Listing monitored by Afterpay

342 questions from our users


Can I pay all the money now

1 answer
Jay L.
Jay L.

Yeah, you just go through your payment schedule and pay. You have to do it in order though.

Shelly watson
Shelly watsonasked

Why does my afterpay account say it's frozen & I.m unable to shop in store at this time

1 answer
AFTERPAYAfterpaySend a private message

Did you recently have to move payments out beyond the due date? Give us a call to sort this out 1300 100 729

Debbie S
Debbie Sasked

When does my credit limit go up it dropped down but hasn’t gone back up

1 answer
AFTERPAYAfterpaySend a private message

Hi just paid Afterpay didn’t know that I owed anything but paid it but it won’t give me a barcode so is my account canceled or not?

1 answer
AFTERPAYAfterpaySend a private message

Call us 1300 100 729


Someone has used my phone number for after pay I have never used after pay before. I was trying to Register now and they are saying I already have an account can u please tell me wat email address is being used and wat name?

1 answer
AFTERPAYAfterpaySend a private message

Just call us 1300 100 729


If the money isn’t there when they take it out on the day but the money will be in there couple hours later will i get a late fee ..?

4 answers
Brenda. E
Brenda. E

You need to ring customer service and make an arrangement with then if the money's not there.

Aussie G.
Aussie G.

Good luck with customer disservice..think of the worst and there’s your answer ...just read all the rapidly growing burnt customers above giving 1 Star ....

David M.
David M.

I’ve never had a problem with customer service, and you also get until 11pm the night after payment is due to pay without a fee being charged.

Mick Zraika
Mick Zraikaasked

Someone has used my phone number for after pay I have never used after pay before. I was trying to Register now and they are saying I already have an account can u please tell me wat email address is being used and wat name

2 answers
Brenda. E
Brenda. E

Ring them during office hours and they will do an investigation.

Mick Zraika
Mick Zraika

Yes phone number plz

wrigs w.
wrigs w.asked

Hello afterpay friends
My afterpay limit is now @ $2000, wondering is this good or not .thanks

1 answer
Dwayne C.
Dwayne C.

If you can afford to use that much and pay it back, it's not bad or good. If you used that much of your limit and you can't afford too, it's bad. Always borrow within your means.

georgia j.
georgia j.asked

I needed to use Afterpay in store, but for whatever reason the app wouldn't let me log in on my sisters phone? It told me my account was now disabled and to reset my password to log in, I did it but it still wouldn't log in. When I got home I tried logging in on my iPad and phone, and they both worked? Is their a limit to the number of devices you can log into an account on? On the app, btw.

1 answer
wrigs w.
wrigs w.

Security features


I started an account with afterpay and made my first purchase just when pandemic started. 3 days after purchase I was stood down with unpaid leave due to pandemic. I explained this to afterpay and requested extension due to pandemic. Resumed employment and paid in full now. Account frozen

4 answers

They pull the trigger quick it seems !!!

wrigs w.
wrigs w.

You've been black flagged friend


Yet it's a joke hey. Did the right thing and let them know. But hey it's my fault there's a worldwide pandemic and I got stood down TEMPORARILY only


I just paid my outstanding payments on my account. I tried to do an order and it says I can't cause I owe money but I paid everything and it shows I owe nothing so not sure if I have to wait 24hrs or something. Can anyone help

4 answers
Melanie F.
Melanie F.

wanting to know also


i had the exact same problem i simply contacted afterpay & it was fixed with in 5 mins

I've repaid my account 6 months ago, and I still get the 'you have overdue payments and can't approve this purchase.'
Seems I need to follow the above advice and contact afterpay.

Liz M.
Liz M.asked

I made my first afterpay purchase a few weeks ago and have made 2 payments off this order. When I create a barcode it says I have a limit of $500 but when I go to purchase something online it says the order is declined
If I go and purchase it in store will it accept the barcode or will that decline as well

2 answers
Modern D.
Modern D.

I have the same issue, has it been resolved?

Amy B.
Amy B.asked

I forgot to change my card On file so my payment declined. But, I paid my payment within hours. On the due date. The same day! Will this affect my afterpay account? The payment was not technically late as it was paid same day!

3 answers

Wont affect it.

Camper king
Camper king

No definitely not

Elisha A.
Elisha A.

mine has been frozen because this occured!


I recently made purchases on AfterPay and needed to reund on 2 occassions and I received an email from AfterPay to say that my refund had been made but when reading the fine print it states that these refunds may take 5-7 days to appear in your account. WHY is it that AfterPay can take our money straight from our account but they can;t put the money straight back to your account. I think they should immediately refund to our accounts. Doesn't seem right to me. Quick to take the money but SLOW in returning.

7 answers
Eon M.
Eon M.

Business banking works differently than person to person banking. RTGS (instant payment) can cost a business extra money. Once they've released the money it's up to the banks.


That's not correct. I work in retail and when we refund to an account it goes straight to the account, immediately. have a look next tiem you purchase and get a refund to your card.

Sam H.
Sam H.
Nicole B.
Nicole B.asked

How can I get my afterpay unfrozen after i paid full amount of what I owed

4 answers

Ring them

Camper king
Camper king

You can’t sorry they won’t do it

Camper king
Camper king
Denise A.
Denise A.asked

How can I get my Afterpay un-frozen?

1 answer

Ring them

Chris h
Chris hasked

Why won’t Afterpay let me confirm my order? It says my first instalment is due today and I click to agree to terms and conditions but the confirm button doesn’t turn plus and won’t allow me to click it. I’ve never had this problem before so are they experiencing problems or something?

4 answers

i have the same thing happening!

Sarah S.
Sarah S.

Same thing happening to me.

Justin M.
Justin M.

Check your bank card isn’t expired.


My Afterpay limit is 100 I wanted to Afterpay shoes worth 230 can I do that ?

1 answer
Mick L.
Mick L.

It depends on where you're shopping. If it's online then you can try it through the checkout. If you've already paid off a few afterpay purchases, then it will likely go through. If it's in-store, then probably not.


I have noticed AfterPay are taking the first payment immediately on purchase. Is this going to be permanent or will it revert back to previous payment schedule of "purchase in store and pay first payment or "purchase over $500.00 online and pay first payment immediately. Will online payments revert to previous schedule of pay in 2 weeks and every 2 weeks until finalised.

3 answers
Tess S.
Tess S.

they said they have started doing This to support businesses temporarily due to covid 19 and will return to normal eventually

Ludmilla A.
Ludmilla A.

more likely to protect their own interests from people with poor credit, 'supporting businesses' is a convenient way to not get a riot going from paying customers

Sam H.
Sam H.

Just tried to register for after pay but it says my mobile number is already in use but i have never had a account with them and neither has my family

No answers
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