
85 questions from our users



Just purchased BJCS with #2 due in a few weeks, so far loving it but just wondering what people use to cover their bubs when sleeping? My 16 month old will sleep fine in the recline position but only one sleep cycle as he has a full view of the world???

1 answer

Do you mean to cover your toddler or the infant that is about to arrive? My 2 year old will sleep for an hour or two in the recline position with the good pulled forward. I give her a blanket and she loves the novelty of snuggling with the blanket for a nap in the pram. My infant is still in the bassinette and she will sleep too with just the hood pulled forward. Good luck!



I'm convinced On buying a bjcs double as I have one bub on the way and a 2 year old.
she likes to face outwards but I love the bassinet especially if I can have it facing me up the top where I'd push. However I'm aware that by doing this my 2 year old will have to face inward due to there not being enough room for the seat to face outwards.
I'm wondering If the bassinet can connect to the extension bars making it higher (closer to the handle I would push) therefore allowing more room for the second seat to face outwards?
I can't find Any info on this On the net, so if anyone could check this out for me, I'd really appreciate it!
Thanks heaps!

1 answer

Hi there. No, the extension bars won't connect to the top position on the pram. I have a 10 week old and a 2 year old and I usually put the 2 yr old in the top facing me so we can chat and the baby in the bassinette on the front as she usually falls asleep in the pram anyway. I did reverse them one day for a change and wasn't sure how the 2 yr old would go being in the front and facing inward but she loved it - I think it was the novelty of sitting in a different position. The reality is the baby won't be in the bassinette forever and then you can pick who sits where and which direction they both face.



Please help!
I have purchased a Steelecraft Capsule for baby number 2. I own City Select and thought that the capsule would fit on this pram. Does anyone know if the adapter will allow the Steelecraft to attach to the pram? I have read that a Maxi Cosi, Chicco and Safe and Sound Unity all fit, but can't find anywhere if a Steelecraft will fit into the adapters. I live in a rural and remote location and have to purchase the adapter online, but I don't want to commit to the purchase if it isn't going to fit/work with the Steelecraft capsule.

1 answer

Unfortunately it doesn't :( BUT you can buy the uper baby pram insert which allows you to put a newborn in the city select. Was so much easier!



I"m looking at buying a Baby Jogger pram. At this stage a second child isn't on the cards. Would I still purchase a City Select or look at something smaller??

3 answers

Unless there has been a noticeable improvement in quality, I would not buy it. If we had bought it as a single, it would have never made it to a second child as it has hardly lasted one year with two kids.


There is a City Select Mini available that is basically the same design, without the features that convert the stroller into a double. If you're not planning on two children close enough together to warrant a double stroller, I'd get the Mini as the City Select is a fair bit bulkier ( but still excellent for a double).


If I had purchased the pram when I had my first child & hoping to use it for my second it would have been a waste of time (although we didn't know at the time we would have difficulty having more children). When I had my son I bought a Steelcraft pram for $400 & loved it very sturdy & lasted until he turned 3. I purchased a SilverCross pram for my second & loved it. I bought it on special from Babies R Us & it came with all accessories. This pram has been fantastic, sturdy and well built. I do like the City Select as it is easy to manoeuvre & the seating configurations, the downside the handle (rectangular rather than rounded I feel like I am about to let go of the handle as my fingers don't reach the around the handle), I had to buy $250 worth of accessories, belly bars, pram liners, rain covers and cup holder as the pram didn’t have these. I also had to buy the bassinet as although the seats fully recline they do not lie flat (unlike the previous two prams I have had).



Hi everyone,

Just wondering if any of you purchase the new baby jogger city select limited edition with black frame?

I really like this pram. But wondering if the black frame get scratched easily? If that is the case then its going to look ugly. At least with the silver frame it won't be too obvious when its scratched.

Thanks a lot!


2 answers

That's my question too! I spoke to baby jogger & all they could say was the black was just a coating & underneath was titanium so deep scratches would come up silver. I guess u could patch with paint but I'm now unsure what to do & wonder if I should cancel my laby?? And then what to buy instead? Hopefully someone else knows:-)


Hi Kyla

I bought this pram last year and I'm very happy with it. I just took the risk and happy I did. There's no visible scratch yet. But I think just like any other things you just have to know how to look after it. The basket is wonderful so spacious. It fits my bulky baby bag and shopping bags. Very easy to steer. I am able to steer it using one hand. It's quite heavy compared to other prams but it's because it's a travel system that could occupy 2 children. The frame is super solid. Not wobbly compared to other more expensive/fancy prams.

Feel free to ask any question regarding this pram and if I can I'll be happy to answer your question.

Best regards




Please could you tell me what is the best way to clean the fabric of the City Select prams?

Thank you

1 answer
lacy mouse
lacy mouse

I bought my City Select pram with two seats on ebay. When I picked it up, both the Pearl colour and Ruby colour seats were filthy and stained. I removed them (really easy with the snap closures) and put them in my washing machine on a delicate cycle with normal washing powder and some Vanish liquid. They were still dirty so I immediately rewashed on the normal cycle with the same detergents and they have come up beautifully. Even the spots of mould that had started were gone. Fabulously easy, even the light one.



I'm due to have my second child in April. If I were to have my oldest child forward facing at the front of the pram and new baby facing me, am I able to fully recline the seat with newbie in it with the second seat at the front?

1 answer

You are not able to recline baby fully in that configuration. However, if both seats are facing you, then you are able to fully recline the rear seat (closest to you). We also found the bassinet to be really good... we used it for the first 3 months only...but did use it all the time so it made it worthwhile.



Has anyone purchased the silver city select? Does it mark or is the fabric able to be cleaned or wiped clean?

1 answer
lacy mouse
lacy mouse

My second hand City Select has one Quartz seat (the almost white one?) that was stained and filthy. Undo the snap closures, slide out the footbar and put the whole lot in the washing machine on a normal cycle with laundry powder and some Vanish liquid. Almost like new! And it was v..e..r..r..r..y dirty when I picked it up...



Does anyone know if a steelcraft capsule will fit in the City Select? I am a few weeks away from my second child being born and this is the only pram that will allow my toddler to see the world and what is going on and still allow me to have the capsule up the top for me to be able to have easy access to bub... however I do not want to buy a new capsule as I already have a steelcraft one. just wanting to check before I purchased.

2 answers

Hi Jess, I'm not 100% sure but the universal capsule adapter fits most car capsules. Perhaps you could take your capsule to the store nod see if it fits?? Baby Bunting have the City Select set up as a double and were happy to fit the capsule adapter for us so we could see the capsules fitted before we bought ours. Good luck!


Hi Jess, did you find out if your Steelcraft capsule fit this pram? I have just started researching this pram and have a Steelcraft Agile capsule. Thanks



Where is the best i.e. cheapest place to buy this pram (with warranty)?

1 answer
Happy Ma Pa
Happy Ma Pa

I'm looking to buy one of these prams really soon. I asked for a quote from Baby Time and they gave me $1200. Included is the pram, the second seat and adaptors, 1 bassinet skin, two rain covers, two sun shades and a parent console. This is the cheapest I have found so far, and given how expensive the second hand market for these prams are, I think it is better to purchase brand new for a few hundred more and get the warranty and some where to return if something goes wrong. . .



Is the BJCS worthwhile to get to simply use as a single pram? My son will be 25 months when the next arrives and I am really unsure whether he will need to still be in the pram then, however, I still really like the BJCS,

2 answers

I'd say absolutely yes! The other factors (comfort, ease of use, large storage, etc) not just the option for additional seat make it ideal to use on its own also. Only thing I'd consider is that you CAN get slimmer prams for single use. But if you don't mind the bulk, it's the best pram!


Just bought and I prefer my steel craft agile as a single pram, much lighter and easier to steer and push, plus no seats to remove. One hand fold.



My toddler is 92cm will she fit in seat and be able to sleep?

1 answer
Happy Ma Pa
Happy Ma Pa

I suggest you take your toddler to a store and try her in it, I am sure they won't mind especially if you want to buy one. We are planning on trying to put it in the boot of our hatch back to see if it fits. A new pram is not a good reason to buy a new car!!



At what age can a baby sleep in the pram without bassinet?

1 answer

The website reccomends no earlier than 6 months old. See the FAQ here: http://www.babyjogger.com/faq.aspx#faq1 =)

Mum to be

Mum to beasked

Why so expensive? Cost that is what scares most people away all the added costs! The reviews vary and no pram is perfect! Just think how many more you could sell if you would compete in cost with steelcraft compact in cost, being a new parent costs a lot and the extras are needed. I would love to try this pram but the economy makes it hard with very little work out there even for the qualified who have worked all their lives. You could price yourself out of the market.

1 answer

If you buy from Winkalotts in New Zealand it could work out a lot cheaper. That's where I bought mine.



I bought the city select online from America and it came with the pram seat and bassinet. I now want to use them both as a double pram. Does anyone know where i can purchase the equipment needed to assemble this as a double pram?

2 answers
Bluest Blue Box
Bluest Blue Box

When you buy a second seat kit it comes with special adaptors. I don't think it's possible to buy the adaptors on their own.

lacy mouse
lacy mouse

In answer to Bluest Blue Box, there are a number of listings on ebay.com.au for adaptors.



Hi there

Does anyone find that there are any issues with getting the child to sleep in this pram? I love almost everything about this, but the sales lady told me that this isn't really a "Sleeping Pram". The seats do seem a little firm, I guess. I'd love to know what people actually using it have found?

5 answers

I bought inserts from www.harmonyj.com.au for our seats as you're right, they are quite firm and I wouldn't think too comfy. My baby falls asleep quite happily in her seat when it's laid back though you should know their little legs can't go out straight when the seats laid back (unless you buy the bassinet attachment). I really, really love our City Select and found it easier to manoeuvre than any other pram or stroller I have used.


My 2 month old does sleep in the bassinet attachment, but it doesn't have any buckle whatsoever and if on an incline she tends to slip down or up which distresses her. My toddler has never slept in the normal pram chair attachment.


Thanks everyone, bought our City Select today, yay!



Does anyone know if a 2013 model is going to be released and what the differences might be?

1 answer
Mum to be
Mum to be

I have yet to figure how to push a pram and a stroller at the same time we often need food and clothes would love more room on pram for these things. Apologise for the tone if seems abrupt.



I'm looking at buying the BJCS to use as a double pram, with the universal carseat adaptor. I was planning on using a safe n sound unity capsule, but after reading some comments online I'm concerned about how easy and safe that capsule is with this stroller. Does anyone have any experience with this?

3 answers

Hi Elise,
We used the Safe N Sound Unity capsule with our Baby Jogger City Select and didn't have any issues.


Once I knew that it sat in the adaptor and didn't clip on I think it works great. As long as you faster the strap over the capsule it is very secure.

lacy mouse
lacy mouse

I was also planning on using the Safe n Sound capsule as this was the brand I have always gone with. Having checked all the reviews, I decided to go to the shop (Bubs) and check them out. The saleslady was happy to assist, even when I advised I was fact-finding, not yet buying. I have now decided to go with the Maxi Cosi Mico as it seemed simpler to fit and felt more secure.



Hi! I've just bought this pram online and am awaiting its arrival. I'm wondering if it comes with rain and/or UV Sun covers?

1 answer

You have to buy them separately at extra cost



Hi, i'm interested in buying the city select as we are expecting twins. I am looking at second hand ones and i'm wondering if all the model/years can take two car seats for is it only the 2012 model? Thanks!

2 answers
Kerri king
Kerri king

Hi there, we purchased the bjcs stroller today. It's a 2012 model. The brochure showing all the positions shows it fits two car seats. Have a look at the seat/bassinet positions on their website and perhaps contact them direct. It's quite an important feature to offer and the latest model only came out a year after so I would expect it would? Klj.

lacy mouse
lacy mouse

They do.

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