
2 questions from our users



To the reviewers above, how on earth can fibres be shed from a doona through the cotton cover???

2 answers
Ally A.
Ally A.

They must weave themselves through the cover. It happened to my sons quilt. it was like a dog had been in his room. I returned for a refund


Thanks. I'm still incredulous and wonder if there was a hole in the cover somewhere, but no matter. I think in the end I bought a washable wool quilt from Target, but it came with a disclaimer that larger quilts needed a 17kg machine!!!. I washed the single quilt in our 8kg front loader but there was a spot where the quilting seemed thin afterwards... Overall I'm not sure that washing wool quilts at home is ever going to be a great option, maybe better just putting blankets in a doona cover?
Thanks for your response!

Samah F

Samah Fasked

I have had the same stupid white dog hair problem!! I don’t even have a dog!!! Now none of my washing comes out clean, it’s like that stupid fake wool is breaking up in my washing and making my blacks come out white! Do not buy the wool blanket from Harris Scarfe.

If anyone’s had this problem and knows how to get rid of it please tell me!!!

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