
180 questions from our users



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

when power is turned on, the MANUAL indicator and PROGRAM indicator keep alternating on off

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi phil,
Please call us for troubleshooting on 1300 881 861

Leanne A.

Leanne A.asked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Anti calc capsule
I took this out so that I could wash the water reservoir and now when I try to put it back in, it doesn't stay in place. As soon as I fill the reservoir with water, it floats.
How can I keep it in place? Is there a trick to putting it in?

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Leanne A.
Thank you for contacting Sunbeam. The Anti Calc filter cartridge can be tough to replace. It slots in and with a twist it should lock in. It may take a few attempts. Kind Regards, Sunbeam



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Hot water delivery has just started making a terrible squeal and water not coming out there but through coffee head also.

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi MelH,
Please call our team on 1300 881 861 so they can do some troubleshooting with you



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000 (Stainless)

When turning on the power butter after a while it keeps pumping water out without any other lights coming on

1 answer

Check the hot water knob is turned off complete as I have thus happen when cleaning I knock the button.



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Hi. I've just received the 7100. Just two things to note at the moment as I'm not sure that these are a fault with the machine or myself. When running the full 3 litres of water at the beginning we placed a saucepan under the group handle and put it on manual. Apparently the booklet says, as a standard setting, after pressing manual the water will stop automatically at 240ml. Ours just kept running and we had to hit manual again to stop the water coming through. Then, when making a coffee (purchased grounds, dual floor single shot filter) I hit the 1-cup button and got about enough coffee to cover the floor of the cup? What could be the cause of both of these measurement features? Thanks :)

2 answers

Not sure about the 240 ml but mine stops after a while on manual but I always stop it first .. I haven't left it running ....as for amount of coffee was the pressure gauge in the orange ? My guess it was maybe packed too tight and the gauge would have been far in the red zone ...you may need to try different grind ? Did you tell the coffee shop you had a sunbeam cafe series it's usually about a #4 grind ...setting on the grinder needs to be low and without knowing it's hard to give better advice ..hope that helps .G


Thanks, Graham. Absolute novice coffee maker so all advice is good advice, thank you!



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Hi I was given a brand new one still in the box and never opened or used. Manufactured date is August 2018, so it's a new one . Only made two coffees and next day turned it on and when it's ready it automatically pumps out hot water from the hot water spout without me touching anything .
It only stops when I turn on/off switch off.
Possibly a blockage but only made two coffees ever !!

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Ringopo,
Please give us a call on 1300881861 so we can assist you with this...



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Hi I was given s brand new one from a customer still boxed unopened and made in August 2018.
I have made only two coffees and next morning I turned it on and when ready it automatically pumps out hot water from hot water spout without me touching anything.
I need to turn it off to stop water coming out..
Again, I've only made two coffees from a brand new machine. I have no receipt as it was a gift that came with a brand new bed.

2 answers

An update is it was repaired by a technician. Just another question which isn't in the manual, should it be turned off after use or let it turn off itself, thank you.

Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Ringopo,
You can do either. Kind Regards, Sunbeam.

George Koulmandas

George Koulmandasasked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

me7000 coffee machine pressure gauge not reading

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi George,
Please call our Customer Care team on 1300 881 861 for further assistance. Kind Regards, Sunbeam

Joe Z.

Joe Z.asked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

I have turned on the machine, the light is on but machine is not working.
How to fix this?

3 answers

HI Joe ..after power on it takes 30 secs to a min to heat up all the lights will come on when it's ready ...if all lights are on and not working ...I would have to say unit is faulty ? I make at least 4 t 6 double shots a day ...I'm sorry I can not offer you more info ..have you got the manual ? Again if your doing everything right and not working I would say take it back to plce of purchase ...

Joe Z.
Joe Z.

Yeah, I think something wrong with the machine. I have wait for more than 15 mins.
Must be something wrong.

Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Joe Z,
Please contact Sunbeam Customer Care on 1300 881 861 for further assistance.



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Turn machine on - all is ok. Hot water is off
Push a control switch ( manual, 1 cup or 2 cup) and hot water is directed to hot water wand with some water from group head. Water should be only expelled from group head. Turn the hot water knob to on and pump pushes hot water from correct hot water wand as it should.
Block the hot water and hot water directed to the group head, however, inserting the cleaning disk and pushing a control switch, results in water running from above the hot water wand.
Steam works ok.
Group head filters cleaned and group seal replaced. so no blockage there.
What could the issue be, please?

3 answers

Something is blocked ? I think your saying no water is coming from the head ? Read a few posts .I've seen mention of a solinoid switch that directs the eater to group head or water wand ...this is all I can think off ....sound like steam and water all work OK but no flow to the group head when buttons pushed hope that helps


I said 'Block the hot water and hot water is directed to the group head'
However, unblock the hot water wand and some water from group head but most from hot water wand.
Inserting the cleaning disk and pushing a control switch, results in water running from above the hot water wand as the group head is blocked.
I have found the service companies that fix these machines dont know enough for a quality repair so repairs only last for a few months with a return to the initial issue. A $250 repair cost that can be put towards a new $549 machine.
Is there a location where i can find more about the solenoid like how to replace it. From the em7000 diagrams in the so called service manual at page 20, there is a solenoid called item 21 (part number 50-4027-1) that sits to the right/hot water wand side of the machine.

Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi bad-robot, definitely appears to be some sort of blockage. Please call our team on 1300 881 861 to speak to our coffee experts...

Mike B.

Mike B.asked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000 (Stainless)

I have a 1 year old em7000 and the pressure gauge is reading green when I run water even without the porta filter. What could be the problem?

2 answers
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Mike B.
Thank you for your question. Please call Sunbeam on 1300 881 861. We would love to assist your further.

Jade C.
Jade C.

My pressure gauge isn’t moving at all, had the machine a week



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

I have an em7000. I would like my 30ml extraction to run for 30 seconds. At present the automatic one cup extraction runs for only a few seconds. I want my extraction gauge up in the orange. The only way to make that happen is to really pack the coffee into the group head, thus making it very hard to attach. I don’t think it’s good for the seal doing that either. I grind quite fine at about 9 to get the pressure up. How do I slow down the water flow please but still keep it to 30mls?

2 answers

It's all in the grind and tamper ...I use a breville my grind level is 4 or 3 ...the best way I found to test it was to find a coffee supplier like merlo coffee they grind beans to suit the machine your using ...I did this and got perfect shots and the gauge was perfect ....too me it sounds like your grind is too coarse ...I also now use beans bought at coles or wools and have no problem...a good grinder is a must ...

Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Alison,
Thank you for your query. Please call us on 1300 881 861 . We can assist you further.



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

i just bought a machine last night (after enjoying many years of the EM6910), but am experiencing pressure issues - just flowing through - surely i can use pre-ground coffee as i did with the older model ???

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi cannon,
Thank you for your question. You sure can use pre-ground coffee in the EM7000. Please call us on 1300 881 861 and we'd be happy to assist you further.

Ross W

Ross Wasked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000 (Stainless)

Had my EM7100 almost since 2016 and it has been great. In last couple of months though it has started putting water into waste rather than through the grinds. I haven't changed anything and have descaled and cleaned but no pressure at head. Any ideas?

4 answers
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Ross W,
Thank you for your query. Please call us on 1300 881 861 for us to trouble shoot further.

David J.
David J.

Hi Ross - what was the answer - mine is doing the same thing

Ross W
Ross W

Hi David rung sunbeam and they kindly agreed to look at machine if I took to preferred repairer. Its in there now and I hope to hear next week on outcome. Will keep you posted.



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

Hi my group head is not heating up any more and coffee is watery

4 answers
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Ben,
Thank you for you query. Please call us on 1300 881 861 when you are with the coffee machine. Please also have your purchase details ready.


hi, what hours can I call? what purchase details do you need as it is out of warranty? thanks

Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Ben,
Our hours are - 8.30am -5pm Monday - Thursday and Friday - 9.30am - 5pm. If calling in the afternoon, it is best to call before 4pm to allow us to trouble shoot with you. If we cannot resolve it we can refer you to an agent.

Jo Jackson

Jo Jacksonasked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

We have a Sunbeam EM6910 and we have never really had good pressure without a really fine grind and packing the basket to near overflow. We replaced the seal and nothing much has changed. Is this a common problem and any suggestions would be most welcome.

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Jo Jackson,
Thank you for you query. Please call us on 1300 881 861 and we will be to assist you further.

Peter H.

Peter H.asked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000

I have just replaced the group head seal and now find it very difficult to put group handle on sufficiently to brew the coffee without it turning. Suggestions?

1 answer
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Peter H,
When the seals are replaced, initially it will feel very tight. Maybe if it doesn't feel right give our team a call on 1300 881 861 to troubleshoot with you.



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000 (Stainless)

I got my EM7000 years ago. Now it have the problem, when I press all the espresso button (including manual, one cup and 2 cup button), It became the hot water working instead. By any chance to know what is the problem causing this? Will it be expensive to fix?

2 answers
Customer C.Sunbeam

Hi Kheng, Sorry to hear of your issues with your EM7000. It does sound like an issue with the PCB however it is hard to diagnose on this platform. My recommendation would be to visit one of our service agents for an assessment. All agents can be located on the Sunbeam website https://www.sunbeam.com.au/en/Service-Support/Service-Support/


Sounds like a problem I had with my EM6900 before I purchased my EM7000. It required a new main computer board & cost was around the $180 mark from memory (was 3 or 4 years ago)



Cafe Series Espresso EM7000 (Stainless)

Hi I have an EM7000, when I turn the steam wand on it just continuously runs water, I run both types of cleans from the manual but it's still running water instead of steam, What could be the problem?

3 answers
Fired Up
Fired Up

Possibly a faulty or broken part


I got similar problem with you, but one is the espresso button and it run water.... Not sure how much to fix it tho.

Joanna M
Joanna M

Hi, my machine is new and I have had a lot of coffee machines over the years but the pressure guage is not working much and there is no crema??

Dan N

Dan Nasked

Cafe Series Espresso EM7000 (Stainless)

Had my em7000 for 15 months and really only use the double shot basket. Last few weeks have noticed I have had to tamper harder and harder to keep pressure up until now where even with loads of force on tamper, little to no pressure. Swapped to a single basket to eliminate machine issue, pulls fine. Is it likely just the double basket needs replacing (warped?)
It certainly gets a workout.

4 answers

I use both single & double baskets (I use VST brand baskets 15gm for single & 22grm for double because I use a larger mug ) but there is a difference in the grind required between the two different baskets, using a Breville 820 grinder I have to grind 3 clicks finer for the double basket (this was also true for the standard Sunbeam baskets). I also find that the temperature difference between Summer & Winter makes a difference to the grind required for example single basket in Winter I grind at 13 to 14 on the grinder scale but in the Summer (same brand of coffee beams) I have to adjust my grind down to 8 to 9 on the scale, The same goes for a double basket 10 to 12 Winter & 6 to 7 Summer. Also had to make the same sort of adjustments when I used a Sunbeam grinder. I have also found that pre ground coffee beans are not ground fine enough to get sufficient pressure for a good extraction in any machine I have owned over the years. Also note that when varying the grind you have to adjust the quantity to keep the level of the coffee in the basket just touching the base plate, hope this helps.

Dan N
Dan N

Need to add that for the past 15 months I buy the same bean everytime, a new 1kg bag every 3 weeks and have never really had to adjust the grind that much. I have tried changing grind settings (Breville Smart Grind) but still no pressure. Anyone upgraded or changed their basket to an after market?


You mentioned "Anyone upgraded or changed their basket to an after market?"

For me the standard filter baskets are useless. I used to buy green beans and roast them myself to get good crema with the standard basket then they would only last three weeks. With my Dual Floor basket you can buy the good brand coffee beans from the supermarket, keep them for a long time and you still get great full tan crema. You have to grind the beans yourself with a burr grinder.


You can leave the grind setting almost anywhere and you still get great full tan crema. The pressure gauge hardly moves but you still get a great tasting crema. The experts say it is cheating and do not use these baskets but who cares as long as you get great crema all the time.

You'll never go back to the standard basket after using a dual floor basket.

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