
196 questions from our users

Kifarkis H.

Kifarkis H.asked

can Bunnings provide timper cutting service ?

4 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up

Not really timper


what is timper?

Fair Go
Fair Go

They used to cut timber to size for a price at selected stores, however in 2022 I noticed our store no longer offer this service and when I asked why, I was informed of OH&S makes it too difficult to ensure someone qualified is available to cut the timber. Apart from that, they said there were too many whinging whining customers that would reject a cut if they thought they could do better, if the timber frayed, split or was even 1mm out. So, there goes another service due to the perfect bunch that cant do anything themselves, yet criticise everything anyone else does.



I have misplaced my gift card but have been given the receipt.
Can I use the receipt instead?

5 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up

No obviously


Thanks Fred,
My daughter is looking for the other email that has the voucher details on it, so same as voucher but not in 'Plastic form' I think that's the one that I need.

Fired Up
Fired Up

Please share the outcome to assist others.

Terri R.

Terri R.asked

Can you get cash out at bunnings

2 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up



the logical thing to do would be to Go & try



Does Bunnings do Afterpay?

2 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up


john smith
john smith

The same question is asked here every week scroll up and you will get the answer or ask in store

Greg K.

Greg K.asked

Not happy with a product used once can I return as its rubbish

3 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up

Why expect the public to give a guaranteed response? Logically approach the company directly.

john smith
john smith

have you thought about asking bunnings

Layla D
Layla D

Australian consumer law states that within 30 days you can, however if it’s out of packaging and without a receipt, bunnings doesn’t need to accept your return.

Fiona B.

Fiona B.asked

I want to take something back but I bought it 10 months ago I still have the receipt so will I get my money back

4 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up

Only one way to find out.


Take it into a store & ask

Peter A.
Peter A.

If no receipt don't waste ur time trying. Try selling on Gumtree. If is not use still in box Bunning's good deeds to costumers most likely will refund u, You have to try

Verushka M.

Verushka M.asked

Can Bunnings re-print receipts if the originals got misplaced?

3 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up

Logically speaking...No


why dont you ask them

DM p'edoff
DM p'edoff

No, and they do suggest you copy your receipts as they may fade. Not great, but I bet you own a smart phone and this better than a photo of your lunch.



Do bunnings do lay-by?

1 answer
john smith
john smith


James M.

James M.asked

What is bunnings opening hours in rosebud Victoria

2 answers
Meriet pattison
Meriet pattison

From 7 am - 9 pm

Fired Up
Fired Up

Same as listed on their website



can i use my bunning credit card in every state in Australia

2 answers
bill bayley
bill bayley

I suppose you can Why dont you ask at the store

Layla D
Layla D

Powerpass? Yes



Do I need fertiliser too? Potted my plant in Searles Premium potting mix which feeds & has water crystals!

5 answers

What a very rude &stupid answer!!! It's the 1st ever plant I've had. I didn't read packaging as friends did it all for me as I'm disabled !!!! So how about you post this on your site !!!


Oh & the reason I got a plant was to have a living thing in place to look at in place of my Mother who passed away recently. It's to honour her memory. Carissa D.


Thanks for your support. Yes, people are far too judgemental these days, not even stopping to wonder what may be behind a situation. Thankfully there are still thoughtful people like you out there!!! We need them in this world, as most think of themselves, but we'll only survive with the caring thoughtful ones. May your life be beautiful.

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jacksonasked

Why does Bunnings have such poor quality products even when superior quality is available?
Why are some branded products sold by Bunnings lower in quality than the same branded product sold elsewhere?

3 answers
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson

What I am expecting is for Bunning’s category managers who resent the fact that they are forced to buy Bunnings Quality products to bring the issue to the attention of Bunnings Senior Management.


because everything is made cheap in china

phillip c.
phillip c.

Andrew I don't know. I do know that I need a hardware shop, and Bunnings are the one closest at just 3 kms.
Next closest is 6 kms.

I expect that Bunnings rely on aggressive TV adds (the instant an AFL goal is kicked, I'm looking at some guy in an apron telling me all about his job at Bunnings) which must have an effect. A new one born every minute sales people used to say. They don't switch to TV adds if only a point is kicked, so I guess Bunnings prefer goals.

They must be loosing money from theft, because you can tell staff don't even know you are a regular customer, and do lame half baked bag searches as a "reward" for your loyalty - with no sense this might offend.

This theft is perhaps compensated for by selling some low quality goods which they buy cheap from manufacturers in bulk.



Hi, I had a strange experience yesterday at bunnings. I have been a customer for decades and had a weird interaction with returns/exchanges I always shop at bunnings, and own several tools etc, that I purchased from them. I keep all receipts that are relevant for potential warranty issues. (I photocopy them, and keep them in a filing cabinet) the rest of receipts for consumables/globes/retic/fertiliser fade and become a nuisance, so I stopped keeping them years ago. I realise that the economic climate is bad, and there is a lot of theft out there, so with a grain of salt I take the situation on, but am curious as to the customer service philosophies?
What happened is as follows: I have just recently made the decision with my wife to demolish and rebuild our house. (relevant in my situation) Thus, I have been packing and discarding many items in preparation of moving after 10 years. First,(2 weeks ago) I found a bunch of spare globes, took them to bunnings as per their return policy and got an exchange voucher.(The policy is clear with DL (ID)) and I was really appreciative). Then as I got through the house, I found some travel locks I purchased for an overseas trip last summer, and same thing returned for a credit voucher(1 week ago). Yesterday, I finished going through my garage, and found an unused tin of decking oil, a 30 metre hose, and various retic parts still in packaging. I happily brought them in to exchange for some shelving for the rental house, and I was told that my exchange amount was over a $300 limit(it was $301.) and that the lady would need authorisation from a manager. I am comfortable with all of this, however they took my drivers license for about 10 mins, made some phone calls and then almost said nothing but you can go. I asked is there a voucher available, and the manage/supervisor said no, and that our "loss prevention will be in contact". He gave me my license back, and I asked him if he could explain this? and he said no, thanks, goodbye.
Now I may seem unfazed by this, but as a retailer myself I feel that there has been a customer service/communication breakdown whereby the customer is eliminated from the communication loop. I get that there is pilfering out there, I get that bunnings' return policy is fair, but I dont appreciate the insinuation that I am fraudulent in any way. I would happily have bunnings "Loss prevention" come over and see the mess my house is in whilst preparing to move. As a side note, I was returning a 4lt tin of deck oil, and a 30 metre hose, and various small items.( the retic parts could get stolen, but how can someone steal a 4 lt tin and large hose?) I really dont care about the return, and struggle to understand how bunnings can even have that policy, but I am unhappy about the insinuations of fraud. I would happily have a further discussion with someone from bunnings about it, and hope they realise, that us older family men can easily use the good graces of their returns policy.
Thanks for reading. rgds

3 answers
DM p'edoff
DM p'edoff

Don't vent here, contact Bunnings head office.
(1) $301, lol should have just put $2 of bolts back in your pocket and say it's now $299 and tell them Loss Prevention will need to contact your Solicitor.
(2) About the TV cable: If you had left the store the security can ask you to check your bag, but you do not have to comply as they do not have a sign saying it is a condition of entry clearly visible at the entrances. This is a little different in the case of theft, but they have to clearly see you put in your bag etc and had you in full view until you left the store and up to the time they talked to you. As they didn't they took a big risk as you could have made quite a fuss and if you could be bothered made a claim for damages. (Too late for that now as it is now just he said, she said. At the time they would have tried to justify what they did and made things worse for themselves).


Dearest DM P'edoff,

First, I did try to reduce amount from $300, and was told I couldn't(incidentally I sent same feedback to bunnings corporate and the manager rang me within half hour) explained the staff-member lied, and that the Loss prevention issue was relating to the fact that I had done a similar return (no receipt) a week previously. I had done these 2 returns as I am demolishing and rebuilding, and had cleaned out my garage as I moved out, taking advantage of the no receipt return policy. (By the way I am a retailer and don't agree with this policy, but its there and I used it!) After looking at my drivers license details, and discussing further The manager realised and assured me that I didn't fit the profile of the issue that they have with stealing.

Second, regarding the 30 metre garden hose(please do some gardening and you'll understand) this isn't something that can be shoplifted(wouldn't fit in a bag). Perhaps you could try.
Lastly, I am reviewing Bunnings's customer service, Venting/Feedback/Reviewing (semantics). Interestingly since I am rebuilding, you seem to be perfect for local Shire "planning officer type employment" but I would suggest your petty theft background might get in the way of that.
Get some physical contact with the real world, perhaps a partner.

Au Revoir


Yes DM p'edoff you are correct. The stupid security officers clearly seen me make my purchase and clearly seen me open my handbag at the entrance with nothing stolen inside as they were behind me at the checkout!!! (I didn't even give them a second glance and had no idea they were "working") When I left the store I waited in line, easy 5 minutes, at the sausage sizzle for a drink and stood there drinking it. That's when they came up to me and stood really close in front of me asking where the TV cable was!!!! I nearly choked and was horrified by their questioning which was ridiculous. When they couldn't find it on me they were moving their heads from side to side looking me up and down like I had it stuck down my knickers or something. I was only wearing a tshirt and skirt - oh yes and bra but no knickers and I'm thin - I couldn't believe how really stupid they were. I've been back to measure the packaging of the cable and it was 20 inches x 10 inches which is double the size of my small handbag. The length of the cable was about 40 or 50 metres - enough to go up through the house walls and attach to the antenna on the roof. Well I sure did complain!! As soon as I got home I rung the store and then put it in writing. Of course the manager very quickly washed his hands of it all saying they were outsourced from a security company. So I found their employer and got stuck into them too. Nobody knew what to say to me and they made all these stupid excuses. Then I accused them of singling me out and maybe even trying to be sleazy cos they thought I was an easy target and probably stupid (almost everyone thinks that if you have blonde hair). I put it all in writing and asked them to do the same but all I got was an email from Bunnings manager asking "is it all settled now". Weak as dirt hey. Don't worry I know how far I could have taken it but I wasn't too well at the time. Anyone who reads this - if you have an issue with anyone please stick up for yourself and don't be afraid to lay a formal complaint but make sure it's to the right department. They're only people - usually dumb too for not following the rules. That goes for all walks of life including police, government staff etc. Of course you have to have a case - don't complain about silly things and make sure you keep records of times, dates, conversations, recordings or anything that will help you. Don't be frightened they'll hassle you even more after you complain - they won't - or you'll complain again. In almost all cases they know they can't get one over you so they won't try again. Sorry to ramble on but I don't like bully's or judgemental people and the law is there for everyone.

Imtha B.

Imtha B.asked

Do Bunnings still accept cheque as a form of payment

3 answers

have you thought about asking bunnings

Fired Up
Fired Up

I believe they do

Layla D
Layla D

They sure do but it’s wildly annoying because it takes a long time to process as the team member has to contact a bank before processing the cheque.

Patricia J.

Patricia J.asked

If item is paid for with gift card then returned due to being incorrectly chosen how will it be refunded

2 answers

ask bunnings

Layla D
Layla D

Either store credit if over $30 or cash if under

Chelsee L.

Chelsee L.asked

is there a minimum required when using zippay? like at target you can only purchase something through zippay/afterpay if your items total over $100 is it the same at Bunnings

2 answers

who knows ask the store

Monica Lubanska
Monica Lubanska

No minimum. Just made a $12.83 purchase on Zippay.

J Lee

J Leeasked

Can i do a return of a product that I have bought 2 months ago? And can i return it to another store? (Like different location)

5 answers

yes, with proof of purchase. But it depends on the product. Two months might be too long for a cup of coffee!



george murray
george murray

the logical thing to do would be to ask bunnings or go to a store & try to return it



Is it possible to get actual cash as a refund instead of the amount being refunded back onto you debit card?

2 answers

If you paid by credit/debit card the money has to be refunded back on to the card Every business does it common practice if you paid by cash then you get a cash refund


Thank you.

Fi F.

Fi F.asked

I went to Bunnings today to return an item I purchased a couple of days ago and got abused by a rude staff lady telling me the item had already been returned. Which it clearly hadn't as I had it right there in front of both of us. She tried to tell me it's an automated system and the system doesn't lie. What would be the reason for this happening?

3 answers
Chris F
Chris F

I would be asking to speak with manager. You will need proof of purchase. Also check your consumer rights which may vary from state to state. If their claim is that the item has already been returned you should ask for the evidence if that.

john smith
john smith

Did you ask the manager asking here wont give you the correct answer

Layla D
Layla D

The proof of your return is that your receipt stores all the information when it is scanned onto the system. You might be using the wrong receipt when you have previously returned the same item.

Helen Morris

Helen Morrisasked

Can you find a old receipt by accessing your Bunnings PowerPass Card

1 answer

I don’t have a Powerpass card

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