
4 questions from our users

Debra R

Debra Rasked

Sephora Australia

Does your products portfolio in Australia is same as the ones in Dubai ? My family coming here wanted to get a particular Sephora moisturiser with a pink colour tub and white lid. So they found that product in Dubai and wanted to buy the same if possible from the Sephora store here. I am sorry I don't recollect the name of it. Hope to hear soon.

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Anna H.

Anna H.asked

Sephora Australia

I often shop at Sephora when travelling overseas and have noticed that the Sephora Collection overseas includes many items that are not available in Australia. Specifically, I love the Sephora Radiance Cleansing Foam but can not purchase it online in Australia. Why?

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Gina Cic

Gina Cicasked

Sephora Australia

When I ordered online it was all in stock, I check app it said everything I ordered was out of stock? Which one is it? I paid did whole transaction on website. Highly confused. Will I get a full refund? Even samples are out of stock on app.

1 answer

Hi Gina, Sorry I don't know the answer to your question. I ordered the eyebrow pencil on line via PC not via an App. Sephora on-line sounds best avoided all round - I wish I had looked at the review sites before I ordered from them.



Sephora Australia

Hi....does anyone know whether the Herbivore Botanicals rose hybiscus hydrating face mist comes in a box/packaging when you order it online? I received mine without its box and found it very strange as the products normally come in a box. Wondering if they sent me a used product? Has anyone else ordered online and received unboxed products?

1 answer

Yes, it comes in a white box!

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