Tim C.
Tim C. ·  · AVJennings

We built a house in Adelaide with AV Jennings in 2001 and there now appears to be some structural problems with the balcony posts at the front of the house. Are we still covered under builders warranty? Tim

Danny · 

In NSW the warranty period is 7 years......I personally will never build with them again, due to the lack of care shown.

Malcolm Graham
Malcolm Graham ·  · AVJennings

We have a 1980's AV Jennings home in the Gap Queensland and I have just broken the bathroom door handle. These handles are white marble handles with a gold surround.
Can I buy a replacement anywhere?
M Graham [email protected]

Gary Newby
Gary Newby ·  · QLD, Milton

We have a townhouse at VIVA Calamvale which is now 9 plus years old.
The shower recesses / wet areas have been slowly leaking for some time. This was only noticed when a stain was seen on the ceiling directly below the bathroom.
The investigation has shown that the water proofing was not carried out correctly. This is supported by an engineering report from JHA.
I believe this can be classified as fraud as we have a signed form stating that the water proofing was completed to Australian standards.
Can AV Jennings inspect this. Are we able to receive some assistance with this as it is a building defect.
Very disappointing.
From a body corporate position we are concerned that other units that were built in this section of the development may be of the same quality.
This is to be investigated.

Andrew McPhee
Andrew McPhee · 

Hi there...fat chance Jennings will do anthong about it..."out of warranty period will be the response" i tried as per my post and got dribble as a response.....You will need to prove that the workmanship was shoddy from day dot...POOR AT RESPONDING..Suggest post on these sites to help others in the future...good luck

AVJennings · 

Firstly, we're sorry to learn that you've had some issues with leaks, never fun. We've contacted our colleagues in QLD and we don't seem to have a record of you contacting us. If you have, please let us know approximately when and if you remember who you spoke to that would be helpful in getting a quick response. Either way, we'd like to follow up. Please email us at [email protected] with your contact details and well make sure someone gets in touch ASAP.

Walter ·  · AVJennings

We had an ÀV Jennings 2storey “Domain” in 1982. Would love a plan of this house for sentimental reasons

Erika · 

Sorry Walter I can’t help you. Ours was a single storey. AV Jennings gave us a copy of the approved plan.

Walter · 

yes we had the plan but after moving 5 times since then it was probably thrown out. Ours was 4 bedrooms upstairs and main bedroom down stairs but what was supposed to be a double garage was instead built as a huge guest room with ensuite. A year later we built a double garage on a blank wall behind the main bedroom. We loved it but Gov't took it from us with 8 acres for a highway after we had lived in it for 7 years.

MrP2511 ·  · AVJennings

Hi All - is Jennings the same as Sekisui House? Thank you.

Erika · 

I'm sorry but I do not know. When AV Jennings built our house, Jennings was actually the managing director. He has since retired and sold the company so I can't say. I would suggest you do your "due diligence" and check out their specifications and look at what other homes offer as well.

Milord · 

A bit late in the response, but AV Jennings is owned by Sekisui House (SH). In Australia, AV Jennings is used as the trading name.

Its easier to tell, just by jumping onto AV Jennings's website and it'll eventually redirect you to SH.

MrP2511 · 

Thank you.

Tahlia Yates
Tahlia Yates · 

Av Jennings sold there housing division. To sekisui

Messy ·  · AVJennings

We are about to sign a contract with Jennnings. What clauses in the contract should we be paying attention to?

mekar · 

Hi there
Fistly go through every aspect of what you want with a fine tooth comb as unless you have it in writing they will say that it is an added extra later. Get them to be specific in times that things should be repaired when you identify them through the build. We are currently fighting with them over removal of soil from the foundation construction as there are tree roots in it and they say that is not covered even though it is from the trenches that are covered. Get them to specify a turnaround time in responses to questions, it takes them upwards of three weeks to get back to us.

Which state are you signing? I am in SA and would send you to any other builder, there are other volume builders that will give you better after sales service. We have had nothing but trouble with them as have all the people I have spoken to

Best of luck, get all correspondence in writing via email that way you can throw their own words back at them.


Messy · 

Dear Mike, thanks very much for the advice. The postings about Jennings are alarming to say the least.I am loathe to select another builder at this stage because we have been in a building situation for 4 years, 2 of this with Jennings. Not all of the time delay has been their fault, we have had enormous problems with our council. I appreciate you getting back to me.

Regards, Julie

Messy ·  · AVJennings

Hi Miley 77,
Did you build with Jennings in South Australia?

mekar · 

Yes. But should have gone with another builder, they can't offer anything that the others can not.

Miley77 · 

It was AV Jennings SA.


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