonesia. Thank you.

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Somateja S.
Thank you for contacting Sunbeam. So sorry - parts are only available in Australia and New Zealand.
Kind regards, Sunbeam



For those getting too coarse a grind, it is poor quality control. To adjust the grinder for a finer grind beyond what you are getting spacers need to be added under the lower burr. These spacers cost about $3 each on ebay, but should really be in the box with grinder along with the instructions to remove the burrs. It is quite easy to do, but you shouldn't have to and I have read where people dismantle more than what is needed and never get it back together. As a matter of good customer service Sunbeam should send everyone who owns their grinders free spacers. They will email you the instructions if you call them, but they should do more. You may have to mention the spacers etc or they may not want to bring it up as it shows they know your grinder is not fit for the purpose as supplied.

If you do it just add one spacer more than what is there and start on coarse grind setting and move to a finer setting the first time you use it. If not fine enough add another spacer and repeat. (Max 4 spacers)

This adjustment is to counter burr wear and adjustment should be built into the machine external settings.

No answers


Is there a way of locking the settings on the sunbeam em0480 so as not to move it while refilling ect?

1 answer

I'm not able to answer this question since our problem was failure of the machine to grind finely enough for espresso. We returned the machine with explanation to Sunbeam and our money was refunded.



After cleaning my grinder The arrow is moving from fine to about 10cm past coarse setting before it stops clicking. Before had it set on about 15 for good grind now that setting us way to fine and I get no water through the grind at all. Sunbeam have no idea. Sunbeam service centre said buy a new one. Check the machine in shops today. Arrow should only move between fine and coarse and no further unless you hold the lock button in. Any ideas?

1 answer
Debi Slinger
Debi Slinger

Sorry I don’t have an answer. imagine taking it back to the store isn’t a possibility. Otherwise I’d do a serious serious reminder to Sunbeam if their obligation.



HI I have just purchased a brand new Sunbeam "Grindfresh" burr grinder and having the same probelm. I put my beans in it and it made a sound and no coffee came out. I want an espresso aeropress, what grind setting should I use? How Do I get the coffee to come out of the machine? Have tried dismantling by pressing the button at the back and it doesnt work.

3 answers
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi lil - Thanks for the question. It sounds to me that the burrs in your grinder may not be locked in properly. I'm just going to private message you for your email address and I can send you an easy to use guide on how to align and lock in the burrs.

Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi lil, I just realised that I can not send you a private message. Please call into our customer care team and they can provide you with the recalibration guide.


Hi there what number can I call to get help? Or are you able to email me the answer at [email protected]



I have a brand new EM0700 bean grinder (my second Sunbeam grinder) .It runs grinding beans efficiently, then before the coffee scoop it runs out of coffee .So it grinds on but nothing comes out, So I change the ground setting, lift the be a container off and back on .Then finally it starts bringing beans again.Please tell me what is the problem?

No answers
Lauren G

Lauren Gasked

Just set up my grinder this morning. Even on the finest setting, the grind is way to coarse for espresso. I can't even get a good plunger coffee out of it. I've seen a lot of stuff online about replacement spacers (or something similar?). Is there anything I can do myself to possibly fix this issue? It seems ridiculous that I have to get replacement parts mailed before I can start using it. Thanks!

2 answers
Jayson L
Jayson L

Yep, sadly spacers/shims are what you'll need to fix this situation.


I have no problem with my coffee grinder & I only grind for plunger coffee. Maybe u should take a good photo of ground coffee & send to Kogan for them to examine. Take photo of very fine setting & very coarse setting to show difference.Kogan does give excellent service.



I have my grinder set on the #1 position and I'm struggling to get a good coffee.... When tampering the coffee in my group handle I push a lot of weight down to try and make it so I have an optimum pour of coffee out of my machine. However, It still seems to be under extracted or sometimes will just go inside the gauge of the optimum pour area. I feel its getting worse. I have never had the grinder setting anymore than #2 position. Now it is permanently set in #1 position and I'm struggling to have a good coffee... I'm wondering if the burrs are worn? Is there a way you can tell?

4 answers

Hi How old is the grinder?
It definitely seems like a repair under warranty

Barry Bollard
Barry Bollard

I'm not an expert but sounds like there is an issue with the machine. On the contrary, ive never had the grind any finer than 3, usually around 4, depending on the bean. What's your coffee puck coming out like? That will tell you everything.


I resolved the grind issue and feed issue as follows:
1. on my machine by disassembling the base of the bean container, which for whatever reason was no-longer square, and therefore was preventing the complete opening of the plastic shutters that protect you from spilling all the beans out, when to remove the bean container. Because the plastic shutters were not fully opening, beans were not entering the grind chamber. Disassembly was just removing the screws at the base, and reassembling so that the base was quite square.

2. disassembling the grind chamber, this involves lifting the burr first. Cleaning the chamber to remove deposits. Then carefully ensuring when reassembled that the burr is in the correct position, and turned to lock.

I have to say, none of this would have been necessary if:
a. it had been assembled correctly in the first place.
b. the grind burr was engineered for more positive locking.



Do I add more shims (washers) to get a finer grind or remove shims to get a finer grind?

1 answer

Hi I would not tamper with the unit in any way other than use the grind settings on the machine.
Any other actions may avoid warranty. My advice is if you're having problems, contact the manufacturer.



My grinder seems to be stuck on one setting. Admittedly I have old beans and when they are old I have to select a finer setting however I'm on 1 and the water just falls through my beans barely getting 30ml before it starts to look like american coffee! Is this a common issue? Can it be fixed?

2 answers

First of all brush out all old coffee grounds out the grinder with the brush provided. Always use FRESH DRY COFFEE to grind. Never use old beans which could be damp, brittle & clog the machine. Make sure the grinder is completely dry. Never use anything else in the grinder except coffee beans. Failing that I would take the grinder in to get repaired! Hope it's still under warranty. Let me know If that helped! How old is the grinder? regards


I had the same problem. Damp beans and damp grinders are definitely a problem for any machine. Coffee Roasters suggest that your coffee should not be more than one month old( after roasting) for optimum grinding and more importantly taste. Good Luck and well done for grinding your coffee and not cutting the beans with a cheaper machine.

Helen Burfield-Mills

Helen Burfield-Millsasked

I have just put beans into my brand new Sunbeam cafe series EM0480. Set grind to recommended 12 for espresso. I got about a 1/4 of one beans worth of coffee and nothing else. It appeared to be grinding but nothing else coming out of the shoot. I got a small amount on 20 then tried again for 16 and got nothing. Do I need to return it to the retailer? 16-20 is not fine enough for my espresso machine and it takes forever to get about 1/2 teaspoon of ground coffee! I am very disappointed!!

4 answers

Doesn't sound right. If it came with spare shims you could try adding one to see if it makes a difference. Otherwise take it back and change it for another.

Thanks for your reply. No spares at all of any sort.

GT Brisbane
GT Brisbane

Hi Helen. There were times my grinder was less than forthcoming, have you tried tapping it a few times to get the beans moving in the hopper and loosen the grounds? The kids at the roasting house have a big rubber mallet for this, although you might have a hard time claiming warranty if you take a hammer to your machine. I also found it fairly straightforward to dismantle the top of the unit for a clean.



Is there any parts or something that can be added to the machine is give me a more precise grind? What i mean is, I'm in between the grind setting of 14 and 15. 14 being too fine; over extraction no matter how lightly i tamp or amount of coffee i dose, and 15 is too course; under extraction no matter how hard i tamp down and dose again.

2 answers

Hi Christina. Not that I know of. I grind at 12-13 for a plunger, so I can't really comment, but I am surprised that you find such a great discrepancy between the two settings. For me, differences between setting numbers are really quite marginal. Is ther an adjustment you can make on your coffee machine to counteract the differences?


Oh I have not thought to fiddle with the settings on the machine, nor would I know what to do. I guess I can see if the pre-infusion setting will help. I had it at a constant flow since that's how commercial machines were set at.



I was given Sunbeam Cafe Series coffee machine as gift. I purchased the Cafe Series Grinder as I couldn't make good coffee with already grounds. I gave up and purchased a pod machine. I don't like the flavour of the pods so decided to take my grinder out of the box & spend some time to master my own coffee & get my machine working, only to find that the grinder doesn't grind at all. Well put on auto, nothing happens, when put on other setting, just makes a noise and nothing happens. Can you please tell me what is wrong with my machine? PS I had never used the coffee grinder with my machine as I gave up trying to use the machine with pre-ground beans. My friend has a smaller machine and makes coffee like the shops so felt mine should work since it cost 4 times the price.

1 answer
Brendan K.Sunbeam

Hi Rob, it sounds as though your hopper may not be sitting down correctly. Please ensure that you empty all the beans out, clean out the section on top and ensure that you lock in the hopper, Replace beans and try again. For further assistance, please contact our Coffee line on 1300 881 861 when you are with your grinder and coffee machine and one of our Coffee experts will be happy to assist you.



Is it possible to buy replacement burrs for the Sunbeam Cafe series grinder? I've had mine for just over two years and it is just not grinding finely enough (I have the sunbeam espresso machine as well) - and if the burrs are available, are they easy to replace or do I need an 'expert' to do the unscrewing and replacement?

1 answer
Brendan K.Sunbeam

Hi Annie, you can purchase replacement burrs although please contact our Coffee line on 1300 881 861 and one of our Customer Care staff will be able to help with troubleshooting as it may be spacers that you require.



Same question. I am furious after finding the machine I gave someone as a gift for Christmas 2011 has rarely been used because it gives only the coarsest of grinds, regardless the setting. Because it was a gift they didn't want to mention it to me, consequently it is now out of warranty. A complete waste of nearly $200.

I am astonished that, with all the complaint, Sunbeam hasn't withdrawn this hopeless waste of money. My Breville BCG450 works ten times as well at half the price.

4 answers

Sunbeam contacted me after I posted my review and are sending me a kit to fix the problem. I haven't received it yet so can't comment on its effectiveness. It's obviously a common problem recognised by Sunbeam.

Brendan K.Sunbeam

Hi ChrisW87,

As Steve1116 suggests the grinders can be recalibrated to reset the grind settings and allow you to create a finer grind.

To provide our assistance with your matter, we will greatly appreciate if you can please contact Sunbeam Customer Service either by phone on 1300 881 861 or email [email protected].


Sunbeam Customer Service
1300 881 861
[email protected]


Hi ChrisW87, I've found with this model that if the unit has not been assembled properly, specifically if the removable grinder unit has not been inserted and mounted correctly it will ONLY give course grinds. The difficulty is that it is not entirely clear weather it has or hasn't been inserted/mounted correctly until you do a test grind. There are some youtube videos that have been posted for cleaning and re-assembling the unit (search 'cleaning sunbeam concical burr'). I can recommend looking at these. I hope they help.



How do I recalibrate my EM0480 grinder? Also I read comment re adding washers etc. Can you please explain. Thanks

1 answer
Brendan K.Sunbeam

Hi spacetrakker,

For help with recalibrating your grinder please contact our customer service team on 1300 881 861 who will be able to explain and talk you through what you need to do.


Sunbeam Customer Service
1300 881 861
[email protected]

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