



  • 4 reviews

Not a pleasant experience


I purchased the sweet potato chips and they were discusting. I mean DISCUSTING. My partner and I could not believe how off they tasted. I'm going to take them back to where I purchased them and get them to just smell them. They even smell bad.



  • 14 reviews

Great, healthy option for organic flavourful corn chips!


Our favourite in our family are the Kale and Spiralina. Fantastic texture and flavour, not overly salted which is fantastic because I have trouble eating anything overly salty. Love these chips!

Nice carrot and flax seed corn chips.


Bought this for the first time. couldn't really taste the carrot, but thought these chips were very nice tasting. Not too salty, like other chips, yet very crunchy & cooked well. Will buy again next time.


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  • 28 reviews

Unplesant Aftertaste


Burnt, greasy and bitter aftertaste. Confused because they use to be good. Something has happened to them. Maybe using cheaper ingredients to save on costs. Not a great way to keep customers returning. Last packet I brought I had to throw out after eating just one. Could not return for refund because you cannot get a refund just for disliking.....more the pity :)



  • 23 reviews

Slightly unpleasant taste


I bought a packet of these chips at a bar because they were the only brand available. I was disappointed with the flavour - there was a definite burnt or bitter after taste, although they didn't look burnt. I have noticed this unpleasant flavour in other brands of chips before, so maybe it is something to do with the cooking process or potato quality. They weren't horrible, but I wouldn't buy them again and in fact this experience reminded me why I stopped buying crisps a couple of years ago.



  • 13 reviews

Really nice


Really nice flavour and not too salty.
I like that these chips are organic and the oil used is ethically produced and sustainable. They are LOW salt which is great. It is so hard to find nice low salt chips. Most chips on the market have way too much salt for my taste. I really like the type of oil they use - it is much healthier to my way of thinking. The company itself is great. I had to contact them on one occasion for a problem with one packet of chips and their customer support is fantastic. A real option if you want a healthier snack food.

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