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4 questions from our users

Dynamo 15 DY15SN (Natural Gas, Silver)

I have had my heater serviced and the filter light still keeps coming on all the filters from the outside are clean and it has now cut out a couple of times and stops working. The heater is about 10 years old i dont know if that means its passed its life time or not? its an enduo 13

1 answer
Rinnai A.RinnaiSend a private message
Caroline C.
Caroline C.asked
Dynamo 15 DY15SN (Natural Gas, Silver)

I just bought a Rinnai Dynamo 15 heater for my new house. I used to have an Avenger in a past life and have always been impressed by the Rinnai brand and range. I am concerned though as using this over the few days I have noticed a gassy egg smell. Why is this? My concern is that it letting poisonous gas in to the house. It smells really unpleasant and it gives a headache. I want to talk the heater back but wanted to check if anyone had a similar experience......I have read on here about it being something to do with the heater sucking another doors in the room / house but there hasn't been any painting, cooking or candles burning etc. please help.

5 answers
Pg quick
Pg quick

Sounds like there might be a fault with it, have not experienced any of this. Suggest you contact Rinnai about this!

Caroline C.
Caroline C.

Thanks so much. I have a service engineer coming out today. I’ll let you know what they say.

Rinnai A.RinnaiSend a private message
Dynamo 15 DY15SN (Natural Gas, Silver)

Can you convert rinnai dynamo 15 easily from natural gas to lpg Please?

2 answers
Rinnai A.RinnaiSend a private message

Thank you for the question Leigh, yes you can convert the Dynamo heater from natural gas to LPG. You will require a conversion kit which can be picked up from any good plumbing stockist and this will need to be fitted by a licenced gas plumber.

Pg quick
Pg quick

Hi Leigh,conversion can be done but only buy licence gas repair agent.

Dynamo 15 DY15SN (Natural Gas, Silver)

I have a Rinnai Dynamo only used one winter (last year). This winter it is staying on between 5-20 minutes usually and then switching itself off and flashing error code 16 (room overheat), however the room is most certainly not overheated (overheat is supposedly 40 degrees!) Additionally to this, the current/actual room temp is not showing on the right screen, it is only displaying the letter 'H'. Unsure what this means and nothing in the user manual refers to it. Please help!

1 answer
Pg quick
Pg quick

Sounds like it might have a temperature sensor fault in back of heater air intake,make sure all vents a clean on back panel.If heater is new you should have a five year warranty.Ring Rinnai for nearest service agent. Hope this helps.

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Rinnai Dynamo 15 DY15SN (Natural Gas, Silver)

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