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8 questions from our users

ramin n.
ramin n.asked
Series 7

What was the first release of the product braun 740s?

1 answer

yes I believe so - it is still running just fine.

Series 7

how often should I oil the head? Thanks

2 answers

Hi Joe - only do it once a week - a quick run under the water and then I wait about 30 minutes for the water to dry and then I use a spray oil. Seems to help so far. Hoping this helps.


I shave most days and oil the head once or twice a week. It only needs a a few drops and gives a smoother shave. I use Korbond Sewing Oil from Safeway. 60ml bottle about $6

Eric B
Eric Basked
Series 7

The battery on my series 7 beaun will not hold its chage. It is about 10-12 years old. Can i get the battery replaced?

No answers
capt h
capt hasked

were can I buy another one. best razor I have ever used?

No answers
Charles B.
Charles B.asked

What battery is a used in a 7840 S ?

1 answer
Ken G.
Ken G.

They use an installed Lithium battery that in my experience will last for years. It is rechargeable and done so through the Clean and Renew unit or the power cord, depending on the model. I have yet to have a battery fail and I generally keep my Braun razors 8-10 years between upgrades.

Jeffrey O.
Jeffrey O.asked

How much is the input power wattage on this razor please

1 answer
Ken G.
Ken G.

The Braun razor is German made and has a voltage between 100 - 240v that allows for world wide use. It has a universal 2 year warranty and is the biggest selling electric shaver in the world.

Stephen S.
Stephen S.asked
Series 7

Is the Braun series 7720s water proof

3 answers

Hi Stephen, the one I bought I don’t believe as I asked the sales person about washing the head of the shaver under water and she said not to (although the foil you can to clean it). I know there is a wet and dry model though as I’ve seen it on display. Hope this helps.


I would only use the wet and dry model where water is involved.

Ken G.
Ken G.

The 7 series 7720 is an older model but it is classed as ‘wet/dry’ and is a sealed waterproof unit. You should be able to use it on a wet face or with foam. Additionally turn it on (battery power only!!) and wash the head out under a warm tap. Take cutter foil off and allow to dry. Then put back together in a few hours. Personally I would not use it under the shower. Some of the later models YES but the 7720 is a much earlier 7 series and even though classed as ‘wet/dry’ shave I’m not sure I’d risk it with that model of the 7 series. It is definitely intended for use on a dry face and Braun Shavers have a reputation of being kind to sensitive skin.

col turnbull
col turnbullasked
Series 7

Can the 720S be used in the 760cc cleaner base

3 answers
Micahel L.
Micahel L.

Not sure. I used it once and now it stills in the drawer. Worst thing I have ever purchased. Braun never got back to me either.


Sorry I have never used a cleaner base so not sure on that question. Hot water works fine for me.


Yes, it can. The 720S has the same electronics inside as the models that come with the Clean & Renew station.

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