
3 questions from our users

Lewis Shepherd

Lewis Shepherdasked


I done a wallet Wizard loan at 6:30 this morning I was wondering if it will be in my account today

1 answer
Fired Up
Fired Up

What was the outcome?



Greater Bank

Is anyone aware when this credit union turned into greater bank?

1 answer

Yes. It's changed around May 2016. I'm sure that's when it happened.



Greater Bank

I got $27 interest for the previous month on my bonus saver, then came up minus $13 for tax W/HOLD, just wondering what that means and why it took $13?

2 answers

They haven't recorded (or haven't got) your Tax File Number

I had this with another institution, who had not recorded my Tax File Number correctly.
Go and see them with your Tax File Number, and ask politely if they can refund the withholding tax?
Say your not sure if you made a mistake with the number, or they typed it in wrong.
I managed to get the Withholding back.

My approach is to treat everyone as I want to be treated - seems to work.

So "If you see someone without a SMILE, give them one". ******* It costs nothing

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