
3 questions from our users

Peter W.

Peter W.asked

MR-560E-ST-A (Stainless Steel)

Hello, we have only had the fridge 2 days, but the dullness of the LED light is driving everyone insane.
My daughter uses a torch to see in it, can we replace the LED with a brighter one ?
[email protected]

No answers


MR-560E-ST-A (Stainless Steel)

How do I remove scratched from the brushed steel surface please?

1 answer

There are videos om youtube of how to remove scratches from stainless steel



MR-560E-ST-A (Stainless Steel)

The skirting board at the base of the fridge does not appear to be flush with the fridge. The right hand side is fine, not so the left. Can you give any info re this? The fridge is only 2 months old. I have been told by the retailer, that this is a common problem with all brands.

2 answers

Yes, I agree that the skirt at the base of the unit does not fit as closely on the left hand side in comparison to the right. The fact that the door swings from the right hand side does however impact upon this as the right side of the skirt is cut away to allow for the fitment of the door so when looking along both sides of the skirt at the same time you cannot compare them exactly because they are not really the same. I never originally noticed this issue if you can consider it one as it does not in any way affect the functionality of the fridge.


Thanks Jimmy, much appreciated.

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