
6 questions from our users

Lee C.

Lee C.asked

I turn on my hot water switch to run hot water on electric and it trips my main power but it works fine on gas, do I need to change element and thermostat to prevent this from happening cheers Lee

1 answer

Are you running 15amp or 10amp judt a thought

Lee C.

Lee C.asked

Hi does the hot water heat up the mains without using tanks

1 answer
Lee C.
Lee C.

I mean does hot water system heat up my mains water without using tank water or do I have to fill up the tanks to get hot water

Lee C.

Lee C.asked

Hi there does hot water heat up with mains only or do I need water in tanks cheers Lee

1 answer

Either is fine. Hot water works either way



Hi does anybody know the colour of 2005 jayco expanda pop top kitchen I think it is a common colour as we have seen it in quite a few vans thanks Mick

No answers



I have found that some of the plastic Springs (for want of a better word) that help the skirt fold in when lowering the roof are broken, is there a better replacement available? I didn't have trouble on older model.

No answers

Kerry Dower

Kerry Dowerasked

We brought a 2016 model straight from showroom. Having issues with cabinets - falling off and handle/locks not working. I see others have had same issues. Can you tell me if they have been fixed satisfactory and if so how? We are on second service and still having problems. Thanks

2 answers

Hi Kerry sounds the same problems we have ours is two years old and still having problems with doors coming loose and those stupid lock buttons that stick in half way also leaking problems. the only advise I can give you is to find a handy man that can sort these problems out because Jayco brakeo won't be much help as I have found out.
Would not recommend this product to any one

Kerry Dower
Kerry Dower

I suspected as much, this is our first van and we jumped in too quick I think. Going to keep at them a bit more to see what they will do. It would make sense to me if you are getting complaints and wasting service dept time they would change their cabinet fittings, especially if over a few years. Very disappointed. Thank you for your reply and have a good day.

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