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324 questions from our users

Tammie B.
Tammie B.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Machine is two years old and have cleaned milk frother and tube every day. Milk frother just doesn’t want to work anymore. Has anyone had any success with fixing the problem looks like it’s a regular problem after reading the questions

9 answers
Matt C.
Matt C.
Bec R.
Bec R.

Mine is only a year old and I am having the same problem. Coffee bit works fine just the milk coming out is barely any..

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Tammie B,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Debbie asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Hi. For some reason my coffee now comes out only luke warm? Too cold to enjoy.
Please help as I am otherwise happy with machine. It is just over a year old

6 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Debbie,
Try preheating the group head by running an espresso cycle without an coffee. Preheat the coffee cup with hot water and empty the hot water before dispensing the coffee in the cup.


Thank you. I will try the expresso option. I do heat cup first with no success


Hi. Did the expresso option without coffee. Heated cup. Cleaned machine. Left unplugged for the night. Still lukewarm coffee too cold to enjoy... Any other options or has machine had it?
Thank you

Di S.
Di S.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Can i make hot choclate in this machine?

1 answer
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Jordan Dixon
Jordan Dixonasked
Cafe Barista EM5000


We purchased our Sunbeam Cafe Barista machine about 2 months ago. We regularly clean it. But this time it is stuck on the cleaning cycle on repeat. Even if I turn it off and on it will go back into the cleaning cycle (latte mode) on repeat. Is there a way to reset the machine or cancel the cycle?

4 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Jordan,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Jordan Dixon
Jordan Dixon

Hello, I was just wondering. I’m having the same issue and tried to do what is stated above, turning off and leaving unplugged over night but it hasn’t seemed to work. We only got it in December. Any other suggestions?

Cafe Barista EM5000

Hi I've had my machine for almost 2 years. It has been used daily with no problems, but now as soon as I turn it on, water is pulled up and does not stop until i turn the machine off. I therefore cannot use the cappuccino or latte function. Please help!!!!

1 answer
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Fallon O.
Fallon O.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

I’ve had my coffee machine for around 4 months now and it has just started randomly turning on when it’s switched off and tries to froth? It is regularly cleaned after use and this morning I cleaned it and it still turned back on 10 minutes later

1 answer
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Fallon,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Neil asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Weve had this machine for 3 months, last night the lights started flashing when it wasn't even in use, it was then turned off at the power point, when it was turned back on the capuccino light flashes for a few seconds then it heats up but wont function in any mode

3 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Neil,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Jo M.
Jo M.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

I have the same problem as many others. Plenty of steam from milk reservoir but little milk arriving in my cup from the metal tube even with the Froth button held down. This machine is about a year old and was always cleaned using the cleaning function every time milk was used to make a coffee.
Please help as I don’t really like this machine but the reason I really like it is for the automatic milk Frother.

3 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Jo M,
Can I ask when you clean the machine are you cleaning the milk frothing tube aswell? & also can I ask how old is your machine.

Jo M.
Jo M.

As above . This machine is about a year old and was always cleaned using the cleaning function every time milk was used to make a coffee. I assume that cleaning function cleans the frothing tube?
I’d love some assistance with fixing this please

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Jo M,
If there is lots of bubbles when frothing the milk try turning the froth dial back anti clock wise a bit & see how that goes & let me know.

Cafe Barista EM5000

Hi Sunbeam - we've just bought and installed a Sunbeam Cafe Barista in our office - every time we pour a late the milk is overflowing, (for both single and double shot) - how do we reduce the milk flow? thanks

6 answers
Harry S.
Harry S.

Bigger Cups

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Letitia B
Letitia Basked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Why does the milk froth so much on the lower level

1 answer
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message
Cafe Barista EM5000

I bought this machine recently only a few weeks ago and it worked well the first few times, however, now when I try to use it, the portafilter detaches in the middle of the espresso coming out, spraying coffee and the grind everywhere. I’ve retried a few times and the same thing happens.

1 answer
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message
Cafe Barista EM5000


the reservoir tank is not working & I have filled to max level, replaced the water reservoir (same with milk reservoir) pressed latte button twice and no water.... I noted when I remove the water tank and replace, only one small bubble comes up. I have already descaled both the water reservoir and milk frother and not working?

5 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Shell,
Firstly can I ask how old is the machine?.


2 years

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Shell,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Cafe Barista EM5000

I have the same problem as many others. Plenty of steam from milk reservoir but little milk. Regularly cleaned and descaled, about 7 months old. Was a great little machine, not so sure now.

7 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Yes, I do that every day since new.

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Gary,
Can I ask how old is the machine?.

Sharon G
Sharon Gasked
Cafe Barista EM5000WR (White Rose Gold)

Does the EM5000WR use whole beans or ground?

2 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Sharon,
The machine is best suited with pre-ground coffee.

Sharon G
Sharon G


Cafe Barista EM5000

Had this machine for approx 2 years, mainly used for manual expresso because frother became inconsistent. Has been working quite well until today when the auto water dispensing stopped working and the machine continuously dispenses water into an overflowing cup. The machine is dispensing approx 425ml of water before it stops and all panel lights are simultaneously flashing. Can you please advise?

3 answers
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Customer Support Sunbeam,
I have cleaned and descaled as directed in the instruction manual but these processes have not solved my issue. It's very disappointing, I bought this machine from Big W and it's barely lasted 2 years.

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Shell,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Sachin G.
Sachin G.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Milk frother stopped working like a lot of other people here. Have cleaned it after each use. Doesn’t pump out milk, only steam. Please help. Machine not under warranty anymore so don’t know what to do.

5 answers
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Sachin G.
Sachin G.

I have tried that several times. We clean it after each use.

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Sachin,
Can I ask how old is the machine?.

Jacqui C.
Jacqui C.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000

Hi, my machine starts as soon as it is turned on the wall and won’t stop until it is turned off at the wall. It was working perfectly until one night last week it started randomly in the middle of the night. Why is it doing this and how do I get it to stop? I can’t get a normal coffee out of it as it now picks it’s own button and usually just keeps frothing milk until turned off.

1 answer
Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Jacqui C,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Cafe Barista EM5000

I just recently purchased this machine and even on the lowest milk froth setting I’m getting 1/4 milk and the rest froth. I’ve given up trying to use it and am using my Nespresso milk frother. I see a lot of others experienced the same issue, hopefully there is a fix. Thank you

5 answers
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The link didn’t work

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Not Happy Jan
Not Happy Janasked
Cafe Barista EM5000

my cafe barista was working great, but now as per others, makes very little milk. first cup is still not what it used to be the following make almost nothing. Have descaled and cleaned. Still under warranty. Any ideas?

3 answers
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Not Happy Jan
Not Happy Jan

most definitely have cleaned milk side and descaled water side.

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Not Happy Jan,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

Sam M.
Sam M.asked
Cafe Barista EM5000


My machine is now not long out of warranty and the milk has stopped pumping out.. it will just spit out a small amount of milk.. I’ve have cleaned after every use, ran multiple cleaning cycles and nothing is fixing it

Is there anything that can be done to get it working again?

5 answers
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Sam M.
Sam M.

Yes I have many times and hasn’t fixed the issue :(

Customer SupportSunbeamSend a private message

Hi Sam M,
I have just sent you a private message if you could kindly respond via that please.

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Sunbeam Cafe Barista EM5000

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